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K. A. Laity

30. apr. 2012, 17.52.5930.04.2012
Hello all --

Hello from Ireland. I just got back from a UK tour where I spent a little time in London, then headed up to Leicester for Alt-Fiction, then made my way back to Scotland for a nice visit. And yes, managed to get some writing done nonetheless. It's been a busy spring and I have a bunch of things that have come out or will come out very soon. I've done a couple of interviews and podcasts: you can find them on the new "PRESS" tab on the website.

I've been turning to crime! Not exclusively, but several stories lately have been including:

“Chickens.” Short story. ACTION: Pulse Pounding Tales Vol 1. Ed. Matt Hilton, forthcoming later in May.

“Horse Clock.” Short story. Burning Bridges. Ed. Heath Lowrance. Renegade: April 2012. Free at Smashwords; 99¢ at Amazon, funds going to charity.

“Bill is Dead.” Flash fiction. Pulp Metal Magazine, Spring 2012.

“It’s a Curse.” Short story. Drunk on the Moon: A Roman Dalton Anthology. Ed. Paul D. Brazill. Dark Valentine Press April 2012. Available as an ebook (link is Amazon, but also Smashwords, B&N and OmniLit) or in print later this week.

I've turned in the edits for Owl Stretching to my editor Sharon at Immanion, so I ought to have a target date for release soon. Further delays came from poor Sharon getting burgled back in January -- yes, her computer was among the thefts. Horrible.

I'll have some news on non-fiction releases soon; just a few things to work out on the final details. And of course, I'm furiously writing on several projects all at once while enjoying the beauties of Galway. If you haven't visited my photo album, please do. It's a chronicle of a very beautiful land.

As always, you can find me on the blog, the serial, Twitter and Facebook. Thanks for your interest in my work. As always, if you'd prefer not to receive these occasional missives, there are instructions to unsubscribe at the bottom.

Fröhliche Walpurgisnacht!


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