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Jun 10, 2015, 11:25:16 AM6/10/15
to lds-churc...@googlegroups.com, Chrono...@mail2.bigplanet.com, Ta...@mail2.bigplanet.com
To make this material more accessable, I have compiled the 800-line chronology of the life of Ezra Taft Benson into five segments, and added introductory overviews to each segment:

Early life, call to Apostleship & WWII Relief Mission - http://www.withoutend.org/ezra-taft-benson-chronology-august-4-1899-april-10-1952/

Secretary of Agriculture - http://www.withoutend.org/ezra-taft-benson-chronology-secretary-agriculture-years/

Early battle against communism (early McKay administration) - http://www.withoutend.org/ezra-taft-benson-chronology-initial-anti-communism-crusade/

Fight against communism through McKay administration - http://www.withoutend.org/ezra-taft-benson-chronology-4

The Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee and Spencer W. Kimball administrations - http://withoutend.org/ezra-taft-benson-chronology-5

Presidency - http://www.withoutend.org/ezra-taft-benson-chronology-presidency/
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