its been awhile............

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Jun 7, 2009, 8:19:27 AM6/7/09
to Lack-of- Brain-tree Talk about it site
in my absence the idea that the town runs itself is apparent in the
lack of posts containing substantive content. don't get me wrong; any
content is better than none,but Gilligan's Island reruns cut & paste
from DW and Herring Run Musings from Blue Fin? Jeesh! times must be
tough if this stuff doubles as imperative topic for discussion in a
town long known for its corruption & ineptidtude regarding government
operation and budget considerations. the point i now enschew is this:
the town has and always will be a sneaky rich community 10 miles south
of Boston where closet snobs & wannabees live & run the town still in
their good old boy incestous network way. word of mouth from cowards &
clowns bring fellow out of town phonies to live & breed here in
smartbush; some want it to be more like Boston once was, and other
move here to take advantange of the disporportionate homeowner/
business owner 3 to 1 ratio property tax variation and still be a
stone's throw from their Boston Office space.they TAKE what the town
offers in services and offer NOTHING to the town in return except
their rarefied presence and the pittance property taxes that we all
pay for the luxury of having route 93/95/128 run through the town as
well as host the biggest misfit mall,run by SimpleSimonProperties
where the town provides police and fire protection for 20 cents on the
dollar. mind you most folks From town originally (lets say for shirts
& girdles, LOL) are unlikely to shop there because the element of
trash combined with the everchanging shopper/thief demographic
currently patronizing or should i say terrorizing said fool property
tends to make sensible folks to STEER CLEAR of this constantly
evolving eyesore/creditcard sinkhole...anybody shopping there with
cash? DIRTY MONEY FOLKS, aka,illgotten gained. in this economy
everyone making a LEGITIMATE living has little or none to space and
yet that shopping toilet stall is always FULL of MORE VEHICLES THAN
RETAILERS! how is that possible? anyhow, i am still glad MayorJoeSully
left his Lottery GIG and is presently ONTHEJOB 24/7/365 here .still,
i'm wondering WHAT THE HELL HE'S ACTUALLY DOING? does anyone outside
his office staff,his home,his toadies, his fraternity buddies or his
morning gab group know the extent & depth of change that has been
brought to town since his coronation almost 1 1/2 years ago? the bad
press went underground. many tidbit & positive photo-ops from his
favorite Ledger/Enterprise/Gatehouse News services cub reporters are
dutify reported,right on cue...and there's a RUMOR THAT THE PETERSON
POOL MIGHT YET STILL BE BUILT! its time to go back to my decafe cup of
joe guys. good luck & god bless. Joe, whatever you're doing,keep it
up. i guess no noise is good news. se ya!
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