Activating the Group Email for Bakarapet 6th Edition - Nov 2011

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Madras Hash House Harriers

Nov 1, 2011, 2:54:58 AM11/1/11

Dear (potential) Bakarapet Hasher

The month you have been waiting for is at hand.  Nov 26 - 27 will see us having a blast at Bakarapet.

Google Groups has made life difficult for people who manage groups.  It is now not possible to add email ids directly to the list.  The ones who want to be part of the list need to subscribe themselves.

If you are receiving this as a BCC, then you need to subscribe.  If you have received it with the subject line starting with {Bakarapet: } you are safe and need not do anything.

I will have forgotten to send this email to a number of people so feel free to suggest names that I have missed out.  You will know that if you see a deserving soul (someone who contributes a lot to the hash) having a glum expression.

If you are on the list, and cannot make it this year, send a mail saying so.  That will make room for someone else.  We have 8 confirmed from Hyderabad (and there may be more) and Bangalore is yet to send their list.

Meanwhile, think about how you can contribute.  As a chef?  Or as a DJ or contributr of music videos? Playing live music?  Or as an experienced hare?  Getting a gas cylinder from home?  Or ice cubes for the spirits at night? Or carting some of the groceries from Madras to Bakarapet in your Scorpio/SUV/car?  

On On

Beep Beep
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