The November Newsletter

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Nov 16, 2015, 11:39:57 AM11/16/15
to Jo Beverley

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The Prince Regent is familiar to us in novels as the fat, middle-aged man, but as a youth he was quite good looking.
Here's a link to a painting of him in his youth, and another of the middle aged man. The plentiful robes helped hide his bulk, but the artist must have used his imagination for the legs.

Of course, the Regent is in the background of all my Regency novels, but in the next one, out in April, The Viscount Needs a Wife   he actually plays a part. You can read an excerpt here.

I shared these insanely cute crocheted tiny animals on Facebook, but Facebook doesn't show everything to an author's followers, so I'm pointing to them here (If you're not on my Facebook author page and would like to be,here's the link

Here are the little darlings.

Writing News.

This month, I went over the copy edits of The Viscount Needs a Wife and sent them back to New York, which means it's now in production and heading for typesetting. Yes, it seems a while until April, but these things do take time. (The copy editor goes through my manuscript to check the details and find any problems. In most cases he or she marks things for my consideration, so I decide what is correct. The buck stops here!)

I'm about half way through a new book, but more on that another time.

The Rogues are on sale again.

There won't always be any, but this month there's a reduced price on the early Rogues e-books . Most of you probably have these, but in case not, An Arranged Marriage is .99c, An Unwilling Bride $1.99, and Christmas Angel $2.99.

There are links to places to buy here.  but I'm told some readers aren't getting the sale prices on Amazon. If you go to my Amazon author page, they're correct there.

BTW, if you click that follow button under my picture, you'll get to hear about any deals on my books.

This price may only be available in the US, but it's always worth checking. For Amazon, it's at their discretion.

Please forward this news to any interested readers.

If you have time, ways to help me.

If you're comfortable with it, please write reviews of my books for places like Amazon and other on line bookstores, or at Goodreads. These days a lot of browsing readers glance first at the number of reviews a book has as a major part of their decision to buy.

There'll soon a promotion to romance-friendly bookstores. Over half my books are still purchased in print. The major chains are covered, such as Barnes & Noble and Books-a-Million, but if you know of an independent bookstore that would
appreciate news of an upcoming historical romance, please send the address to Thank you.

More next month, when it will be frighteningly close to Christmas. Don't let
holiday insanity get between you and a good read.

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