Autumn and bundling

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Oct 6, 2013, 8:57:44 AM10/6/13
Hi, you're receiving this newsletter because you've subscribed to my occasional e-newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive this, please simply send a message to with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. 

When I last wrote, summer was just beginning and I was enjoying the early days of my garden. Now it's over and we're tidying up in preparation for harsher weather. In fact we've had some -- hard rain and lashing winds, which is when our large windows with a vista of the Devon coast are not quite so delightful! But we have harvest for the winter, which includes runner beans in the freezer, winter squash, and much else. It'd probably be cheaper to buy from the supermarket, but not as much fun and the tomatoes this year were delicious. You just never get ones quite like them in the shops.

Enough of gardening. I have some bits of book information.

books 4 and 5 of the Rogues -- Forbidden and Dangerous Joy -- are available now in e-book for the first time. That means that all the Rogues are now in e-book. You can find out more and buy links here. Forbidden --   Dangerous Joy --

In fact, all my books are available for e-readers now except The Shattered Rose. I'll be getting to that next year. Not immediately, because I have a few novellas to e-pub right now, in time for Christmas. These are A Gift of Light, which appeared in The Christmas Cat, and Day of Wrath, which was in Star of Wonder. I'm probably going to change the title og that story to Star of Wonder. Day of Wrath worked in the collection, because it was about 1000 AD, when many thought the world would end, but as a novella title it's a bit scary, I think!

 I'll write again when these are available. I'll probably put them together with a couple of other Christmas stories and an essay about Christmas traditions. A reminder, the e-novellas already available are here.

For those of you who prefer print, Christmas Angel will be reissued in paper in November and An Arranged Marriage next February.

Something for the adventurous among you! An oddball bundle of four romance novellas in e-form, including Regency, fantasy, SF and hard-assed military! What's more, you  choose what you want to pay between $2 and $6. What's the catch? No catch, but if you pay $6 you get a bonus of three more, including one of mine, the award winning SF romance, The Trouble With Heroes.... 

Even better, if you wish, you can donate 10% of what you pay to a charity.
Go on, live dangerously.
But act now. It's only available for 10 days, and half of them are over.

And also
If you didn't pick up the Word Wench anthology, Mistletoe and Mischief last year in trade paperback because you don't like that size, it's out now in mass market paperback in all the usual places. Eight Christmas stories, including Wales, Scotland, shipwreck and spies! I made a short video about the collection. You can view it here.

If you like Sparky the kitten, check out the Sunday Spark Reports on the Word Wenches. Our admin, Sherrie, took in Sparky when she was a tiny kitten not expected to survive, and she's quite a character.

Treats from the Internet
On Facebook I shared this video about an automaton that Rothgar would have loved. It was made just a few years after the most recent Malloren World book, so he'll get to enjoy it soon. This amazing boy actually writes, and ingenious mechanics means it can be programmed to write any short message.

All best wishes,

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