Call for Speakers for ALA Annual on Gamification

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Oct 29, 2015, 3:10:51 PM10/29/15
Hello All,

The LITA Game Making proposal for a program at ALA Annual in Orlando, FL has been accepted! We are looking for 4-5 lightning talk presenters (7-10 minutes) on gamification in libraries. 

Please email me at if you are interested in presenting a lightning session during our program on gamification in libraries. Tell me your name, job title, your library, contact information, and 1-2 sentences about what you would like to discuss relating to gamification. Our LITA representatives need to know our speaker information on October 31 (this Saturday). So please send me this information either today (Thursday), or tomorrow (Friday) at 5pm EST at the latest. 

I'm sorry for the late notice, I just received confirmation that our program was accepted. For those that are unfamiliar with ALA, we are unable to provide speaker stipends and speakers are required to register for the ALA conference. Thanks for your consideration.

Breanne Kirsch
Chair, Game Making Interest Group
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