Fwd: TEDxFSS invitation

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Isaac Mao

May 9, 2011, 3:41:49 AM5/9/11
to Axon:Mailinglist:isaacmao

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From: Lawrence <lawren...@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/5/9
Subject: TEDxFSS invitation

Dear Friends,

Hope this email finds you well. 

As some of you may notice that we are going to rock TEDxFSS on May 15 after we got the official TEDx license from TED one year ago. If you are not sure what TED is, I have also attached an introduction below for your reference. Please also kindly find a list of selected speakers and performers below.  

The venue and date are nailed down as: 
 Knowledge & Innovation Center KIC Plaza7
NO.252 Songhu Road,
Yangpu District,ShangHai
8 a.m. - 6 p.m., May 15 (Sun.)
上海杨浦区淞沪路252号创智天地7号楼会议中心 创智剧场

More information is available here: 

Since the space is limited, if you'd like to attend the event, please notify us before May 11. Otherwise, tickets would not be guaranteed. Meanwhile, in order to give seats to as many TEDsters as possible, we would only provide you one ticket if there is no request beforehand from you. Hope you would understand. 
由于场地有限,请您务必在5月11日 前回信告知是否参加本次活动。否则,届时我们可能无法为您安排入场券。同时,为了与更多TED爱好者分享这场脑力激荡的跨界活动,若您无明确说明,我们将仅为您提供一张入场券。希望您能谅解!

Last but not least, we are keen to meet you soon at TEDxFSS!

Yours sincerely,
Lawrence on behalf of TEDxFSS team

Lawrence  谨代表TEDxFSS全体组织成员 

TED and TEDxFSS Introduction
TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer -- TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize.

TEDxFiveStarSquare is an independently organized event officially licensed by TED. "Five Star" connotes China, while "Square" stands for a committed and sharing community. Based on our core idea "RE锐", we try to dig out the new value behind everything, and bring our participants a Local, Sharp, and Spirited TED experience. The TEDxFiveStarSquare team consists of enthusiastic contributors from various backgrounds and different professions. We strive to cultivate and spread the TED values, so as to inspire innovation, encourage sharing and collaboration. We are organizing annual TEDx events, while developing a local TED community (TEDtoChina.com) in the spirit of TED.

As the only TEDx event this year in Shanghai, TEDxFiveStarSquare 2011 is unveiling on May 15, 2011 in Knowledge & Innovation Center, Shanghai. 20+ speakers/performers will step on our stage, together with 350 participants, experiencing a whole day brainstorming.

TED是 Technology, Entertainment, Design(科技、娱乐、设计)三个单词的头字母简写。TED 大会(TED conference)是一个年度性的大会,召集各领域的专家学者和探索者,用演讲的方式分享他们的思考和收获,并通过网络在全球范围带来影响。这个会议的宗旨是“借思想之力,改变世界”(Ideas worth spreading)。它于1984年由Richard Wurman创办,2002年起,由Chris Anderson创办的种子基金会(Saplings Foundation)接手。

TEDxFiveStarSquare是由TED官方授权的中国TEDx活动,“Five Star”象征中国,“Square”象征表达与分享。围绕品牌核心“RE锐”,我们试图发掘事物背后的全新价值,带给参与者一个本土、先锋、充满活力的TED体验。我们的团队由来自不同行业、不同背景的中国TED社区活跃者组成,旨在传播TED精神,激发创想,鼓励分享与合作。我们筹备一年一度的TEDx本地会议,构建本土TED爱好者的社区(TEDtoChina.com),并帮助社区成员将创想化为实干。

作为今年上海唯一一场官方授权的TED活动,TEDxFiveStarSquare 2011的年度大会将在2011年5月15日于上海创智天地揭幕,将有超过20名演讲嘉宾与表演嘉宾走上我们的舞台,与350名参与者一起,经历一整天的头脑风暴与思维碰撞。

TEDxFSS Selected Speakers & Performers (by alphabetic order)
John Davis: Dean of S.P.Jain Center of Management
Glen Fu: Founder of Scarecrow Travel Club, advocator of responsible travelling
Hu Gao: Lead of Chinese rock'n'roll band Tongyang
Guqin Society: Advocator of Guqin culture
Haichen: Ceramist, founder of Blue Shanghai White, advocator of Chinese blue and white porcelian culture
Henry Hua: CEO at China Region of Korea's largest online gaming company Ncsoft, co-founder of Chinese IT professional online community 5G
Changjian Jiang: Professor of Internatioanl and Public Affairs School at Fudan University
David Li: Advocator of open source movement, Facebook APP programmer
Xiaolai Li: Educator, time management expert, author of "Be Friend with Time", explorer of new media publishing
M.O.L.K.: Advocator of Cappella music in China
Danielle Ruan: Director at COCO-MAT China
Wuhui Wei: Social media expert, lecturer of Media and Design at Shanghai Jiaotong University
Frank Yu: Co-founder and CEO at social game company Kwestr, columinist at "China Economic Review"
Zuyi Zhuang: Ph.D candidate in anthropology, author of "An Anthropologist in the Kitchen"

John Davis   S.P.Jain管理学院(迪拜-新加坡-悉尼)院长
小付     中国首家碳中和旅行公司稻草人旅行俱乐部创始人、负责任的旅行倡导者
高虎            中国摇滚乐队痛仰乐队主唱
古琴社        中国古琴文化传播团体
海晨            陶艺家、青花瓷家具品牌“海上青花”创始人、中国青花瓷文化传播者
华宏伟         韩国最大网游公司NCsoft中国区CEO、中国著名IT社区5G合作创始人
蒋昌建     上海复旦大学国际与公共事务学院博士、教授
李大维      著名开源文化倡导者、Facebook APP程序员
李笑来         时间管理专家、《把时间当作朋友》作者、新出版模式探索者
M.O.L.K.      中国无伴奏人声合唱阿卡贝拉唱法提倡者
Danielle Ruan 希腊家居品牌COCO-MAT中国区总监
魏武挥      新媒体专家、上海交通大学媒体与设计学院教师
Frank Yu      社交游戏网站Kwestr合作创始人兼CEO、《中国经济评论》专栏作家
庄祖宜     人类学博士、《厨房里的人类学家》作者

Isaac Mao
=Fingerprint: D907D6959E8BF2ADC827D65D059BA2A7F9B50B34 =

Sharism, http://sharism.org

Social Brain Foundation
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University, 2008-2009

Phone: +1 617 418 4443 (w/ voicemail)
Skype: isaac.mao
Blog(s): http://isaacmao.com
Thinking: http://twitter.com/isaac
Profile: http://mao.wealink.com (Chinese) http://www.linkedin.com/in/isaacmao (English)
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/isaacmao
Subscriptons: http://anothr.com/isaac.mao
Digest: http://diigo.com/user/Isaacmao

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