KSA 204:8 Can the Surviving Widow become the Gadol Hamishpachah / Habbayis

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Aug 15, 2013, 12:34:54 PM8/15/13
to Kitzur List

I posed the following question to another group -

In reference to:
SA Y"D 375:2

Darchei Mosheh 375:2
quotes Shu"T Rashba 438, 532 that "whoever is responsible for "Tzorchei Hammeis" and his burial is called "Gadol Habbayis"

Shach 4 / Ba'er Hetev 3
quote a Rashba that when a wife dies, the [surviving] husband is "Nikra Gadol Hamishpochoch"


Can the Converse work for a surviving wife? Can she become the Gadol Hamishpochoh? Would she be the Gadol Habbayis, if she meets the criteria of the D"M?


The Kitzur SA 204:8 states that an almanah who is "manheges habbayis v'hee nikreis 'gadol habbayis'"
Shanah Tovah!
Best Wishes for 5774,
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