[LAFD NEWS] Christmas Tree Fire Destroys Winnetka Home

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lafd listmaster

Dec 31, 2023, 1:34:43 AM12/31/23
Dear Friend of the LAFD, 

This afternoon, a Winnetka man escaped with his life - and little else, when a fast-moving fire swept through his two-story home. Thankfully, the home was equipped with functional smoke alarms, which gave him mere moments to escape when his Christmas tree ignited.

While a smoke alarm may be credited for his survival, there was something his home did not  feature (and something he had yet to do) that may have prevented this inferno.   

To learn more and see frightening bystander video from the fire, visit LAFD.ORG/NEWS, and click the story headline and links at:

"Christmas Tree Fire Destroys Winnetka Home"

Please test your smoke alarms, and remove / recycle your natural Christmas tree as soon as possible!

Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service, 

Brian Humphrey
Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department

LAFD Emergency Public Information (EPI) Center
500 E Temple Street, Room 259
Los Angeles, CA 90012 USA

LAFD EPI-Center: (213) 485-5162
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