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Bob Hurt

Sep 15, 2015, 12:57:05 AM9/15/15
to law...@googlegroups.com
Charles Lincoln offered the below lessons-of-history comments in response to the National Anthem story link from Kal at the bottom of this message.

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Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2015 22:41:21 +0000 (UTC)
From: Charles Edward Lincoln III <charles....@gmail.com>

So the "Star-Spangled Banner" was inspired by a bloody fraternal and fratricidal war of Anglo-Americans fighting their English Cousins to maintain the freedom of a 38 year old nation founded on a principal of "no illegal, non-consensual taxes", right?  What greater testimony to the pointlessness and abject failure of it all....

The history of the world is such a strange process and parade.  The American Revolution was the beginning of many things, not all of them good.  English Colonists in America, even genuine aristocrats like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, were treated like inferiors by the English Aristocrats and denied representation in Parliament.  How totally stupid was that? 

So the English world split in half, instead of remaining strong and united as a single Empire.  And the story of the Star Spangled Banner is the story of the British Empire's last attempt (War of 1812, bicentennial of which just ended in January of this year) to reunify the English speaking world into a single nation. 

But then the American Revolution (even before the War of 1812) inspired the French Revolution (which might or might NOT have happened anyway), which turned into one of the most brutal and appalling bloodbaths in the history of the world, and ended up replacing the ancient Bourbon Royal Monarchy with a Bourgeois Imperial Monarchy which was itself overthrown and replaced (in part by the same British who were trying to suppress the American Revolution) by a restoration of the original Bourbon Monarchy after only 12 years under Napoleon I, which had followed the disastrous and chaotic ten years of the French Republic after the beheading of the Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in 1792.  Napoleon's heraldic shield was a field of honeybees, whose silhouettes were precisely Bourbon "Fleur de Lys" turned upside down.....

(Oh, just as a footnote, Napoleon financed France's transition from Republican "Consulate" to Empire in part by selling off the last of the major French colonies to the United States in 1803, making New Orleans into the biggest Southern City of the USA for about a hundred years...)

And after it's suppression the repressed seeds and spirit of the Red Flag flying French Revolution inspired Karl Marx and others to formulate a plan for world communism and revolution, which was first announced and hatched in January-February 1848 by publishing the Communist Manifesto, exactly 33 year after Napoleon was finally exiled to St. Helena and Andrew Jackson won the final battle of the War of 1812 in January 1815 by repelling the British who were, coincidentally, trying to take New Orleans, which had never been British at all.

Although it wasn't generally recognized until recently (the work of Louisiana authors Walter Donald & James Donald Kennedy, Thomas Lorenzo and others), the "first fruit" of the Communist Manifesto (aside from the rather ironic second and final over throw of the Bourbons and second and last restoration of the Bonapartist Empire in France with Napoleon III) was the so-called "Radical Republican" Movement in the USA, where some enthusiastic mechanized-Industrial-minded Northerners (including a well-known, but taller and thinner, distant cousin of mine) and German refugees from the failed communist revolutions of 1848 sought to conquer the largely Agrarian Southern United States. 

This war (1861-1865) is rightly called "the first modern war"---the so-called "American Civil War" was ideologically inspired (Marxist-inspired Centralist Absolutism justified in the name of Centrally Planned Economic Altruism vs. "Original American" Decentralized Individualism based on a theory of "laissez-faire" idiosyncratic regional development). 

But in other ways, too, the American Civil War foreshadowed the Great Wars of the 20th Century: just as the English and American cousins sought to destroy each other at Fort McHenry, giving rise to the American National Anthem, the Northern and Southern American cousins enthusiastically decided to hate each other, and the ultimate Northern Victory set the tone for "Yankee Imperialism" and "We know better than you how to run your country" Paternalism which survives in the attempts at conformist-globalist planning and "Nation-Building" in Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan today....which will soon be followed in Syria, and perhaps Iran, I'm sure, until all Muslim Countries learn to respect the US-Israeli-UK based triangular hegemony (funny how we have been working so closely with the British, whom we originally overthrew, ever since 1917 anyhow....)

"When someone makes a move, of which we don't approve, who is it that always Intervenes?  U.N. and O.A.S., they have their place, I guess, but FIRST, we send the Marines.  'Cause Might Makes Right, and 'til they've seen the light, they've got to be protected, all their rights respected, 'til somebody we LIKE can be elected.  The members of the Corps, all HATE the thought of WAR, they'd rather kill them off by peaceful means.  Stop calling it aggression, oh we HATE that expression, we only want for them to know that we support the status quo.  They love us everywhere we go so when in doubt, we send the Marines."

But the Yankee Imperialism of the Civil War definitely laid the groundwork for U.S. expansion into the rest of the World, first taking out the last Remnants of the four hundred year old Spanish Empire in 1898, which began with Columbus in 1492, and just sort of "randomly" annexing the only non-White sovereign nation in the Pacific (namely Hawaii) at the same time....

And a mere 20 years later, we debuted in Europe's heavily mechanized, industrial, "Great War" to save the British from their German cousins.  The Angles and the Saxons were originally just insular Germanic tribes, so this was another "racially fraternal war" in addition to the fact that King George V of England, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia were all grand-children of Queen Victoria.  Now, ironically, Austria-Hungary was by almost any standards the most "multi-cultural" and liberal nation in Europe in 1914 (as evidenced by the fact that they had abolished the Death Penalty, even for the Bosnian Assassin of Archduke Ferdinand the Heir to the Throne, and his Duchess, whose killer was not even given a life sentence, though he died in prison). 

But after the war, Austria-Hungary was forcibly divided to promote "nationalism" in the (predictably "Balkanized") Balkans and Eastern Europe, paving the way for the Cold War domination by the fourth or fifth generation communists after the communist manifesto which had ushered in the French Second Empire and the American Civil War.

The seeds for the American-British-Israeli hegemony mentioned above were also set in stone in 1917, when the Jewish financiers of Central Europe, historically German and Austrian, chose to favor the British Empire after the English agreed (in the Balfour Declaration) to the creation of a Jewish State in what was then part of the Turkish Empire.....which had allied itself with Germany and Austria for reasons which are hardly comprehensible and had almost nothing to do with fondness for the Social-Democracies which Germany and Austria had founded and fomented, which were actually much closer to the processes going on in England and France.

It was widely believed that the great grandparents of these same Financiers who decided the fate of the Great War by helping to bring America in behind the British and French were also responsible in part for the fall of Napoleon a hundred years earlier and for the collapse of Tsarist Russia and the birth of the first overtly communist state (the Soviet Union) in that same fateful year of 1917.

Whatever the truth of those rumors, they were widely enough believed in Germany to turn the German and Austrian populations, which had been the most open to the large Jewish populations living among them, against these same populations, believed to have, through their "upper echelons", "stabbed Germany and Austria in the back" as a result of the Balfour Declaration and the Jewish support for American intervention against the Central European powers.

The rest, as they say, "is history"---twenty one years after the end of the "Great War" in November 1918, the world was already sinking into the most violent and destructive of the three Marxist-inspired wars beginning with the American Civil War.  World War II definitely wiped out the last of traditional Europe everywhere.  The British and French Empires who "won" with American assistance rapidly collapsed under American pressure after the War, and America divided the World with the Soviet Union.

But America itself had already become increasingly centralized and socialistic, step-by-step, inch-by-inch, since "Cousin Abe" office in 1861.  Not so well-known in history as his "war to free the slaves" (i.e. War to Centralize Economic Planning and Power in the name of Socialistic Altruism), Abe Lincoln also established the first U.S. Income Tax (as proposed by the Communist Manifesto of 1861), the first Federally planned Agricultural programs (Department of Agriculture, 4H clubs, etc.), launched the first national regulation of Industry, and established the precursor to the Federal Reserve Banking system (who's distant antecedent, the Third Bank of the United States, had been destroyed by Andrew Jackson, hero of the Battle of New Orleans).

In a very real sense, all of the economic innovation of the late 19th century, including the dawn of the "Robber-Baron" Corporatism of the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Carnegies, etc., and their banking system trace to roots in Abe Lincoln's Wartime Dictatorship of 1861-65.  Like the Biblical Abraham of Genesis for whom he was named, President Lincoln was the author of a New Covenant, and a Patriarch for Modern, un-free, heavily (and involuntarily) taxed oligarchical America, whose "laws and regulations", like Abraham's descendants described in Genesis 22:17, are as numberless as the sands of the seashore and the stars of the sky....  And like that first Abraham, who was willing to slay his only son Isaac, Abraham Lincoln was willing to sacrifice 600,000 sons of America, leading to hundreds of thousands more dead in the 20th century.

So, I guess, all this started with me listening to the rather soupy, melodramatic "true story" of the inspiration for the "Star-Spangled Banner."  What have we really achieved in the past two hundred years since we avoided re-annexation to the British Empire?  How different would the world be today if American individualism had been reintegrated into the greatest Empire on earth?  Perhaps the banking system that now oppresses us would never have come into being, flourishing as it does on division and "brother wars", cousin-against-cousin..... father against son.....Perhaps socialism and world communism would never have triumphed over individual freedom as they have.  Perhaps the Income Tax, that most oppressive and involuntary of all taxation systems, would never have arisen, because there would be fewer fratricidal "brother wars" in the world.

So was it really a good thing?  Has the survival of America as a separate country really made us "free?"  Or are we now all groveling on our knees in the Obamanation, fearful of the IRS, of the FBI, of the Department of Homeland Security as it progressively centralizes even our local police departments and prisons into one great big national system. 

The speaker on that Narrative Kal gave us said that Americans would rather die standing than live on their knees, but I don't see it, my friends, I really don't see it.  We are arguably the least free nation on earth except for North Korea.... Even "Red China," with close to ten times our total population has less than one tenth of our prison population (of course, that's in part because they just kill most dissenters on the spot---bullets are much cheaper than trials and prisons, even if it takes two or three to kill one person as it sometimes does). 

The Second World War brought us the United Nations, a major step towards World Government and the global abolition of all free states (like and including the one saved at Fort McHenry), government planning in almost every country at every level of our lives which wipes out individual freedom, and a new "Brave New World" Order where all traditional values, including nationalism, freedom, and Christianity, are scorned if not totally despised. 

So, was it a real win?  Or just a "Famous Victory" of which nothing good came at last?

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Kal H <sonig...@gmail.com> wrote:
Also try this one.
there are also many other ones.
Just search for story of our national anthem

Charles Edward Lincoln, III
"Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint, und das mit recht"
Deo Vindice/Tierra Limpia
Telephone: 504-408-5492 
E-mail: lincoln_for...@rocketmail.com

Matthew 10:34-39
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

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