Re: Happy Black Friday in smartie-bush!

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Nov 26, 2010, 11:08:00 AM11/26/10
to Lack-of- Brain-tree Talk about it site
hello again fellow smart-bush folk. it's been awhile since i checked
in on this former busy braintree info site for us townies. in a world
of Facebook,twitter,etc along with work not much time to opine on all
things braintree. met joe sully at heritage day with his protege in
tow mark cusack; now that man is our state rep. hooray for him. its
funny as every time i bump into joe he is reminding me who he if
i didn't
still wondering why we need to pay a trash fee when local print media
wonks boast how financially well off we are compared to other
its still joe's rainy day fund as far as we are concerned at our
braintree address. also it doesn't hurt that we've got quite a few
RICH PEOPLE living here in town that will agree with anything the fool
from west street proposes in return for favors he delivers to the
3000+ closet snob elitists that live amongst us lower & middle class
townies. remember they did deliver his throne to him last election &
it's very quiet now as town business is conducted behind closed town
hall auditorium doors. open government my rosey-red arse! well that's
all for now as black friday & seasonal chores await. be well fellow
townies as i promise to check in more often going forward. hey
MayorJoeSully: love ya; just don't agree with ya !
TO THE REST: ENJOY THE SEASON. another final note: had to delete,then
ban known idiot internet spammers so their nonsense will not be
tolerated here. my might, but their's will DEFINITELY NOT! LOL BE

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