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NMRT at ALA Annual!

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Teresa Slobuski

Jun 14, 2016, 7:54:28 PM6/14/16
Hello Everyone!

Below are two notices from the New Members Round Table for those who are attending Annual next week. Hope to see you there!

NMRT 2016 Presidential Program at ALA Annual: What’s a Millennial to Do? Learning to Thrive in a Multi-Generational Workplace

Contact: Rachel Gammons, Chair of NMRT Presidential Program Committee,

On behalf of the New Members Round Table (NMRT) President’s Program Committee, we are pleased to announce this year’s preconference at the American Library Association’s 2016 conference in Orlando, FL: “What’s a Millennial to Do? Learning to Thrive in a Multi-Generational Workplace,” which will be held on Friday, June 24 from 9am to 12pm. The three-hour pre-conference includes breakfast, a panel presentation, and an interactive workshop session with the panelists. The cost for registration is $75. NMRT members are eligible for a discounted rate at $65.

Our dynamic panel of presenters includes Henrietta Verma (Senior Editorial Communications Specialist at the National Information Standards Organization [NISO] and a former reviews editor at Library Journal and School Library Journal), Cynthia Mari Orozco (Student Services Librarian at California Sate Library, creator of LIS Microaggressions), and Sarah Houghton (Director of the San Rafael Public Library [California], Librarian In Black). These knowledgeable librarians will share their expertise as well as practical advice on how you can navigate your position while ensuring that your voice is heard. Each panelist will present her information, host a brief Q&A session, and then work with participants in smaller breakout groups, focusing on developing skills and solving workplace challenges.


To register, visit the ALA Conference page at: 


NMRT Resume Review Service-Call for Appointments at ALA Annual

Are you on the job market? Is your resume looking a little rusty? Would you like a fresh set of eyes to take a look? Are you attending ALA Annual 2016 in Orlando, FL?

The NMRT Resume Review Service is here to help! Join us at the ALA JobList Placement & Career Development Center on Saturday, June 25, and Sunday, June 26, from 9:00am - 5:00pm to get your resume in top-notch shape.

In order to best accommodate the demand, resume reviews are conducted by appointment. Appointments will be taken on-site as allowed, but we strongly encourage those interested to sign-up for an appointment online in advance. Appointments will book up quickly.

Schedule your appointment today! Hurry--advanced appointments will close at 5pm on Wednesday, June 22, 2016.

For more information about the on-site service, see our informational site.

If you have specific questions, please contact the NMRT Resume Review Service Committee Chair, Melanie Kowalski at, or the Assistant Chair, Brandy Horne,

Teresa Slobuski
User and Research Services Coordinator
San Jose State University
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0028

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