DNA Talks, Sat. Oct. 24, $15 USD

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Cheri Mello

Sep 27, 2020, 7:04:45 PM9/27/20
to Azores Genealogy, madeira-...@googlegroups.com, Island...@googlegroups.com
(Cross posted to Azores, Madeira, and IslandRoutes)

The Antelope Valley Genealogy Society is having their KinDig virtually, on Saturday, October 24. It's a morning and afternoon event. I asked for the afternoon, to accommodate those who are overseas. Right now, I am scheduled from 1 - 3 pm Pacific Daylight Time.

The descriptions are not yet up on their genealogy site, so here they are:

1) Overcoming Brick Walls with DNA

Learn from 4 case studies how DNA was used to overcome a brick wall that stood since the 1950s, solved the mystery of the parent of two sisters, another that revealed step-grandpa was really dad, and a case of an unknown father.  Also included is an overview of the 4 types of DNA used in genealogy: Y-DNA, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA),  autosomal DNA (Family Finder) and X Match and how to decode the confusing terms of DNA.

(This is a repeat of the one that I gave for the San Diego Genealogy Society in August).

2) Third Party Tools for DNA

A brief overview of what third party tools are, which are housed on the Internet, and which live on your computer. Included are GEDMatch, DNA Gedcom.com, the Autosomal DNA Utility, Genetic Affairs, and DNA Painter and how to use some of the features of each.

You can attend one or both of my lectures. You can attend the morning session too, if those topics are of interest to you. The topics are posted at the URL below. All lectures (whether you attend 1, 2, 3, or all 4) is $15 USD.

Sign up here:

And there will be door prizes. The last couple of lectures, FTDNA has allowed me to raffle off a free Family Finder test ($79 USD). Alternatively, you can apply the $79 towards a different type of DNA test (Y or mitochondrial).

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
Kin Dig Flyer registration 2020.pdf

Cheri Mello

Oct 18, 2020, 5:29:24 PM10/18/20
to Azores Genealogy, madeira-...@googlegroups.com, Island...@googlegroups.com
(Cross posted to Azores, Madeira, and IslandRoutes)

REMINDER for this coming Saturday's DNA talks. The original announcement and my 2 lecture descriptions are below. For more information on the first speaker's lectures, contact George Mouchet at av...@avgenealogy.org
The Antelope Valley Genealogy Society is having their KinDig virtually, on Saturday, October 24. It's a morning and afternoon event. I asked for the afternoon, to accommodate those who are overseas. I am scheduled from 1 - 3 pm Pacific Daylight Time.

The descriptions are not yet up on their genealogy site, so here they are:

1) Overcoming Brick Walls with DNA

Learn from 4 case studies how DNA was used to overcome a brick wall that stood since the 1950s, solved the mystery of the parent of two sisters, another that revealed step-grandpa was really dad, and a case of an unknown father.  Also included is an overview of the 4 types of DNA used in genealogy: Y-DNA, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA),  autosomal DNA (Family Finder) and X Match and how to decode the confusing terms of DNA.

(This is a repeat of the one that I gave for the San Diego Genealogy Society in August).

2) Third Party Tools for DNA

A brief overview of what third party tools are, which are housed on the Internet, and which live on your computer. Included are GEDMatch, DNA Gedcom.com, the Autosomal DNA Utility, Genetic Affairs, and DNA Painter and how to use some of the features of each.

You can attend one or both of my lectures. You can attend the morning session too, if those topics are of interest to you. The topics are posted at the URL below. All lectures (whether you attend 1, 2, 3, or all 4) is $15 USD.

Sign up here:

And there will be door prizes. The last couple of lectures, FTDNA has allowed me to raffle off a free Family Finder test ($79 USD). Alternatively, you can apply the $79 towards a different type of DNA test (Y or mitochondrial).

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

Cheri Mello

Oct 18, 2020, 9:18:02 PM10/18/20
to Azores Genealogy, madeira-...@googlegroups.com, Island...@googlegroups.com
(Cross posted again):

The lectures will be through Zoom. I think when you receive the link after you register, it will download Zoom if you do not yet have it (I'd do this about 30 minutes before the class....or 1 hour if you are worried about technology). Or you can download here anytime this week: https://zoom.us/download

Also, the Kin Dig website has been updated with the lecture descriptions, including Arlene Earkle's talks:

Hope to "see" many of you on Saturday!
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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