Cross-Posting from the Cache/Ensemble group -- Debugging helpers

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Bill Farrell

Jul 24, 2016, 1:00:58 PM7/24/16
to InterSystems: MV Community
I'm working on a project that has about a bazillion little classes and methods. I was looking for a way to capture the output from $SYSTEM.OBJ.Dump last night and found an old thread on the InterSystems form that involved capturing output from another class that just did "write". It involved using .ReDirect(). Unfortunately, that caused my project to abort in weird spots. I did find a workaround using MVBasic that does the trick nicely without causing exceptions Thought I'd share. The first few methods are pretty-much old hat to anyone who has worked with Cache/Ensemble for a while. The last method, captureObjDump() is "for the money".


Method debugDump(thingAs %Stream.TmpCharacter Language = cache ]
    set output ##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New()
    do output.WriteLine"<pre>")
    set level $STACK(-1) - 1
    do output.CopyFrom(..debugSay"Debug dump from "_$STACK(level)_": "_$STACK(level,"PLACE")_" - "_$STACK(level,"MCODE")))
    set ctr = 0
    FOR looplevel-1:-1:0 
        do output.WriteLine"Level "_loop_", context "_$STACK(loop)_": "_$STACK(loop,"PLACE")_ ", line: "_$STACK(loop,"MCODE"))
        set ctr ctr + 1
    set ze $ZE
    do:ze'["<UNDEFINED" output.WriteLine("System Error: "_ze)
    set errorLine ##class(%SYSTEM.Process).ErrorLine()
    do:errorLine'["/source" output.WriteLine"Error line: "_errorLine)
    if $isObject(thing{
        set oRef $get(thing)
        do output.WriteLine"OREF "_oRef)
        do output.CopyFrom(..captureObjDump(oRef))
        if (oRef["Core.Array")!(oRef["Core.HashArray"{
            set key thing.Next()
            while key '= "" {
                set item thing.get(key)
                do output.WriteLine"Key: "_key)
                if $isObject(item{
                    do output.CopyFrom(..captureObjDump(item))
                else {
                    do output.WriteLine##class(EasyCSP.Conversions.HexDump).run(item))
                set key thing.Next(key)
    else {
        do output.WriteLine##class(EasyCSP.Conversions.HexDump).run(thing))
    do output.WriteLine("</pre>")
    do output.Rewind()
    quit output

Method debugMark(phrase As %String ""As %Stream.TmpCharacter Language = cache ]
    set output ##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New()
    do output.WriteLine"<pre>")
    set level $STACK(-1) - 1
    do output.CopyFrom(..debugSay(phrase_..crlf"Debug dump from "_$STACK(level)_": "_$STACK(level,"PLACE")_" - "_$STACK(level,"MCODE")))
    do output.WriteLine("</pre>")
    quit output

Method debugSay(phrase As %String ""As %Stream.TmpCharacter Language = cache ]
    set output ##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New()
    do output.WriteLine"<pre>")
    do output.WriteLine(..crlf_..crlf_"===========================================================================================")
    do output.WriteLine("==========================================================================================="_..crlf_..crlf)
    do output.WriteLine(phrase)
    do output.WriteLine(..crlf_..crlf_"===========================================================================================")
    do output.WriteLine("==========================================================================================="_..crlf_..crlf)
    do output.WriteLine("</pre>")
    do output.Rewind()
    quit output

Method captureObjDump(objAs %Stream.TmpCharacter Language = mvbasic ]
    output = "%Stream.TmpCharacter"->%New()
    %dumpthisthing = obj
    execute "[do $SYSTEM.OBJ.Dump(%dumpthisthing)" capturing reply
    $kill %dumpthisthing
    return output
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