NMRT ALA Hotel Block

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Teresa Slobuski

Feb 5, 2016, 12:45:08 AM2/5/16
to academ...@lists.ncsu.edu, libg...@googlegroups.com

Want to get the most of your Annual Meeting in Orlando? Reserve a room in the NMRT Annual Hotel bock.  Space is limited, so book today!  The block is at the Avanti Resort located on 12562 International Drive.


The Avanti Resort features include:


0.9 miles from the Convention Center

Shuttle to Convention Center

2 Restaurants/Lounges

High Speed Internet Included

Business Center/Fax

Exercise Facility


Go to http://www.avantiresort.com/amenities-en.html to learn about other services and amenities available at the Avanti Resort.

ALA Rates for the Avanti Resort:

Single: $99

Double: $99

You must register for the Annual Conference before you can book a room at the ALA-rate.

If you previously registered for the 2016 Annual Conference by purchasing the bundled registration, you can book a room in the NMRT block by calling 800-584-9047.  Don't forget to mention that you are looking for a room in the "NMRT block".

If you are registering for the Annual Conference online through ALA, make sure to mention that you are a member of NMRT.

Need a roommate to keep costs down or just want a conference buddy?  Consider posting or responding to room share requests made on NMRT-L, other listservs, and the NMRT Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/ALAs-New-Member-Roundtable-NMRT/169514309...).

Disclaimer: NMRT is not providing a roommate matching service this year.

Information about the 2016 ALA Annual Conference, including travel and hotel information is available at: http://2016.alaannual.org/.

Teresa Slobuski
User and Research Services Coordinator
San Jose State University
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0028

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