define your idea of either an effective or do-nothing town mayor

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Feb 15, 2009, 8:49:55 AM2/15/09
to Lack-of- Brain-tree Talk about it site
well,it has been over a year in this foolish little city/town/village/
burg of broken-branch-tree since a mayor took the reins from a useless
BOS/Town Meeting form of Government and its time to reflect on any
changes or advancements or benefits derived from the change.the
economy has soured,and as far as anyone can tell a few departments
merged via paper shuffling,some deadwood was cut loose or urged to
voluntarily go away, one of the duplicate top police assignments went
away via retirement,the mayor failed to convince local unions to sign
own with state insurance coverage,the town hall second floor has
turned into a gilded royal king chamber replete with red velvet carpet
and throne,the temp fire chief was made permanent,many town top jobs
were filled will each in excess of 85+ K and a pledge was made to
finally build the Peterson pool where it does belong, along the river
in east BBT/Weymouth Landing. also a wall was finally built along
Front Street by the State/MBTA to mitigate noise & disruption that was
long overdue, and we entered into an agreement with two other towns to
save a buck on trash pick up.(BTW-we still have to pay a trash fee-
does anyone know why?) do any of you believe its because of joe
Sullivan,his government team or that these changes were inevitable?i
know this much; more people drawing income from town coffers are now
employed and i don't see the benefit of higher paid management
significantly changing the culture in town to any neglible
degree.mind you you other than the love affair between the local print
media & joe sully,the town is barely reported in the news except in
puff pieces served up to the most popular public servant since mayor
curley.does silent goverment equal effective government,or is joe
taking the money & padding his maximum retirement benefit like any
other state employee?please chime in your thoughts on the subject..we
are past the nonesense portion of the program. i am still wondering if
all the town events leading up to this change in town government
structure was set in motion to ultimately get joe right where he is to
keep thing quiet and cede
the control of the town from the many to the influential few who will
benefit the most while the rest of us wonder "why does a town of
34,000 need a 105,000/year Mayor?"
i as of yet can't tell.

Feb 25, 2009, 7:43:30 PM2/25/09
to Lack-of- Brain-tree Talk about it site
As far as I can tell the mayoral race has been a bust.

How would I know it was successful? The town would
be reporting a huge surplus, a massive tax cut would
be given to the taxpayers, and the police/fire/teachers would
be fully employed, and Barbara Anderson and others
from Limited Taxation would go on ther air to say
they audited Braintree and couldn't find a dime of waste.

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