Town Clerk

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Sep 5, 2009, 2:38:13 PM9/5/09
to Lack-of- Brain-tree Talk about it site
Congratulations to our new Town Clerk, Jim Powers. As I left the last
round of interviews @ Town Hall, I wished him good luck. He
responded that he did not think he had the votes. He thanked me for
my support.
Good to see the right person get the job. He has been Town Clerk in
the past, and regardless of politics, the best one was appointed.


Sep 13, 2009, 2:02:47 AM9/13/09
to Lack-of- Brain-tree Talk about it site
i'm wondering how Joe Powers feels working for the town again in his
old job and for his old bud MayorJoeSully. whats that story about
that starts " i'd rather run the kindom down below than serve the one
up above...? town clerk is along way's away from the palace of the
mighty politically connected Mayors chambers 1 story gives a
new meaning to the phrase"leveling upward towards your goal".in this
case its literally one set of stairs! LOL.. well its past Labor Day
and the july to june 2010 trash fee bill finally showed up.more money
for the rainy day fund no doubt. next door in randolph they want some
of that sweet trash collection money but the party poopers over here
in smartbush want to 86 the competion by stirring up a shite storm as
a distraction.we'll see how that goes.. then there's the farmer's
market on the town green every it me or did MJS sway on
his good bud Tom Koch to change Quincy's farmer market to fridays so
it would not funnel potential business from our towns' clever little
throwback distraction? for years quincy's was the only deal around.
and after we graciously took the RMV nuisance off their back so people
can line up mindlessly in that abandon office park formally known as
Armstrong Cork.brothers helping brothers;such a nice touch.
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