Re: [JTM-Detroit] Help me go to graduate school!

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Melissa Scott

Jul 9, 2010, 2:47:58 PM7/9/10

Can everyone comment on my class blog.  I'm at Columbia now and the professor is counting comments:

It's about a Pew study that minorities use cell phones more, but I have observed that the mass media ads depict mostly whites.



--- On Fri, 7/9/10, Cambrey Thomas <> wrote:

From: Cambrey Thomas <>
Subject: [JTM-Detroit] Help me go to graduate school!
Date: Friday, July 9, 2010, 10:56 AM

Hi JTM Detroit participants,

I hope all is well. Please view the below link and pass it on if you can. 

Thank you!
Cambrey Thomas 

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Springer, Robert

Jul 9, 2010, 3:57:08 PM7/9/10
    I wasn’t offended. I applaud you for knowing when to ask for help in pursuit of your dream. Especially when the dream encompasses furthering your education!
So, cheers and good luck,
Bob Springer
Academic Advisor/adjunct faculty
Kent State University
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Franklin Hall 328

From: Cambrey Thomas <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 15:51:43 -0400
To: <>
Subject: [JTM-Detroit] Re: Help me go to graduate school!

Hi all, 

I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone in sending my email out earlier. I wasn't trying to abuse the list or reflect an attitude of wanting a hand out. I just happen to be in a situation where I need more help than I can come up with by myself and I decided to be vocal about it. I value eduction highly and I value the time I was able to spend with all of you. In fact, I will remove the posting and I ask you all to disregard it. 

Again, my apologies and all the best, 


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Cambrey Thomas <> wrote:
Hi JTM Detroit participants,

I hope all is well. Please view the below link and pass it on if you can. 
Help Cambrey go to Columbia! <>  

Thank you!
Cambrey Thomas 


Laurie Cirivello

Jul 9, 2010, 4:09:05 PM7/9/10
Those who don't want to read the message can surely delete. You shouldn't take down the link. Maybe you will make a good funding connection or two.

Pursue your future with gusto...and good Luck to you!

Laurie Cirivello

Sent from my iPhone

Jul 9, 2010, 4:20:32 PM7/9/10
This shows the EXACT message and spirit of JTM !!!
I can't imagine being offended by a young woman pursuing education
and offering me the opportunity to be involved in her success!!!

Count me in.

Alicia Nails
Wayne State University

Stephen Silha

Jul 9, 2010, 4:25:10 PM7/9/10

Many thanks for your apology.  I know some members of this list thought it wasn’t appropriate.  (But you may find more who will cheer you on!)  

Peggy, Bill, and I have seen this as a self-regulating list, where members “create our own culture,” just like at JTM sessions.

All best,


Stephen Silha
P.O. Box 2003
Vashon Island, Washington 98070 USA
Telephone:  (206) 567-4363
Cell: (206) 819-3755
Fax:  (206) 567-4737

On 7/9/10 12:51 PM, "Cambrey Thomas" <> wrote:

Melissa Scott

Jul 9, 2010, 4:54:28 PM7/9/10
I can promise you all that Columbia is very expensive and if I hadn't saved every penny like my Depression-era grandmother told me to, I wouldn't be there.  During this transition into the Fifth Estate economy, there are no ceremonies to stand on -- except respect and helping your neighbor.

Some people are still holding onto the old ways. Still picking over heads.  Yesterday, someone suggested that I was a beggar when I asked them to post to my class blog.  But the day before, Poynter asked us to blog on their site, and nobody called them a beggar.

When Poynter asked us to blog, I sent one in (since I'm practicing doing this anyway). And they didn't post it.

I started to think, if I were from the New York Times or the Washington Post, they would have posted my blog in a flash and would not call me names.

In the spirit of the Founding of this nation, I say let's stick together and help each other if we can.  

Anyway, Columbia is not only expensive, it's demanding.  Here's my request about my blog again:  

Can everyone comment on my class blog:

It's about a Pew study that minorities use cell phones more, but I have observed that the mass media ads depict mostly whites.

--- On Fri, 7/9/10, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [JTM-Detroit] Re: Help me go to graduate school! YOU GO GURL !!!!!

Peggy Holman

Jul 10, 2010, 11:57:43 AM7/10/10
Amen to both Alicia and Melissa's remarks.

BTW, the person who triggered Cambrey's apology has removed themselves from this list.


I. Davar Ardalan

Jul 10, 2010, 12:05:20 PM7/10/10
I think what Cambrey did was so very entreprenurial and I pledge to send her $100 as she prepares for Grad School at Columbia.   Cambrey best of luck and I'll be in touch. 

Best Davar Ardalan

Sent from my iPhone

Peggy Holman

Jul 10, 2010, 12:24:07 PM7/10/10

You inspire me.  I just read Cambrey's message and sent her $50.


Cambrey Thomas

Jul 10, 2010, 1:18:16 PM7/10/10
I truly cannot thank you all enough for both the kind words and the support!

Receiving that call yesterday was jarring and I didn't understand how their views could have possibly held together through the Journalism That Matters conference since community and support were two major pillars. 

Like Melissa said earlier, there are no ceremonies to stand on except respect and helping your neighbor. With traditional media wrestling it out with new media and gatekeepers being over taken by citizen journalists, times are fast changing and we must remember that it does not have to be "every man for himself" to get though it. 

Thank you all again! 

Melissa Scott

Jul 11, 2010, 10:20:30 AM7/11/10
The situation of the person who called Cambrey and removed themselves from the list goes to another best practice.  It's time to invite him back.  Declining to dialogue does not serve the Fifth Estate.  Here's what I wrote on my blog about blacklisting Lena Horne:

When I give talks at universities, I try to mention the story about Walter Cronkite running down the hallway saying, "Good grief! He finally called me."  I'm so happy!"  I thought he was talking about a world leader. 

When I got up close and listened, I found out that Cronkite was talking about a New York City taxi driver.  Real journalism means dialogue with everyone no matter what happens.  It was very Fifth Estate for Cronkite and all of the others where I worked who were grateful to dialogue with regular people.  That's how I was trained.  It's very Fourth Estate to drop out or to kick someone out over controversy.  Here's my blog about Pepsi Co.

PLEASE COMMENT on my blog JTM-ers!. The Semester is almost over! (I'm learning how to answer back too.)  Thanks Peggy.  I am forever grateful for your remark that marketers are missing out on the benefits that other races could bring.

 And let's invite that person who called Cambrey back into the conversation, OK?  Should Cambrey do it?

Fifth Estate Best Practices and Democracy

--- On Sat, 7/10/10, Peggy Holman <> wrote:

Peggy Holman

Jul 11, 2010, 2:00:27 PM7/11/10

You must have read my mind.  I woke up thinking about how important I believe it is to create a culture where different perspectives are welcome.  As i thought about my own behavior, I wanted to be sure that Cambrey felt supported.  If I did that in a way that made others wrong, then I missed the boat and apologize.

Melissa - I love your Cronkite story!  It is so respectful.

Having talked with the person who left, I know they reacted from a perception that Cambrey was asking for a hand-out.  They saw that as inappropriate.    Frankly, I would too.  When I read Cambrey's message, it struck me as a creative way to fill the gap after much hard work to make her dream possible.  Same data, different interpretations.  What we do with those interpretations -- and how we do it with civility -- strikes me as the learning opportunity.

The conversation on what sort of culture we wish to create on this list can use this exchange without it being about Cambrey or the other person.  The situation provides a great opportunity for reflecting on how we talk about issues in which we feel passionate, hold different perspectives, not make another wrong but instead, deepen our mutual understanding.

So, if there are others who are still on the list who have another perspective about the exchange that has taken place, please show up!

And know that I will forward this message on to the one who left, with a request to look at both Melissa's comments and my own.


Jul 11, 2010, 3:20:30 PM7/11/10
When it comes to treatment by conventional journalists I have been Cambrey. I have been the taxi driver (before Cronkite got to him). Deep in our psyches we all have been at some time. Respecting the personal cultures and needs of all means respecting ourselves. That is why I said yes when JTM wanted me to videotape, when it needed my equipment and for me to do over two dozen interviews for free. I did this for three conferences which would have cost them thousands of dollars. What makes one person's cause more acceptable than another's? What makes a person respond one cause and denigrate another? So I formulate best practices from the best behaviors of Cronkite and Murrow and from Ben Franklin's 13 virtues. My little county website is until I get out of school. Meantime I'm observing the subtext of dialogues as people gradually adapt to the Fifth Estate. I woke up to this too, Peggy and will share when you have time. Take care, Melissa

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Peggy Holman <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 11:00:27 -0700
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Melissa Scott

Jul 10, 2010, 7:11:49 AM7/10/10
This came in from my NATPE Diversity Fellowship Program and its for someone in your neck of the woods, Detroit:

Charles Meyer from the National Center for Media Engagement (NCME) is looking for candidates for the open position of "Director of TV and Digital Media Engagement" 

Charles Meyer, Executive Director
National Center for Media Engagement
975 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Tel: 608-265-6052

The Job Announcement says that they will accept applications until June 28th.  But according to Mr. Meyer's email - they are still accepting applications.  Please circulate this announcement with any Media Makers, Producers, Outreach Folks, and Educators who might know of qualified candidates who would be interested to work at a fantastic job within a super organization (in the mid-west)

Jul 11, 2010, 11:45:56 PM7/11/10
I speak out against inviting an inappropriate person back, to have at it again - 
and to asking the inaugural victim to participate in that process.

I believe that a "safe space" requires integrity from all participants.
I believe that visiting a lack of integrity on a (perceived as less powerful) person is indeed wrong.

This is not a difference of opinion on the "ask" - this is a violation of someone's peace / space.
I believe that no one has the right to call someone and purport to represent the group - and make them feel unsafe.

I totally get that some will feel this makes me "old-think," but 
I believe some things are simply not OK - and should not be tolerated - let alone condoned by re-invitation.

I'm all for open dialogue, and accepting styles of discourse
but as the prophet Chris Rock has opined: 
"Whatever happened to just calling crazy - crazy."


-----Original Message-----
From: Cambrey Thomas <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 11, 2010 5:04 pm
Subject: Re: [JTM-Detroit] YES: Graduate school and the Fifth Estate

I think it is important to point out that the person who called never actively used this list. I'm not even sure how he got my number, but it speaks volumes that my link set him off enough to send a harassing call (that he claimed was on behalf of group members) and then delete himself from the list. 

While I completely agree with Peggy that this conversation does not need to continue to be about myself and the caller because many of us have been there, is it necessary we invite him back if chose he to remove himself?

Linda Jue

Jul 12, 2010, 12:42:19 AM7/12/10
I'm w/ Melissa. As has been mentioned already, that person was prob not alone in his or her reax to the request. I don't think we should be censorng anybody for their honest & not unusual response. At the very least, it's stimulated a very interesting discussion.


Jul 12, 2010, 8:23:52 AM7/12/10
Again - It was not the person's reaction to the "ask" - the person has every right to that.
Had the person posted the reaction, that would be their right.

Instead, the person tracked down her phone number, and called her. 
The receiver considers the call to have been harassing as her "apology" email clearly demonstrates.
THAT is what is at issue here.

To censor is "prior restraint."
To say it is not OK to call up women and speak to them in such a manner seems much more modern.
I'm surprised that that is not clear - and I'm the worst feminist in the world . . .

Latoya Peterson

Jul 12, 2010, 10:59:47 AM7/12/10
I'm of two minds on this situation.

I understand the need for dialogue - after all, everyone who came to JTM participated for a reason.  However, this person did choose to remove themselves from the list-serv, and air their grievances privately instead of publicly.  That said, perhaps Peggy or Linda may want to reach out to this person and have a one on one, before inviting them back to the group.  Email communication isn't always the best way to discuss a problem, and if this person is not interested in this type of dialogue, then perhaps it is best that they removed themselves.  Take it from someone who runs a race site - dialogue only works when all parties are present and receptive.  Perhaps we should work a little at this conversation offline, before returning to a polarized situation.

However, I have to admit I can see where this person may be coming from, while they expressed it in a completely inappropriate and presumptuous way.  Cambrey, a good part of making it in the fifth estate is guts - asking for what you want and need.  But the flipside of that is how trust has become a form of currency as well.  People want to invest - but only in people and institutions they trust.  And your opening invitation spoke only of your need, not why we can trust you to get the job done.  What is your GPA? What do you plan to do with this degree? After we donate, can we track your progress? Will you update us with posts about your time at Columbia? And why are you going to Columbia anyway, instead of starting your own company?

Answers to these questions goes a long way in establishing trust, where people feel comfortable giving you money.  Some people are willing to take a shot and see what happens, particularly if they have the extra cash.  But for those of us who are more skeptical or having tighter times, the argument needs to be made.

Keep in mind, the new media environment isn't all sweetness and collaboration.  My friend Deanna Zandt recently tried to crowdsource the funding for her book, Share This! The book is now published, but the effort was only semi-successful. She needed $15,000 - she raised $6,500.  However, the move was so controversial, the Guardian wrote about it and detailed the naysayers AND some of the moral questions that arise from crowdfunding work.I highly suggest following all the links in the Guardian article, because people were really gunning for Deanna, and this could have damaged her reputation.  However, that comes with being ahead of the curve - Cory Doctrow and Debra Dickerson (these are links to their projects) are both trying the same thing for their new books.  However, Doctrow also has a huge fan base and people already trust his brand. Dickerson - there are a lot of factors at play there. But trust will always reign supreme.
Latoya Peterson
Freelance Writer/Blogger
Editor -

jessica durkin

Jul 12, 2010, 11:29:18 AM7/12/10
Latoya crystallized what I was thinking. I am also of two minds. Cambrey, you have guts, but you need a better argument to for us to donate other than you want to attend your dream school.

My big question after seeing the "ask" was: Why choose such an expensive school -- and city -- for a journalism masters degree? There are other schools that will provide the same education for less money and will open doors. Also, have you seen the journalism job prospects for people leaving j-school? The entry-level jobs, no matter where your degree is from, pay poorly. If you want to be in New York, have you considered the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism? Fraction of the cost and a great reputation.

And depending on your goals, you may not need a masters degree. I'm all for learning for the sake of learning, but in this economy with so many other priorities, it's hard to ask others to help with your personal enrichment. I do believe, as Hillary Clinton said, "it takes a village." But how do you propose helping the village that helps you?

Incidentally, the donation announcement struck a personal note with me: I just started a masters program in library science and I am waiting for student loans to kick in. I don't have the money just yet from financial aid to pay for September term. I will probably sit out the term if financial aid doesn't come through. I am attending the University of Pittsburgh, which has a highly ranked MLIS program and is half the cost of another university in Pennsylvania with an MLIS program, Drexel. 

Jessica Durkin
Jessica Durkin
Scranton, PA
(570) 348-9447

New America Foundation Media Policy Initiative fellow

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Melissa Scott

Jul 12, 2010, 5:29:04 PM7/12/10
Attached is a job description for a part-time community engagement assistant.  Please circulate within your networks and also let me know if you know someone who might meet be interested in apply.  Feel free to share my contact information.
Thank you.
Brenda Williams-Butts
Director of Community Engagement & Audience Development
160 Varick Street, New York, NY 10013
646-829-4299 - work| 917-359-8362 - cell | 646-829-4151 - fax <>
Become a Fan!



TITLE:  Community Engagement Part-Time Assistant                                          DATE:  7/6/2010


REPORTS TO:   Brenda Williams-Butts


GENERAL SUMMARY: The position of part-time Community Engagement Assistant is an essential team member that plays a crucial role in the overall outreach and audience development strategy, as well as event facilitation and execution. The position reports to Director of Community Engagement and Audience Development. This individual must possess excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills.


Part Time Office Assistant needed...MON / WED / FRI....9:30AM - 5:30 PM and some flexibility for evenings and weekends. (Total 21 hours)



1.      Facilitate all online giveaways for WNYC and WQXR originating out our of Underwriting Sales Department

2.      Assist with all details relating to special events, audience development activities and some events out of The Jerome L. Greene Space.

3.      Maintain and update the department’s master calendar

4.      Maintain the Volunteer Database and other departmental database systems

5.      Conduct online research

6.      Provide general administrative support to the Community Engagement and Audience Development team

7.      Other special projects as requested





·        Proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Experience with CRM database a plus.

·        Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

·        Ability to work independently, as well as part of a team, in a fast paced environment

·        Energetic self-starter, able to work both independently and within a close-knit team

·        Must be detailed oriented




College Degree a plus, experience in non-profit, media and/or event planning a plus.


Sally Duros

Jul 18, 2010, 1:26:58 PM7/18/10
Thanks for pointing this out, Latoya. In my work with legacy journalists moving into new media and NPO management, that is lesson number one they need to learn.

On Jul 12, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Latoya Peterson wrote:

> People want to invest - but only in people and institutions they trust. And your opening invitation spoke only of your need, not why we can trust you to get the job done.

I've found this in my work as a fundraising coach to new NPO managers. A journalist ED new to his or her role running an NPO might have no problem asking for money, nor indeed even telling a story of what they will do with the money. Funders also might have some trust in the journalist ED earned over time by doing good journalism. But still, ultimately, the funders will judge the success of their investment in an ED through his or her execution and delivery of the job that needs to be done.

It is the same for any money "ask." Tell your story and build your case for what my investment in your education will bring. Give me reason to think about it. If you find people/funders who are willing to invest in you, understand that you are building something on their trust and that it is your job now to make your "project" sustainable. Gifts will only take you so far.

As to the phone call, I am coming a little late to this conversation, But I could see how some might consider the phone call a better alternative to a public discussion on a list. It is possible it could have been offered as a favor.

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