Basic Rabbinic Texts

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Jan 7, 2014, 12:15:24 PM1/7/14
to Kitzur List

I have been developing a list of Basic Rabbinic Texts that would be of nearly universal for the Torah World and for Rabbinical Students

The Kitzur SA makes my list, at least for Ashkenazim. R Mordechai Eliyahu Z"L's edition does a great job of adding S'phardic, Hassidic, and Litvisher P'sak. I have an edition with glosses bsed upon SA Harav. There are at least 2 editions with Mishnah B'rurah added on.

I use the New Artscroll edition at times to look up some ambiguous or controversial dinnim.
Shalom and Best Regards,

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