E-lending of videogames

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Philip Minchin

Jan 19, 2015, 5:22:31 PM1/19/15
to libg...@googlegroups.com
Hey folks! Speaking of e-lending of videogames (as I did in my reply to Scott a few minutes ago), I've started collaborating a little with a group called OnePlay, who have an e-lending service for PC and Android games.

(Full disclosure: if I end up selling their product here in Oz, I stand to get a commission, but they're not otherwise paying me.)

I know they've done some outreach into the US, so I'm interested to hear what people's thoughts have been. How was the user interface? the user experience? the selection of games? the support? I'm keen to get a sense of how they stack up - they look to be the best e-lending option thus far, but how do they actually work in libraries?

If you haven't heard of them and want to know more, feel free to contact me!

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