AAS Sustainability committee; Seattle splinter meeting; 10/10/10

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Oct 5, 2010, 3:01:42 PM10/5/10
to Low Energy Astrophysics, Kartik Sheth, Eli Rykoff, John Lacy, Phil Marshall, Pat Knezek, James D. Lowenthal
hi all,

Happy 10/10! There hasn’t been any action on this google group since
April, but perhaps the news below will help re-invigorate it...

AAS Sustainability Committee
I’m very happy to report that the AAS has created an ad hoc committee
to consider sustainability issues in the context of the society. The
members are:
James Lowenthal, councilmember and chair of the committee;
John Lacy, Pat Knezek, Kartik Sheth, Phil Marshall, Eli Rykoff,
Bernadette Rodgers

We had our first telecon on September 22nd, and among other things we
agreed to use this google group as a means of communicating between
the committee and interested members of the community. So you can
expect to see more postings from James and others in the future, and
of course please send us your ideas, either via this group or by
contacting any of the members directly. I will be resending an
invitation to join the group to the many people that expressed
interest in January but did not respond to the initial invitation. If
you know others that might be interested in this group, please tell
them about it. Anyone can request to join.

The first action of the committee (beyond the telecon) was to submit a
request for a special session at the Boston AAS meeting. Which brings
me to the second item…

Seattle Splinter Meeting?
After the very successful Green splinter meeting in DC last January,
we would like to organize another splinter meeting for the Seattle AAS
(it’s too late for a special session). The deadline to submit a
request is 1 December, and we’re looking for organizers and sponsors.
Would you like to be involved? Will you take the lead? Please
respond! Seattle is an excellent venue for green discussions, and the
agenda is a blank page waiting to be written!

See the wiki: http://low-energy-astro.physics.ucsb.edu/index.php/Main_Page
for agenda and presentations from the January meeting.

10/10/10 – Global Work Party
FYI, in case you haven’t already heard, there are two global
organizations that have joined up to sponsor a global day of action
this Sunday— http://350.org and 10:10 (http://www.1010global.org/).
There are over 5000 events organized, from very small to very big—
gearing up to be a huge day of global action!

Finally, perhaps an interesting read, from NASA climate scientist
James Hansen (linked from climateprogress.org blog):


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