The Unbridgeable Gap

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John Henry

Jun 19, 2008, 5:02:57 AM6/19/08
The Unbridgeable Gap
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
(Part 1)

With the reemergence of militant Islam, it is imperative that the Christian student study the difference between the Koran and the Bible. Of course, the entire world is now dead set on making you think they are the same. The big thing nowadays is to have “dialogues” and “discussion groups” where you “reach out and touch others” and learn all the things your two religions have in common.

The Bible has nothing in common with the Koran at all, in any point. You say, “They both believe in monotheism.” Yes, that is right, but then again, devils also believe in monotheism (James 2:19). There isn’t a devil in that Bible who isn’t a monotheist; none of them are polytheists. What does that prove? Nothing. Mohammed borrowed monotheism from Israel.

Moses wrote down the revelation of one true God more than 1,500 years before Jesus Christ showed up (Deut. 6:4). To say that it makes the Koran and the Bible have something in common doesn’t mean anything.

All that means is that Mohammed was a thief who had something in common with Satan.

Stephen said that the monotheists of his day murdered Jesus Christ (Acts 7:52). Peter says they killed Him (Acts 3:15). Paul says they killed Him (1 Thess. 2:14-15). They were just like the Moslems. They were killing murderers who believed in monotheism.

“Thou believest that there is one God ... the devils also believe, and tremble” (James 2:19).

Now, do you see what happens when you try to make two things the same that don’t even resemble each other? You get in the biggest mess you ever saw. For years and years, the American government and the Defense Department, during the Vietnam War, pretended that Vietnamese thought like Americans do. They didn't and still don't. When Ho Chi Min met with the peacemakers in Paris through a period of seven or ten years, he never thought seriously about anything he said. He had his objective in mind, and he obtained it.

That is how an Oriental thinks. He has a profile, stereotype way of doing things, and once you fail to take a racist view of things and recognize that, you will get your throat cut from ear to ear. That is why you have lost two wars on the Asiatic mainland, and you are about to lose the third one.

People try to pretend that common ground can be reached between differences so that the differences can be solved by people coming to agreement—like Russia and Germany came to an agreement in signing a peace treaty before they attacked Poland. Promises and dialogues and peace treaties don't mean anything to some people. When Chamberlain brought back peace in our times” from his meeting with Adolf Hitler, he might as well have waived a piece of fly paper before people. It didn't mean anything. Now, here you have two books: the Koran and the Bible. Do you know what one of them says? The Koran says that there is no “God” but “the God” (“Allah” in Arabic), and Mohammed is his apostle.” Of course, Moslems use the words apostle, messenger, and prophet interchangeably. Some translations of the Koran say that Mohammed is Allah’s “messenger”; some say he is Allah’s “prophet”; others say he is Allah’s “apostle.” The Bible says that Jesus Christ is our “Apostle” (Heb. 3:1). Jehovah God called Him the “Prophet” (Deut. 18:18; John 1:21, 7:40; Acts 3:22-26). The Bible says John the Baptist was God’s “messenger” (Mal. 3:1; Mark 1:2). To be a good Moslem you have to throw out both Testaments which is exactly what all Moslems do. You are to pretend that although they threw all of those statements out, that you can still find common ground somewhere else.

How about 1 Timothy 2:5-6?

The Koran says, “There is no ‘God’ but ‘God’”; the Bible says, “For there is one God.”

You say, “Look there. They match. There’s the common ground.’” But 1 Timothy 2:5 didn’t say, There is no ‘God’ but ‘God.’” It said, “For there is one God.” The Apostle Paul is careful to tell you in 1 Corinthians 8:5-6, “As there be GODS MANY, and LORDS MANY ... But to US there is BUT ONE GOD.” There are all kinds of gods (Psa. 82:1), but there is only one true God, and He is not “Allah” (Exod. 6:3; John 17:3; 1 John 5:20). The Koran: “and Mohammed is his apostle (prophet, messenger, whatever).” The Bible: “. . . and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all.” According to the Bible Mohammed is not “the man,” and he certainly isn’t God’s “apostle.”

Now, there isn't any Moslem on the face of this earth who believes 1 Timothy 2:5-6 -- not one. You would have to sacrifice the Scriptures to be friends with one. Years and years ago a famous Protestant reformer (Martin Luther) said, “Cursed be that love for whose sake the Bible must be put to the stake.” That was a man who had more insight into God and spiritual things in the Bible than any Christian celebrity in America in the Twenty-first Century. He said to Hell with your love if you have to get rid of the Bible to practice it.

Cursed be that love” (“God is love,” 1 John 4:8). Cursed be that love for whose sake the Bible must be put to the stake.” It is that Book that told you that “God is love.” It never said, or even suggested, that Allah was love at any time.

You are dealing with two books that cannot be reconciled. As a consequence, if you believe either of them, you cannot be reconciled to the other no matter what you do or how big of a show you put on, unless your are nothing but a whitewashed hypocrite trying to pretend the thing isn't the way it is. That is how the dialogues in some of these “peace” conferences and “peace” treaties are made: One party doesn't believe a cotton-pickin’ thing they are doing. That is how it is in all attempts to reconcile Islam with Christianity.

The Moslems are so crooked that they won't even let you use the name of their founder in connection with their religion. They will call you a Christian because the founder of your religion, Christianity, was Jesus Christ. But even though their religion was founded by Mohammed, they won’t call themselves Mohammedans who belong to the religion Mohammedanism. They claim they are Moslems who belong to the religion Islam. You say, “Why?” I don’t know exactly why, unless they are ashamed of their founder. But lo and behold, just let someobdy in Denmark draw some cartoons of their founder, and they are ready to kill him for making fun of a man with whom they don’t want to be connected. Anybody knows who founded Islam—Mohammed. Before that, the Arabs had 360 gods in the Ka’aba.

When one of them gave his name” to Mohammed, he didn't give him any name at all. He just claimed he was the god” (that is what Allah means in Arabic). He didn't have any name. The rest of them had names, but when it came time for “Allah” to give his, he came up blank. That is why the Sha’ada says, “There is no ‘God’ but the ‘God.’” Well, what is his name? It is found nowhere in any piece of Arabic literature anyone ever wrote. You cannot find one place in the Koran where Allah ever said, My name is Allah.”

In the Bible, “the God” (“Allah” in Arabic) says, “My name is ‘I AM THAT I AM’ (Exod. 3:14). When the Israelites ask for my name, you tell them, ‘I AM hath sent me unto you’ (Exod. 3:15).”

No such God exists in the Koran. Whoever “the god” was, he is not the same one that spoke to Moses. The God that spoke to Moses gave him His name, and it wasn't Allah.

That isn’t all. When “the God,” the one true God that made man, came down here as a man to save His fallen creation (Matt. 1:23), the angel told Mary and Joseph, “Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21; Luke 1:31).

When Saul of Tarsus asked “the God,” “Who art thou, Lord,” “the God” replied, “I am Jesus” (Acts 9:5). He wasn't just “the Lord,” “the Saviour,” “the most Merciful,” “the most Beneficent,” “the most High,” “the Almighty,” the beginning,” the ending,” “the door,” the way,” “the truth,” “the life,” “the good shepherd,” etc. No, He had a name.

Allah hasn't got a name. All he has is titles: “the Most Knowing,” “the All Knowing,” the Beneficent,” “the Kind,” etc. He has 98 titles in addition to “the God,” without telling you that a single one of them was his name.

And you are going to get the two religions together, are you? You couldn't do it unless you were just as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. Any man who thinks he could get those two religions together is so crooked that if he fell through a barrel of fishhooks, he wouldn't get stuck one time.

The Koran says that Jesus was born under a palm tree and didn't die on the cross. And you are going to get Christianity and Islam together?

The Koran says, “Allah had no son”; i.e., “the God,” the one true “God,” had no son. That means that if you believe John 3:16 that you are going to Hell, and the Koran says so. I am going to show you why there has never been any common ground between Islam and Christianity, or the Bible and the Koran, since either one of them showed up.

Source: Bible Believers’ Bulletin, November 2007

John Henry

Jun 19, 2008, 6:21:54 AM6/19/08
The Unbridgeable Gap
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
(Part 2)

In last month’s article we showed you that there is “a great gulf fixed” (Luke 16:26) between Islam and Christianity, and between the Koran and the Bible. We will continue this month to show you why there never has been, nor ever will be, any common ground between Biblical, New Testament Christianity and Islam which follows the Koran and the Hadith (see The Source of International Terrorism, Bible Baptist Bookstore, 2007).

The material that I am about to give you comes from authors who spent their lifetimes in research on Mohammed and Islam. One of the main works is Bibliotheca Orientalis Sprengeriana by A. Sprenger, published in 1857. This man put out an English biography entitled The Life and Teaching of Mohammed, printed in Allahabad in 1857. This was followed by a more complete one in German (Das Lebenun die Legre des Mohammed), published in two editions (1861, 1865) and then in three volumes in 1869.

This work was based on original Arabic sources and long intercourse with Moslems in India, and it is more complete than any work by anybody on which you can get your hands today.

There are several others just like it. One is by the Roman Catholic historian J. Döllinger. It is entitled Mohammed’s Religion, Nach Ihrer Innem Entwicklung und Ihrem Einfluss auf dus Leben der Völker; i.e., Mohammed’s Religion, After its Internal Development and its Influence on the Nations. It was published in 1838. Then I have a work by Sir William Muir of the Bengal Civil Service. It is entitled The Life of Mohamet. It is a biography of Mohammed and the pre–Islamic history of Arabia. It was first published in 1858 and then again in 1877 with an abridgement in Volume I.

The famous writer Thomas Carlyle has a work called On Heroes, Hero– Worship, and The Heroic in History (1840). Carlyle wrote his brief, condensed account of Mohammed using source books for the history of the Arab tribes among the Turks by G. Weil, Caussin De Perceval, Everett A. Freeman, Robert Durey Osbourne, Sir Edward Creasy, and Thomas Nöldeke. Then he has five original sources on the manners and customs of the Moslems, two original sources on the relations of Islam and Judaism, and sixteen sources on Mohammedanism as a religion and biographies of Mohammed by the Moslem biographers themselves (Zohry, who died the oldest, Ibn Ishac, Ibn Hishan, Katib al Waquidi, and Tibari, alternately spelled Tibaree).

And in addition to all of that, I have seven more Moslem historians cited in Volume III of The History of the Christian Church, published before World War I. From these sources you get the following material which you won’t find discussed on any major news media.

The Ka’aba in Mecca was built by angels in the shape of a tent and was let down from Heaven. That is where Adam worshipped after he was kicked out of Paradise.

Seth substituted a structure of clay and stone for the tent before the Flood, and then Abraham and Ishmael rebuilt it after the Flood. Their footsteps are said to be there still.

In the Ka’aba is a black stone that Mohammed used to kiss and praise—after claiming he was a Monotheist. It fell down from Paradise with Adam. It is called the Al hajar Al-aswad, the Heavenly Stone.” Like the image of Diana in Ephesus, it fell down from Heaven (Acts 19:35). Its Catholic counterpart is the Blarney Stone in Ireland.

It has been an object of veneration from time immemorial. It is still devoutly kissed and touched by Moslem pilgrims (all of them Monotheists who believe in one “god” and killing “idolaters”) as they make seven circuits around the temple. In fact, it has been polished smooth by innumerable kisses, just like the foot of the statue of St. Peter in Rome. The stone is covered with black silk.

Tradition teaches that Mohammed was born circumcised, with his navel cut and with a “seal of prophecy written on his back in letters of light.” As an adult, all that remained of that seal was a hairy mole according to the Holy Hadith.

At birth Mohammed supposedly fell prostrate on the ground; with hands raised, he offered earnest prayer for Allah to pardon his people. Three people from Heaven as brilliant as the sun” appeared.

The first had a silver goblet, the second an emerald tray, and the third a silken towel. They washed him seven times, then blessed and saluted him as the prince of mankind.” The Bible version, written more than a thousand years before Mohammed showed up, was Jesus Christ as “the Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6) When he was four years old, Mohammed began having something like fits of epilepsy, which some of his biographers interpreted as miraculous occurrences. His enemies described these fits as demon possession; later when he had power to kill them, they decided it was the overpowering presence of God. He was subject to severe headaches and feverish convulsions. He would fall to the ground like a drunken man, foam at the mouth, and snort like a camel. His blood pressure would soar to the point where he would sweat profusely and pass in and out until he had to have sheets thrown over him.

There is some question among both Moslem and Christian authors as to whether Mohammed could even read or write. Philip Schaff said he probably couldn’t, which is why he dictated the Koran. Of course Mohammed never saw the Koran a day in his life because it wasn’t there until he dictated it, and after he dictated it, it wasn’t there until someone wrote it down years after his death. An interesting footnote from Sprenger’s work is where he quotes the Koran as saying, “Formally, thou didst not read any book nor write one to the right hand.”

From that, some of the Moslem scholars have inferred that after “Gabriel” dictated the Koran to Mohammed (Gabriel never saw the book either), that he was supernaturally taught to read and write. Others, however, hold that he was ignorant of both. Ahmed Khan Bahador says, Not the least doubt now exists that the prophet was wholly unacquainted with the art of writing, being also, as a matter of course, unable to read the handwriting of others, for which cause he was called ‘ummee’ (the Arabic word for “illiterate”).”

Unlike the Bible, whose authors saw God write His words (Exod. 31:13; Dan. 5:24–28; John 8:6–8), Mohammed never saw “Allah” write anything. Unlike the angels of the Bible who could produce a copy of what God said (Rev. 10:10; Dan. 10:21), the “Gabriel” who appeared to Mohammed and dictated the Koran, never showed him anybody’s writing. Unlike Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and John (Exod. 17:14; Isa. 30:8; Jer. 30:1–2, 36:1–2; Rev. 1:11), Allah’s “prophet” never recorded on paper one word that Allah ever said to anyone. And unlike the Jews who had God’s written words to preserve and gather into an Old Testament (Deut. 17:18–19; Rom. 3:2), no Arab Caliph or Sheik had any Koran to put together into any book after the death of Mohammed because not one verse or “surah” of the Koran had ever been written down by Mohammed, “Gabriel,” Allah,” or anyone else. The authors of the Bible identify themselves (Job 32:4–17), show their writing (Rom. 16:22; Gal. 6:11), and are mentioned by other authors as having written it (2 Pet. 3:15–16). And when they got through writing the Scriptures, they could read them (Jer. 36:5–7). And you’re going to get those two groups together, are you?

In Mohammed’s fortieth year he received the call of Gabriel,” a 600–winged angel (according to the Holy Hadith) who claimed to be the same one who appeared to the Virgin Mary. The first revelation of this 600–winged angel came to Mohammed when he was in a trance in the solitude of Mount Hira, an hour’s walk from Mecca. “He trembled as if something dreadful was to happen to him and hastened home to his wife, who told him to rejoice, for he would be the prophet of his people.”

He got his “call to the ministry” from a woman. Allah told him nothing; his wife told him.

He waited for other visions, but he didn’t have any. He went to Mount Hira again, this time to commit suicide. (Of course you understand he doesn’t have any demons fooling with him. It’s just the presence of “God”; of course, of course.) When he got there, he beheld Gabriel (the 600–winged angel) at the end of the horizon saying, I am Gabriel, and thou art Mohammed the prophet of God.”

You understand that Mohammed was not “a” prophet of God, but “the” prophet of God.

The prophet of God in the Old Testament was Moses according to Jehovah (Deut. 18:17–18), and in the New Testament, the prophet of God was Jesus Christ (Acts 3:22–26). If there is any doubt about who the prophet is, just read the New Testament.

Jesus Christ made more than fifty historical prophecies. Ten of them have already come to pass, while forty of them await future fulfillment. In addition, Jesus Christ fulfilled 48 prophecies at His First Advent, all of which were written more than 400 years before He was born. He will fulfill another 300 (at a minimum) at His Second Advent.

That is the prophet. If Mohammed was “the prophet of Allah” as Gabriel (the 600–winged angel) claimed, then Allah couldn’t have been the true God, for Mohammed never prophesied anything outside of a lucky guess about a battle in which he fought (a self– fulfilling “prophecy”). Mohammed was such a bum prophet that he couldn’t even tell you where he was going when he died.

Any Bible–believing Christian is more of a prophet than Mohammed, for “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev. 19:10). Any Christian who has a New Testament knows exactly what is going to take place in the future after death, without any doubt at all (Rom. 8:29; 1 Cor. 12:68; Phil. 1:6). Simon Peter knew where he was going when he died (1 Pet. 1:3–5). John knew where he was going (1 John 5:13). Elijah knew where he was going (2 Kings 2:10).

David knew where he was going (Psa. 23:6). But “the prophet” didn’t know where he was going? Fire him! The only “agreement” Islam has, is with an unsaved Jew that Jesus Christ was a blasphemer who should go to Hell (John 10:31–33).

Jesus said He was God’s Son (John 10:36). He went even further and claimed He was “one” with God the Father (John 10:30) and the embodiment of God the Father (John 14:9). The Koran says that anyone who says that, goes to Hell.

Islam and Christianity, the Koran and the Bible, Mohammed and Jesus Christ have about as much in common as “Tiny Tim” and General George Patton.

Source: Bible Believers’ Bulletin. December 2007

John Henry

Jun 19, 2008, 8:18:09 AM6/19/08
The Unbridgeable Gap
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
(Part 3)

In this series of articles we have been looking at the possibility of bringing Islam and Christianity together in one, big, ecumenical “global community” so that the Moslems will stop bombing Christians and Jews, and the Christians and Jews will “accept” their Islamic “brothers” as a “religion of peace” and let them have the land Jehovah God promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and David.

In our last article we began looking at the life of Mohammed, the one who is considered to be the prophet” (and the lawgiver) for all Moslems. At the beginning of his “ministry,” when he was trying to convince all the Jews in Arabia that he was a “prophet,” he proclaimed “let there be no compulsion in religion.” This was supposedly a quotation that the 600- winged angel “Gabriel” gave him from Allah (“the God”). Of course, when the Jews turned him down for the fraud he was, “Allah” suddenly had a “change of heart” and told him (through Gabriel”; Allah never personally said one word to Mohammed) that all unbelievers should be summoned to Islam, put to tribute, or be slain by the sword. That last option” became the identifying mark of “Mohammedanism,” so much so that the national flag of Saudi Arabia and “Islam” has the Shahada, the official Moslem creed (“There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet”), connected with a sword.

With that new “revelation,” Mohammed raised a large army of enthusiastic followers and took the field against his enemies. In regards to this, we print a strange evaluation of Mohammed:

He had great morals, but very little physical courage. He braved for thirteen years the taunts and threats of the people, but never exposed himself in battle, even though he always accompanied his forces.”

How unlike Jesus Christ who told the soldiers who came to arrest Him, “if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way” (John 18:8), speaking of His disciples.

Jesus Christ exposed Himself to danger and protected His followers; He demonstrated both moral and physical courage. Mohammed was said to be “a slave of sensual passion.”

He was 51 when he married” a six-year-old girl named “Aisha.” She was playing on a swing when she was taken to go live with Mohammed. She brought her dollies to his residence when she came at nine years old to consummate the marriage.

According to the Arabian historians, “The prophet” was charmed by her playfulness, vivacity, and wit. She could read and had a copy of the Koran. [I wonder where she got that. She must have gotten it after he died because the Koran wasn’t even put together until after Mohammed’s death.] She knew much about theology, genealogy, and poetry.” She was his favorite wife, and he died in her arms. At that time she was 17, and he was 62.

Do you know what Aisha (as a first hand eyewitness who knew him best) said about Mohammed? She said the “prophet” loved three things. Care to guess what they were?

I mean, you are going to get these religions together, aren’t you? You know, to avoid war so you can secure your oil supply and control the drug traffic. Well, if you are, then you are going to have to find out what the founder of the Islamic religion loved so you can make his followers happy, and who would be better to tell you than someone whom Mohammed personally trained for his own sexual gratification for three years (when she was six to nine years old) and then went to bed for the next eight years until he died. Do you think you are smarter than Aisha when it comes to these matters? Don’t play games, okay? Don’t talk like a jackass. (I found out a long time ago in the Army that you can judge a man by what he loves and by what scares him. I found out many, many years before I became a Christian that the “measure” of a man is not what he believes or what he professes; the measure of a man is what he loves and what he is afraid of.)

That is what the Lord pulled on Abraham when He said, “Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of” (Gen. 22:2). He tested Abraham’s character by what he loved.

The reason no Bible-believing Christian will ever get along” with everybody is because he is commanded:

LOVE not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man LOVE the world, the LOVE of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world” (1 John 2:15–16).

The Christian is commanded:

Thou shalt LOVE the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all they mind” (Luke 10:27).

The Christian is told:

Husbands, LOVE your wives, and be not bitter against them” (Col. 3:19) that your prayers be not hindered” (1 Pet. 3:7).

He is told:

LOVE the brotherhood” (1 Pet. 2:17), because We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we LOVE the brethren” (1 John 3:14).

The Christian is commanded:

Set your affection on things above, not on things on this earth” (Col. 3:2).

The question for any man is: “What do you love”? If you want to find out what “Pete Ruckman” is like, then find out what he loves. When you have found that out, then find out what scares him, and when you have found out those two things about him, then you will have a good idea of what he’s like. Well now! Do you know what Mohammed loved? I mean, according to his favorite wife who lived with him the last eleven years of his life from the time she was six years old? Do you know what she said he loved?

Well, it wasn’t “Allah,” it wasn’t the Koran, and it wasn’t “God.” Do you know what it was? Here is an eyewitness with more experience than you could possibly have.

The prophet [referring to an epileptic, illiterate, fornicating killer] loved three things: women [carnal, fleshy], perfumes [carnal, fleshy], and food [carnal, fleshy].”

According to Aisha (who observed all of his habits from an intimate perspective for eleven years), Mohammed grew more carnal and fleshy and worldly the older he got. He was a paranoid flesh pot.

Although the Koran restricts all of Mohammed’s followers to only four wives, Mohammed received a special revelation from Allah (actually Gabriel”; “the God” never said one word to Mohammed a day in his life) which gave him greater liberty of sexual indulgences.

These special revelations allowed him to have as many women as he wanted to shack up with. Of course he was speaking in collusion with himself, for nobody else heard those “revelations”!

Mohammed was simply a flesh pot trying to justify his sins; he was a neurotic, psychotic, sex-obsessed nut.

Not only did he marry a six-year-old girl, he married his own daughter-in-law, which the Koran forbids. The historians plainly say that when he heard of a pretty woman, he would ask for her hand in marriage, although he was occasionally refused and did not always consummate a marriage with every woman he “wed.”

He had at least fourteen legal wives and a number of slaves and concubines besides. You can find a list of eleven of them, and a couple of them were “Christians” and Jews. At his death he left nine “legal” widows.

The motive behind Mohammed’s excesses in polygamy (twenty women at the same time) had nothing to do with “the will of Allah” at all; it was his sensuality (what the Bible calls “the lust of the flesh”).

And you are going to “dialogue” with people who follow a man like that? You are going to “honor their beliefs,” are you?

Martin Luther said, Cursed be that love for whose sake the Bible must be put to the stake.” You put the Bible to the “stake” the moment you nod your head in a Moslem’s direction. As a Christian, your job is to pray for unsaved sinners, to witness to unsaved sinners, and to get the Gospel to them. But don’t ever try to waste five minutes of your time trying to “honor” a pile of godless, depraved garbage that is afoul of every verse in the New Testament.

Source: Bible Believers’ Bulletin, January  2008
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John Henry

Jun 19, 2008, 10:03:33 AM6/19/08
The Unbridgeable Gap
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
(Part 4)

We have been exploring the agenda of Time, Life, U.S. News and World Report, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the Associated Press, the Gannet string of newspapers, etc., to unite Christianity and Islam. Against those sources we have given you the main writers on Islam and Mohammed so you will see the irreconcilable problems involved in such an endeavor.

We have given you the definitive works by A. Sprenger and Charles Friedrici. We have quoted original Arabic sources, the Koran and the Hadith. We have given you material from five commentaries on the Koran, fifteen biographies on Mohammed, eight histories of the Arabs and Turks, and fifteen more works on the islamic religion; as well as the personal testimony of Aisha, Mohammed’s favorite wife whom he married at nine years old.

According to those sources, the Islamic religion was not spread by missionaries, street preaching, and tract distribution. It was spread by aggressive, offensive warfare.

Mohammed said, “The sword is the key of Heaven and Hell. A drop of blood shed in the cause of ‘the God’ (Allah) and a night spent in arms is of more value than two months of fasting or prayer. Whoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven.”

This was the secret of the spread of Islam across North Africa: you enter Paradise by killing people. They practiced what Mohammed preached.

With the increase of his army, Mohammed took to the battlefield against his enemies in an aggressive, offensive war at the Battle of Badr against the city of Quraysh. His forces doubled, and he conquered several Jewish and Christian tribes.

At one point he ordered (and personally watched) the massacre of 600 Jews (well, hello there, Adolph Hitler) in one day, and he had their wives and children sold into slavery.

But you can see the points where you and Mohammed agree, don’t you? The Koran says that to obey this fornicating killer is to obey God (Sura 4:80). Well, he enjoyed watching the slaughter of 600 Jews, and he enjoyed selling their wives and children into slavery. And you are going to have “dialogue” with folks who follow a man like that, are you?

Mohammed died as he had lived: planning the violent conquest of people who had waged no war against him at all. At 63 he returned to Medina where he died of a violent fever while planning a large, offensive, aggressive campaign against Greece. He was buried on the spot where he died, which is now enclosed by a mosque. He rotted in the ground just like Buddha, Mother Teresa, Mary, and all the Popes. He never came up.

The deathbed account says: “He suffered great pain, cried, and wailed in despair.” Jesus Christ didn’t die that way (Heb. 12:2). Paul didn’t die that way (2 Tim. 4:6–8). Peter didn’t die that way (2 Pet. 1:14-15). In fact, when Peter was waiting to get his head cut off (Acts 12:1–4), he was fast asleep the night before his execution (Acts 12:6–7). But not Mohammed.

When Mohammed died, he wailed and cried and said to his wives, “Do you not know that prophets have to suffer more than all others? [My, what a humble fellow.] One was eaten up by vermin; another died so poor he had nothing but rags to cover his shame. [The “one ... eaten up by vermin” wasn’t a “prophet” at all; he was a Christian flagpole sitter who died up on a pole 100 years before Mohammed was born. His name was Simon Stylites.] But their reward [referring to himself] will be greather in the life beyond.” Mohammed didn’t know what Allah was going to do to him in “the life beyond” (The Hadith, Burkhari, Vol. V, No. 266).

Among his last utterances was just what you would expect from a Moslem (to obey Mohammed is to obey God—Sura 4:80) living in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Indonesia. He said, “The Lord destroy the Jews and the Christians.” That came from a man who said, “There is no compulsion in religion.” He continued: “Let the Lord’s anger be kindled against those that turn the tombs of their prophets into places of worhsip. Oh Lord, let not my tomb be an object of worship. [It was—see above.] Let there not remain a man of any faith but that of Islam throughout the whole of Arabia. Gabriel come close to me.”

And there it is, Thus Spake Zarathustra. Thus spake Joseph Smith and Moroni.

Mohammed didn’t “call upon the name of the Lord” (Rom. 10:13). No Moslem does. Their god has no name. In fact, Mohammed didn’t even call on “the God” at all. He said, “Gabriel come close to me.”

When Mohammed died, he prayed, “Lord, grant me pardon and join me to thy companionship on high, eternity in paradise, pardon, yes, the blessed companionship on high.” Well, did “the Lord” do it?

The Lord did it for Jesus Christ (Luke 23:46). He did it for the Apostle Paul (2 Cor. 12:1–4). He did it for Stephen (Acts 7:55–60). But Mohammed never could tell you or any of his followers for sure where he was going because he never knew. In the “Night Journey” in the Koran (Sura 17), we read, “Glory be to him who carried his servant,” referring to Mohammed himself. How that got into the Koran nobody knows, because Mohammed wasn’t there to recite that Sura: he was dead. The Sura is given in the past tense.

If Mohammed got it from Allah and recited it before he died, then he didn’t have the guts to apply it to himself. He should have said, “Glory to him who carried me by night,” but Mohammed is always yellow” when it comes to associating himself with Allah. He is trying to act like a good little monotheist. You take Sura 4:80; he says that whoever obeys Allah’s Messenger, obeys Allah. You mean yourself, kid? Then why don’t you say “whoever obeys me, obeys Allah.”

The “Night Journey” says, Glory be to him who carried his servant by night from the sacred temple of Mecca to the temple that is remote in Jerusalem.” Notice that he didn’t call the Temple in Jerusalem “sacred.” That is the one God Almighty ordered Solomon to build. That is the one built in the place which God selected as a place of sacrifice from Solomon’s father, David.

David paid for that land with money; he bought it from its Jebusite owner; and he has a clear title deed to it (2 Sam. 24:18–25; 1 Chron. 21:18– 30). But you understand, that wasn’t “sacred.”

In the Dome of the Rock in Mount Moriah, the handprints of the 600-winged angel, Gabriel, are shown in the mysterious rock which attempted to follow Mohammed to its native quarry in Paradise, but was kept back by the angel. Mohammed was said to go up to Heaven from the Temple mount on a winged horse (hence the term “nightmare”).

Mohammed was succeeded after his death by Caliphs. They were rulers who continued his Church- State system. They continued to carry out his agenda of world conquest, sweeping across northern Africa, India, and Central Asia in war after war of aggressive, offensive campaigns against neutral nations (if Charles Martel hadn’t whipped them at the Battle of Tours [A.D. 732], they would have taken Europe, too). Their battle cry was “Before you is Paradise; behind you are death and Hell.”

Now that’s Islam. People like Osama Bin Laden and Yasser Arafat aren’t “extremists” or “fanatics.” They are simply applying what Mohammed and his successors believed, taught, and practiced for over twelve hundred years. The fact that many Moslems don’t live up to their potential” is irrelevant to the discussion.

There is no way of reconciling a religion like that with any follower of Jesus Christ who believes the New Testament.

Source: Bible Believers’ Bulletin, February  2008

John Henry

Jun 19, 2008, 10:07:34 AM6/19/08
The Unbridgeable Gap
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
(Part 5)

In this series of articles we have been showing you the utter futility of the current attempts to get Christians and Moslems together in ecumenical dialogue. We have been doing this by examining the man whom the Koran says that to obey him is to obey Allah (Sura 4:80). That man is the epileptic, fornicating killer who founded Islam: Mohammed.

According to his own autobiography given in the Koran (with him doing the speaking) and according to biographers who studied him through the centuries, Mohammed had a nervous temperament and was liable to fantastic hallucinations bordering at times on despair and suicide. His frequent epileptic fits (during which he sometimes growled like a camel, foamed at the mouth, and screamed with prosternation) throw some light on his early revelations. He believed in evil spirits, omens, charms, and dreams; and his mind was neither clear nor sharp. That is perfectly obvious from the way he talked.

At his death, his personal property amounted to some lands that he confiscated by stealing it from people whom he killed, fourteen to fifteen slaves, a few camels and mules, a hundred sheep, and a rooster. And of course, any of the female slaves were used as concubines.

As you will recall from previous articles, Aisha, his favorite wife, whom he married when she was nine years old, said Mohammed was a slave himself (“whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin,” John 8:34). His most beloved wife, who knew him best, gives quite a different picture than you are getting about him now from the news media. She said, “Mohammed was a slave of sensual passion.”

Exactly. He was a perfect example of a carnal, worldly, fleshly, unregenerate meatball who set out to kill people who didn’t accept his beliefs.

When he heard of a pretty woman,” says Sprenger, “he asked her hand [in marriage], but occasionally refused [to marry her]. He had at least fourteen legal wives and a number of slave concubines.” The “slave concubines” included idolaters, Christians, and Jews whom he conquered and gave them the choice between converting to Islam, slavery, or death.

Mohammed’s favorite quoted saying is: “I am nearest to Jesus.” Now, what does that do to the Apostle John? Do you reckon Mohammed ever has his ear on Jesus Christ’s chest where he could hear his heartbeat three inches away? How much money do you want to bet?

I am nearest to Jesus.” Why, you incredible conceited ass, what are you talking about? When He comes back, Moses is on His right hand, Elijah is on His left hand, and Mohammed, old buddy, you ain’t there. That is prophesied in both Testaments (Mal. 4:1–6; Matt. 16:29–17:4; Rev. 11:3–11) by prophets: real prophets, not by Allah’s “prophet.” I am nearest to Jesus both as to the beginning and the end. There is no prophet between me and Jesus, and at the end of time he will be my representative and my successor.” End of time? That isn’t a historical prophecy; that is after time is over. Can’t get any history, can you, kid?

Let me tell you something, Jesus Christ is reigning on this earth for 1,000 years before the end of time comes around. I’ve got “the spirit of prophecy” because that is “the testimony of Jesus” (Rev. 19:10), and I am telling you that in history, 1,000 years before the end of time (which the punk didn’t know anything about), a circumcised, bearded, Sabbath-observing Jew is going to sit on the throne of David, on the Temple Mount where the Mosque of Omar now stands, and run every Shemite in the Near East, Far East, and Middle East—in time. Mohammed said, “The prophets are all brethren, as they have one father, though their mothers are different.” But their “father” isn’t God. The Koran says, “Allah had no son.” According to Mohammed and the Koran, God is not anybody’s father. So what is this “the prophets are all brethren,” and “they have one father, though their mothers are different”? Who is the “one father”?

Why, the dirty liar. They don’t all have “one father.” Each one separately had a father that was a sinner just like himself. Of course they all had different mothers, but how did they all have “one father”? Is Mohammed talking about all the women he knocked up?

The origin of all religions is the same, and between me and Jesus there is no other prophet.” So Mohammed is saying that the origin of all the prophets and all the religions are the same, and they all have one father. But who is that father? He said all through the Koran that God wasn’t anyone’s father. If a prophet said that God was his father, he would be a false prophet. That is clear in the Koran. Then why does Mohammed say that?

Well, I think it is pretty clear, and I gave you the reason at the beginning of this article: “His mind was neither clear nor sharp,” and “he was liable to fantastic hallucinations.”

Exactly. And such a man was nearer to Jesus Christ than John the apostle? If you are going to have an ecumenical movement, yes. Of course, you’ll have to throw the Bible out to do so.

In our next article we will examine the book that is to replace the Bible in this onesided ecumenical mess: the Holy” Koran.

Source: Bible Believers’ Bulletin, March  2008

John Henry

Jun 19, 2008, 5:04:52 AM6/19/08
The Unbridgeable Gap
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
(Part 6)

Here we continue a series of articles on the attempted ecumenical movement to get Christianity and Islam together.

To do so, you have to throw out a Book (the Bible) that was written over a period of nearly 1,600 years, by forty authors on three different continents, and yet shows a remarkable unity between 66 books that never contradict one another. You have to throw out a Book that has never been proven wrong historically or scientifically, though it has been attacked by its critics for 2,000 years. You have to get rid of a Book that makes 48 historical prophecies on one man 400 to 1,500 years before He was born, and all of them come through “on the money.” The chances of something like that happening are 10157 power, more than all the electrons in the three universes the size of this one.

And in its place you accept what? A book (the Koran) that never existed except out of the mouth of one man who was subject to hallucinations, had a muddy mind, and believed in omens, charms, dreams, evil spirits (the djinn—“genies,” not devils” as in the Bible), etc. Those are the kinds of things upon which the Koran is based.

Anything in the Koran that is actually true is what Mohammed took out of the Old Testament. For instance, the Koran copies the chapter and verse system of the Bible. It consists of 144 chapters and 6,226 verses. Each “Sura” (chapter), except the ninth, begins with a formula of Jewish origin, borrowed from the Old Testament: “In the name of Allah, the God of mercy,” or “In the name of Allah, the merciful and the beneficent.” The Koran is held in superstitious veneration by Moslems, and until recently, it was considered too sacred to be translated and sold as a common book. Now compare that with the Bible, the New Testament in particular.

Before 200 years of church history had passed, Christians had translated “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2) in the three major languages of the Roman Empire: Greek, Latin, and Syriac. It was translated into Boharic, Sahidic, Coptic, Memphitic, Georgian, Gothic, and Slavic before Mohammed was born. In fact, Christians invented the “book” as we know it today, for as anyone knows, the Jews copied the Old Testament onto scrolls. Early Christians bound pages of Scriptures together in a book form called a codex to make personal work easier (see The History of the New Testament Church, Vol. I, and The Christian’s Handbook of Biblical Scholarship).

The Bible was the first book ever printed, and it has always been the world’s number one best seller because there is a universal demand for it. The only “demand” for the Koran is an artificial demand, just like the demand” for Mao’s “Red Book” in China: get a copy or you’ll be jailed, tortured, or killed.

Mohammed is said to have prepared and dictated the Koran from time to time as he received revelations and progressed in his career. Of course he didn’t prepare anything for his readers because he couldn’t read or write. He dictated portions of the Koran to his hearers, leaving much to the suggestive action of public recital from the memory of somebody, or by copies taken down by his friends. That is some “preparation” and dictation.

The truth is that he “prepared” nothing. One of his biographers named Zayd (sometimes spelled Zaid) says that a year after Mohammed’s death that Abu Bakr, Mohammed’s father-inlaw (or more accurately, ONE of his father-in-laws he had nine widows) and his immediate successor, had scattered fragments of the Koran collected from palm leaves, tablets of stone, and the breasts of men.” No regard was given to their chronological order or continuity of subjects. Nothing matched anything or was held together in any kind of logical train of thought, nor was anything in order.

Abu Bakr committed this copy to the custody of Haphsa, one of Mohammed’s widows. It remained the standard during the ten years of Omar’s Caliphate. The different readings, though, occasioned serious disputes.

Zayd and several Quraysh were commissioned to secure the purity of the text in the Meccan dialect, and all previous copies were called in and burned. This destroyed all the evidence of any book that ever existed. You couldn’t verify anything in the Koran if your life depended on it.

Of course “Allah” didn’t show “Gabriel” any book, Gabriel” didn't show Mohammed any book, and Mohammed never showed anybody any book. All that happened was that Mohammed shot off his mouth about what he said some “angel” said to him. Nobody but Mohammed heard the “angel” open his mouth. Some people wrote down some things Mohammed said, and some didn't.

Some people remembered what Mohammed said, and some forgot. Mohammed himself couldn't even remember everything he said Gabriel” told him (see Mohammed’s Believe It or Else,” available from the Bible Baptist Bookstore).

The result of all this depraved confusion is that the authors of the Koran are all unknown. If you made up a list of names of its authors, you would be just as accurate as anybody else who made up a different list, because none of the authors names appear in the Koran. Again, compare that with the Bible. The author of the first five books is Moses, according to Moses (Exod.

17:14, 24:4, 34:27; Num. 33:2; Deut. 31:19, 22), Christ (Matt. 8:4, 19:8; Mark 1:44, 7:10, 12:26; John 5:46, 7:19), and Paul (Rom. 10:5, 19; 1 Cor. 9:9). The author of the Gospel of Luke is Luke. The author of the Gospel of Matthew is Matthew the publican.

The author of the book of Isaiah is Isaiah, and the author of the book of Jeremiah is Jeremiah.

Do you know who the author of Suras 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is in the Koran? Why, it is Mr. “X.” Do you know who wrote Suras 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19? It was “the little man who wasn't there.” Well, who wrote Suras 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100? That’s easy—nobody. Not once in 6,226 verses, in 114 chapters, does the name of the author of a single Sura or verse appear.

The authors of the Koran are just like Allah—they have no name. “Allah” isn’t the name of God at all; it simply means the god.” In the 99 “names” ascribed to God in the Koran, not one is the actual name of God. They are all attributes, like “the merciful and the beneficent.” “Allah” has no name; he is simply the god.”

In the Bible he is called the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4). You can find his name recorded in the oldest written book in the world, which is actually a book with a theme, a plot, character development, and actual history; it is the book of Job.

The book of Job is excluded from the Old Testament according to all the Moslem teachers: they don't include Job as part of the Scriptures.

You say, “Why?” Because the god” (pronounced Allah in Arabic) shows up in the first chapter, and his name is Satan. That book was written more than 2,000 years before Mohammed was born.

That same unnamed god (2 Cor. 4:4) is also called the prince of this world” in John 14:30. He is called the anointed cherub that covereth” in Ezekiel 28:14, but he is given no name there. He is simply called the anointed [meshiach messiah] cherub.” You don’t get his name unless you go over to Isaiah 14:12.

He is “the ... cherub,” the prince,” and “the god.” His name is given eleven times in the first two chapters of Job (1:6–9, 12; 2:1–4, 6–7): it is Satan. This accounts for why there is a whole religious book written with no author mentioned anywhere in it who wrote a line of it. The authors of the Koran are just like the one who told it to Mohammed; they are anonymous.

And you expect us Christians to meet together with folks like that and talk over what we have in common, do you?

Source: Bible Believers’ Bulletin, April 2008

John Henry

Jun 19, 2008, 5:05:08 AM6/19/08
The Unbridgeable Gap
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
(Part 7)

We have been showing you in this series of articles why you will never be able to get Islam and Christianity together. We have discussed the differences between the lives of Jesus and Mohammed that make it impossible to reconcile the two. In our last article we began discussing the actual origins of the Koran.

We pointed out to you in previous articles that the little bit that was right which Mohammed knew, he got from Christians. In his travels he came in contact with several different religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. On his first journey he fell in with a Nestorian monk, who goes by different names in the recorded accounts—Boheri, Bahyra, Sergius, etc. His wife (Khadijah) and her cousin (Wareqah) were both converts to Christianity and were said to be well acquainted with the sacred books of the Jews and Christians.

So the Koran, especially in the earliest Sutras, often speaks highly of the Scriptures and calls them “the Book of God,” “the Word of God,” and “the Torah.” It describes Jews and Christians as “the people of the Book,” the people of the Scripture,” and “the people of the Gospel.” But you have to watch that kind of stuff in the Koran, because Mohammed’s “Torah” isn’t any Torah that you ever saw in any Bible you ever read. When the Koran talks about “the Gospel,” you would never get any idea about what “the Gospel” is by fooling with the Koran.

Paul said that the Gospel preached in this age is “the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24), and he said that Jesus Christ Himself revealed it to him (Gal. 1:11–12). According to the Apostle to the Gentiles (Rom. 11:13; 1 Tim. 2:7; 2 Tim. 1:11), if anyone (including an angel” like Mohammed’s Gabriel”) preaches any other gospel” than the one that was revealed to him and the one he preached, that person is cursed (Gal. 1:8–9).

Paul defines that Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1–4, and not one Moslem who reads and follows the Koran would have any idea about what it is. The Gospel, according to the one to whom the Gospel was revealed and who preached it all of his saved life, is “that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.”

In the Koran, Jesus Christ was never crucified on the cross, He never died for anyone’s sins, He was never buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, and He never rose from the dead. Mohammed’s Gospel” is that of an unsaved man going to Hell. The poor fool didn’t know what he was talking about; he was just blowing hot air.

According to literary experts, the Koran “has many passages of poetic beauty, but mixed with absurdities, bombast, unmeaning images, [and] low sensuality. It abounds in repetitions and contradictions which are not removed by the convenient theory of abrogation. It attracts and repels, and is the most wearisome book.”

Reiske says, “It is the most absurd book and a scourge to a reader of sound common sense.”

John Carlisle calls the Koran the confused ferment of a great, rude human soul, untutored, that cannot even read, but struggling vehemently to utter itself; a wearisome, confused jumble; crude, incanted, endless iterations; long windedness [i.e., it is bullshooting], entanglement, insupportable stupidity [Amen!]. In short, nothing but a sense of duty would carry any European through the Koran.”

No educated white man could ever get through it, except by a sense of duty because of its insupportable stupidity. That is telling the truth about it if you ever heard it.

Philip Schaff, head of the ASV committee in 1901 and who authored eight volumes of Church History, said: Whatever is true in the Koran is borrowed from the Bible. What is original is false and frivolous.” My, what sense people had back in 1910, that they have lost through the news media, TV, and radio.

Schaff continues: “The Bible is historical and embodies the noblest aspiration of the human race in all ages, the final consummation. The Koran begins and it stops with Mohammed.” It does; that is why you will not find the names of any authors in it. The only references in it to its authorship are to Mohammed because he made those references himself. The Koran—all 114 chapters begins and ends with Mohammed, so its followers should never be called Moslems: they are Mohammedans. Their religion begins with Mohammed and ends with Mohammed.

Schaff states further: “The Bible combines endless variety with unity, universal receptability with local adaptation. The Koran is uniform and monotone; confined to one country, one state of society, and one class of minds.” One writer described that “mind” as the “Sixth- Century Arabic” mind. That profiling” and “stereotyping” is absolutely true.

Schaff also says: “Even the poetry of the Koran never rises to the grandeur and sublimity of Job or Isaiah, the lyric beauty of Psalms, the sweetness and loveliness of the Song of Solomon, or the great wisdom of the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.” The poetry of the Koran and the Bible are not in competition with each other; they are not even in the same bracket or stable.

The Christology of the Koran is a mixture of facts and apocryphal fiction. In the Koran Christ is called “the son of Mary.” The Koran gets the birth of Christ all fouled-up and has Him born under a palm tree beneath which a fountain opened.

According to the Koran Jesus was a servant and an apostle of the one true “God” (notice that He was AN apostle, not “THE Apostle” see Heb. 3:1). He was strengthened by the Holy Spirit,” who turns out to be the 600-winged angel Gabriel. That is, unless you believe what Mohammed taught about John 14:26. Mohammed claimed he was the Holy Ghost in that verse. So you are to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Mohammed (Matt. 28:19). Mohammed baptizes you into the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). And you are not to grieve Mohammed, who seals you until the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30).

Do you see the depraved nonsense you would get into by trying to put Islam and Christianity in the same boat together?

If there is one thing the Koran makes clear, it is that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God. Sura 23:91 says that Allah never begat any son. Commenting on this Philip Schaff says: “For as God has no wife, He can have no Son.

He is never alone, and it is monstrous and blasphemous to associate another being with Allah.”

So what does Mohammed do? Why, that’s simple. He associates himself with Allah in Sura 4:80 and tells you that if you obey him, you are obeying Allah. He does that while professing it is blasphemous to associate another being with Allah. What Mohammed actually meant was that it is blasphemous for anyone except himself.

That is what we mean by the stupidity of the Koran and Mohammed having an unclear mind. The Koran is the demoniac hallucinations of a sex-obsessed, epileptic egomaniac.

Finally, the Koran denies the crucifixion. According to the Koran and Mohammed, Jesus Christ was supposed to have been miraculously delivered from the death intended for Him, and another man (Judas according to some) was crucified in His place by mistake; that absurd idea is supposed to be the common belief of Christians according to Mohammed. Christ was then supposed to have been taken up by God into Paradise with His mother, so they have Mary raptured just like the Catholics do.

Of course, that is only one view (see comments above on the identity of the Holy Spirit). The other view is that He traveled to Kashmir in northern India and died of old age when He was 120 years old.

I am going to quote for you from the most popular edition of the Koran ever published. Beginning in 1917, it ran into more than ten editions in Arabic and English.

It is the edition put out by one of their most authoritative Moslem scholars, Maulana Muhammed Ali, and it was published by the official Islamic publishing company of Lahore in the USA and overseas.

In M. M. Ali’s note on Sura 23:50 he says, “The fact that the chapter deals with the final triumphs of prophets and their followers, and their deliverance from the hands of their enemies, gives us a clue as to the mystery about the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Jesus Christ after the events of the cross (Sura 4:157), for it is shown in note 645 that Jesus did not die on the cross. According to the sayings of the holy prophet [that won’t be Jesus; that will be Mohammed] Jesus lived 120 years. This verse tells us that being delivered from the hand of his enemies, he was given shelter at some other place, and the description of that place is indicated in this verse” (Sura 23:50, note 1723).

Along with the fact that Kashmir has a tomb which every available evidence shows to be the tomb of Jesus himself, leads us to the conclusion that Kashmir is the land referred to in this verse.” So Jesus died a natural death at 120 years old and was buried in Kashmir, India; is that clear? That is the teaching of one of Islam’s best scholars.

As regards to the tomb the following evidence shows the sacred body of no less a person than Jesus Christ rests there.” The “sacred body”? What does he mean by “the sacred body”? What is “sacred” about a dead corpse? If the “sacred body” was buried there when he was 120 years old, then the worms got him long before Columbus discovered America. And this proof is all tradition of the people of Kashmir who tell that the tomb belonged to the one who bore the name ‘Yuz Asaf,’ who was known as a Nabi, a prophet who came to Kashmir from the west about 2,000 years ago.”

And on goes this godless, depraved, stinking Moslem madhouse: “The Tarikhazami, the prince who came to Kashmir, is generally known as that of a prophet. He was a prince who came to Kashmir from a foreign field. His name was Yuz Asaf.”

The next “proof” is the Ikmal al-Din, an Arabic work which is 1,000 years old. It also mentioned “Yuz Asaf” as having travelled in some lands. Joseph Jacob states on the authority of a very old version of the story of Yuz Asaf that Yuz Asaf had reached Kashmir and then died.

Sura 23:50, note 1723 continuing: “The evidence shows the tomb in Khan Yar (Stinagar) is the tomb of Yuz Asaf. But who is this Yuz Asaf?”

[Do you mind if I interject something here? He is Mickey Mouse who was parading around as Donald Duck.]

That is, he is called a Rabbi’ both in old tradition and history, for no prophet is recognized by the Moslems to appear after their holy prophet. Again there is a striking resemblance between the names ‘Yuz’ and Yasu,’ the latter being the Hebrew form of Jesus.”

Then why don’t the Mohammedans spell “Jesus” as Yasu” in the Koran? They have it as “Isa” and “Isaa,” which is the word for Esau, not Jesus.

Returning to note 1723 on Sura 23:50—“There is a remarkable similarity in the teachings of Yuz Asaf and Jesus. For instance, the Parable of the Sower according to Matthew 13:3, Mark 4:3, and Luke 8:3. It occurs also in Barlaam and Josaphet. All the circumstances lead us [what are you saying “us” for? You got a dead frog in your pocket?] that Jesus went to Kashmir after the events of the crucifixion; and he preached, lived, died at 120, and was buried there.” And the Holy Scriptures comment on that is that if Jesus Christ didn’t come up from the dead, “your faith is vain, ye are yet in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:17), and you “are of all men most miserable” (1 Cor. 15:19). That is what the New Testament says about Allah and your Moslem neighbors.

All Moslems teach that Jesus was buried and didn’t come up from the dead. That’s according to Maulana Muhammed Ali who published seventeen editions of the Koran with translations.

If Jesus Christ didn’t come up, then anybody who says He did is lying, his “faith is vain,” his sins aren’t paid for or forgiven, and he is “miserable” above “all men.”

Those last two statements are good descriptions of Iraqis Iranians, Arabs, Turks, Sudanese, Egyptians, Lybians, Indonesians, and the whole “Islamic Nation.” They put Jesus in the ground with Mohammed and left them both there where the worms got them.

Now in our next and final article we will finish showing you what else the Koran steals from the Bible. But in closing, consider this: how are you going to get two religions together when one is based on the fact that its founder is still alive and active, and the other claims that anyone who believes that is monstrous and blasphemous” and belongs in Hell?

Answer—you haven’t been able to get them together in 1,400 years, and you aren’t going to get them together now with any “War on Terror,” Road Map to Peace,” ecumenical movements, or summit conferences.”

Source: Bible Believers’ Bulletin, May 2008

John Henry

Jun 19, 2008, 5:05:24 AM6/19/08
The Unbridgeable Gap
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
(Part 8)

This is the final installment in a series of articles on the futile attempts to “bridge the gap” between Mohammedanism (that is what Islam is; it’s following Mohammed Sura 4:80) and Christianity. In our last article we showed you what Mohammed and the Koran taught about the Lord and Saviour of every Christian.

The idea behind the oneworlders and “global citizens” is that you can get both religions together because they both acknowledge Jesus Christ. But Islam teaches that although Jesus was a servant of God, a prophet, and an apostle, Mohammed was the “Apostle” and the Prophet of Allah whose message supersedes that of any prophet before him.

The “Jesus” of the Koran was “the son of Mary,” but not the Son of God, since Allah has no son. If you do believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God, you've committed a monstrous blasphemy and belong in Hell.

The “Jesus Christ” of the Koran wasn't born in a manger in Bethlehem; no, he was born under a palm tree with a fountain beneath it. And when Mohammed says that Jesus was “strengthened by the Holy Spirit,” what he actually means is that He was strengthened by the angel Gabriel.

And no Mohammedan believes Jesus died on the cross for the sins of man and then rose again the third day. The “Jesus Christ” of the Koran was miraculously delivered from crucifixion, and another man was put to death in His place. Jesus then lived to be 120 years old and then was raptured with Mary, or was buried in Kashmir in northern India, depending on which Moslem fairy tale you accept.

Philip Schaff says, “Owing to this partial recognition of Christianity Mohammed was originally regarded not as the founder of a new religion, but as one of the chief heretics.”

The Catholic historian Dollinger wrote, “Islam must be considered at bottom a Christian heresy, the bastard offspring of a Christian father and a Jewish mother, and is indeed more closely allied to Christianity than Manichaeism, which is reckoned a Christian sect.” Dean Arthur Stanley in his Church History called Islam an “eccentric heretical form of Eastern Christianity.” German theologian Heinrich Ewald more correctly states that Islam is the last and most powerful offshoot of Gnosticism.”

Everything Mohammed got, he copied; he had nothing original. Gabriel couldn't tell him anything. Allah couldn't tell him anything that wasn't already in Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Gnosticism.

Mohammed practiced polygamy and concubinage because he found them in the Old Testament. Both practices are perpetuated by all Moslems because they were encouraged to do so by the example of the “prophet” himself. Mohammed was a fornicating wild man who couldn’t control his gonads for twenty-four hours.

Polygamy and servile concubinage, of course, destroyed the dignity of women and the beauty and peace of the home (that is what Mohammed missed in the recorded accounts of both practices in the Old Testament), but that is the Koran and Islam. That is the whole Islamic Nation” from Morocco to Indonesia, the whole bunch of them.

That is why Jesus Christ told you that you ought to have one wife as Adam did at the beginning (Mark 10:6– 8), instead of polygamy.

Jesus Christ said, “Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin” (John 8:34); and “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John

Moslems copy Jewish circumcision, although it is not mentioned in the Koran. They retain the idea of a sacred day of rest, although they substitute Friday for the Jewish Sabbath. They abstain from pork because it was practiced by the Jews in the Old Testament.

Now, all of this is the result of an illiterate epileptic trying to make sense of the reports he got from a bunch of Hasidic Jews, Catholics, Nestorians, and Gnostic Christians.” He couldn’t read, so he never found out what Paul said about such things.

Galatians 6:12–13, 15, As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh . . . . For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.”

Colossians 2:16–17, “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.”

First Timothy 4:1, 3–5, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils . . . commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”

If someone tries to tell you that “Allah” will let you into Paradise if you abstain from pork, get circumcised, and observe some holy day, just tell that mutton-head to get him a New Testament and grow up.

Moslems still practice slavery today because Mohammed found it in the Old Testament. It is recognized and sanctioned as a normal condition of society. Nothing is said against it in the Koran, and Mohammed never made any effort toward its final extinction. You will still find Moslems actively practicing slavery in the Sudan, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and any other place where they can get away with it with impunity.

All Mohammed did was pretend he replaced Moses and Joshua by invading the cities, towns, and villages of unbelievers. War against unbelievers is legalized in the Koran: Moslems are to slay all the fighting men and enslave the women and children.

Unbelievers are killed because Mohammed stole the idea from a Jewish Old Testament theocracy set up by Jehovah through Moses, Joshua, and David. When Jesus Christ showed up, you are told that He replaced Moses (Acts 3:22–26), and Jesus Christ didn’t tell anyone to attack anybody.

Jesus Christ did not set up a Church-State when He was here, and none of His followers did either. When Israel rejected the God-chosen King of their theocracy, the Jews lost “the kingdom of God,” and it was given to another “nation” (Matt. 21:43). That “nation” is identified by Simon Peter in 1 Peter 2:9, and it is not the Islamic Nation.” It is the Body of Christ: the spiritual union of saved people in this age who have no earthly stakes here at all (Col. 3:1–3). The Body of Christ is a “holy nation,” not a physical nation. It is “not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Rom. 14:17).

In the New Testament a Church-State is Satanic by definition. A Church-State is right out of Hell because “all the kingdoms of the world” were given to Satan (Luke 4:5–6). That is why the Devil is called “the god [there’s Allah—the god. There it is like a rotten egg. “You can’t beat it, but boy does it ever stink.”] of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4).

Now, before closing this dissertation on the comparison of Islam with Christianity, I thought you might want to see the difference in how a Christian prays to his God and how a Moslem prays to Allah. Jesus Christ told you that you weren’t to pray to be seen of men” (Matt. 6:5). Public prayer to “be seen of men” is one of the five foundational pillars of Islam. All Moslem men are required to attend public prayer at the mosque five times a day, and if they purposely miss on a regular basis they are to be killed.

Jesus Christ said, “When ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do” (Matt. 6:7). All Moslems pray exactly like pagans. Their prayer begins: “God is great, God is great, God is great.” Then, “I bear witness that Mohammed is the apostle of God; I bear witness that Mohammed is the apostle of God. Come hither to prayers; come hither to salvation.” Imagine that. After being told “neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12); and that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow” (Phil. 2:10); and “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31), you are now told by the Moslems that you are to come to salvation when you repeat a mantra about an epileptic, fornicating killer and a god who has no name. Early in the morning, a Moslem cries, “Prayer is better than sleep.” Well, not if you’re praying to the wrong god like the priests of Baal did in 1 Kings 18:26–28; no, it’s not. Not if you’re praying a self-righteous prayer to justify yourself like the Pharisee did in Luke 18:11–14, it certainly isn’t. And if you’re praying outside of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:13) and the will of God as revealed in “the holy scriptures” (1 John 5:14; John 7:17), you would do better to take a good nap.

Now, do you know where all this blasphemous pagan nonsense leads? Well, here is the eyewitness experience of the head of the ASV committee of 1901. The material you are about to read was personally witnessed by Philip Schaff at convents in Cairo, Egypt and in Constantinople in 1877.

On the celebration of the birthday of Mohammed, they [the Moslems] worked themselves by the constant repetition of ‘Allah, Allah’ (that’s called a mantra in Hindu rituals; it’s the “vain repetitions” of the heathen in the New Testament) into a state of unconscious ecstasy in which they plant swords in their beasts, and finally lie prostrate on the ground for the chief of their order to ride on horseback over their bodies. I will add a brief description of the ascetic exercises of the ‘Dancing’ and ‘Howling dervishes which I witnessed in their convents at Constantinople and Cairo in 1877.”

What Schaff is about to describe is known as a whirling dervish.” It is honoring Allah with a dance and then getting drunk.

The Dancing or Turning Dervishes in Pera, thirteen in number, some looking ignorant and stupid, others devout and intensely fanatical, went first through prayers and prostrations, then threw off their outer garments, and in white flowing gowns, with high hats of stiff woolen stuff, they began to dance to the sound of strange music, whirling gracefully and skilfully on their toes, ring within ring, without touching each other or moving out of their circle, performing, in four different acts, from forty to fifty turnings in one minute, their arms stretched out or raised to heaven, their eyes half shut, their mind apparently lost in a sort of Nirvana or pantheistic absorption in Allah. A few hours afterward I witnessed the rare spectacle of one of these very Dervishes reeling to and fro in a state of intoxication on the street and the lower bridge of the Golden Horn.”

The Howling Dervishes in Scutari present a still more extraordinary sight, and a higher degree of ascetic exertion, but destitute of all grace and beauty. The performance took place in a small, plain, square room, and lasted nearly two hours. As the monks came in, they kissed the hand of their leader and repeated with him long prayers from the Koran. One recited with melodious voice an Arabic song in praise of Mohammed. Then, standing in a row, bowing, and raising their heads, they continued to howl the fundamental dogma of Mohammedanism, Lâ ilâha ill’ Alláh (“There is no god but ‘the God’) for nearly an hour. Some were utterly exhausted and wet with perspiration. The exercises I saw in Cairo were less protracted, but more dramatic, as the Dervishes had long hair [What?

Why, don’t these stupid fools know that nature teaches them that it’s a shame for a man to “have long hair,” 1 Cor. 11:14?] and stood in a circle, swinging their bodies backward and forward in constant succession, and nearly touching the ground with their flowing hair. In astounding feats of asceticism the Moslems are fully equal to the ancient Christian anchorites and the fakirs of India.” Those are the people who obey Mohammed, because to obey Mohammed is to obey “the God” of the universe according to Sura 4:80 in every edition of the Koran that has ever been published in any language on the face of this earth. If you don’t believe it, get a copy and read it (an edition with Christian commentary by Evangelist Moody Adams is available from the Bookstore, CL-3115 @ $19.95). As we have said before, Mohammed was too yellow-bellied to tell you about whom he was talking in Sura 4:80. When he says his [Allah’s] messenger,” he is talking, of course, about himself. That is the “humble” fellow who consigned Jesus Christ, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul to Hell because they all believed Jesus Christ was God manifest “in the flesh” as God’s Son and the He died for the sins of sinners on Calvary’s cross. That is the jerk who said that if you obey him, you obey the only God there is. Now, that is the unbridgeable gap; it is a chasm that nothing could cross. Proof for that is not just in the Koran itself (with its unknown author, unknown god, and unknown writers) and the Holy Hadith (a second authority for the Moslem so that the Imams and Ulamas can be the final authority) but in the works of the men who spent a lifetime studying Mohammed and Islam. The material we have given you in these eight articles has come from A. Sprenger, Charles Friedrich, Ibn Ishac, Ibn Hisham, Kaitie al Wequidi, Syed Kahn Bahadur, Syed Ameer Ali, Gean Gagnier, Gibbon, Gusteav Weil, Thomas Carlyle, Sir William Muir, Washington Irving, Theodore Noldeke, Earnest Renan, R. Bosoorth Smith, J. W. H. Stobart, Julius Wellhausen, J. Dollinger, A. Mohler, S. F. Gerock, J. H. Newman, Dean Arthur Stanley, Dean Milman, John Ludwig Burckhardt, and fifteen others. Their welldocumented word stands against that of a lustful, sensual, sex-crazy, fornicating polygamist who had epileptic fits and couldn’t read anyone’s writing, let alone his own. He got his material from somebody that no one else ever saw or heard in a lifetime, and it was recorded by somebody who couldn’t put his name on what he wrote. Whoever dictated the material to the writers wouldn’t let them put his name on it. The Koran is supposedly a book written before the foundation of the world but was never seen, where the author (an anonymous God”—Allah) didn’t know what was going to take place in history, so the “prophet” didn’t get anything prophetic and couldn’t make any historic prophecies. All he got was the leftovers of the New and Old Testaments, perverted to suit the personality of a killer who didn’t know where he going when he died.

Today he has a billion followers. I would expect three times that much if what the Bible says about the depravity of man is true. I would expect every sex-crazy, black-hearted male in the world who wanted to lose his temper, kill people, and shack up with a bunch of women to accept it immediately so he could appear to be religious.

The “Allah” of the Bible is not the Allah of the Koran. The friends of the Christian Allah” are not the friends of the Koran’s Allah. Our “Allah” is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He’s the God of Israel. He’s “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 1:3).

He has a name: in the Old Testament He’s called “JEHOVAH” (Exod. 6:3); in the New Testament He manifests Himself in the flesh and is named “Jesus Christ” (1 John 5:20). He’s a complete being, a Trinity, just like man: He has a body (Jesus Christ), He has a soul (the Father), and He has a spirit (the Holy Spirit).

That is not the “God” of Mohammed, his fourteen wives (including his nineyear- old bride and daughterin- law whom he married), and his eleven concubines. They’re not even close. If you were to put those two Gods together it would be like a flea-bitten Chihuahua in the same pen with a thoroughbred German Shepherd in the Canine Corp. In the Bible, any prophet like Mohammed (if one ever showed up) would be discarded at one glance by any person who believed the Scriptures. The writings of Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, et al., are alive with real prophecies from start to finish. Mohammed couldn’t make two historical prophecies.

You couldn’t bridge the gap between two religions like that with a bridge 400,000 miles long. Neither end would touch shoreline anywhere. Martin Luther said, Cursed be that love for whose sake the Bible must be put to the stake.” Right now it is being put to the stake by every major news outlet in the world. It is being done in every major College and University in the United States, and the President and Congress are beginning to join in.

They are going to burn the Book without setting a match to it, in order to get along with a bunch of people who follow the religion of an epileptic, illiterate, sex-crazy, demon-possessed killer who practiced polygamy and slavery. They are going to do it to show how unprejudiced, nondiscriminatory, nonjudgmental, and tolerant they are.

And they are going to do it in defiance of the words of Holy Scripture in the New Testament by a man who believed God had a Son who made a vicarious atonement for mankind by becoming sin in their place. Here is his message to stupid Americans.

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Cor. 6:14–17).

That was written by the Apostle Paul. The Apostle John (who believed God had a Son who created all things) also has something to say to stupid Americans.

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son” (1 John 2:22).

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God [the Koran didn’t know Him; it said He was Mohammed in John 14:26]: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh [Paul said, “God was manifested in the flesh,” 1 Tim. 3:16; and John said, “the  Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” John 1:14] is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world” (1 John 4:1–3).

“Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:15–16).

He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself; he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son [that would be Mohammed and his followers]. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son [no Moslem could touch it according to what he believes].

He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God
[and no Moslem ever professed to have him] hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God [which neither Mohammed nor the author of the Koran ever did]; that ye may know that ye have eternal life [and Mohammed never did know he had “eternal life” as a present possession], and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:10–13).

“And we know that the Son of God is come [unless you’re a Moslem], and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God [unless you believe Mohammed and the Koran, and are part of the Islamic Nation], and eternal life” (1 John 5:20).

Amen! No Moslem has eternal life, according to what he says he believes; if he says he does, he has to make a liar out of Mohammed and the Koran.

Do you know what the Moslems will do? They’ll wait for you Christians to get rid of the Bible, and then they’ll be your buddies. You’ll have to get rid of your Book because it is about “the true
and the free gift of eternal life (Rom. 6:23) and their book isn’t.

East is east and west is west, and never the twain shall meet.”

Source: Bible Believers’ Bulletin, June  2008

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