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Welcome to the Lake Houston Area Nature Club's LHANC Buzz (pronounced "Lance Buzz"). The forum of amateur naturalists from across the Houston area (and a few outside H-Town) who are birders, plant lovers or photographers first. We naturalist learn from each other and stand on the shoulders of friends, known and unknown, that shared their knowledge, insight, skill and passion for nature with one or many of us. It is our duty to pass that effort along.
  1. Discussion is limited to nothing less than nature, the environment and ecology. That's it!
  2. Google is very strict about copyright. 
    • DO NOT include copyrighted material in a post (e.g. cut an paste a picture, entire article or video from the Chronicle about hummingbirds). 
    • If you see good nature photography, an article about river otters or neat YouTube video just post the link to the site. 
    • Should one of our skilled photographers share their work on LHANC Buzz please ask their permission before sharing it outside LHANC Buzz.. 
  3. Solicitations of a commercial "nature" are not welcome. 
  4. Once you are accepted to LHANC Buzz you may post immediately! 
    • Fotos are welcome and appreciated. 
    • Questions, insights and musings about birds, plants or places to visit. 
    • Tips and reports IRL or on the web are important.
  5. View and search ALL past messages here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lhanc-buzz
Thanks for being a part of LHANC Buzz!