Pimps: Not enough money

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Nov 7, 2012, 6:02:46 PM11/7/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com


Nov 8, 2012, 5:06:27 AM11/8/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
ArbeitMachtFrei?  - that'd be me.
See Gollywobbler also put in an appearance.

Lazy Cow

Nov 8, 2012, 7:55:59 AM11/8/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Hi Grapplin and Gissajob

Do I suspect that A4E's little boy (Jonty Wotsit) is trying to discover how the ASA might feel if A4E calls itself "a company devoted to providing and promoting social value" or some other equally specious slogan along those rough lines?

I noticed that, eventually, the ASA forced A4E to admit that its primary aim is to be for-profit business.   This contradicts the delusional fantasies that A4E would prefer the public to believe, I suspect. 

Emma is quite right!  All those howwid, howwid people are bullying her because she left the unemployed in the lurch whilst she helped herself to around £70 million of public money, including about £8.6 million in a lump sum during the 2010/2011 tax year.   Money that had been earmarked for the purpose of helping the unemployed, NOT for the purpose of purchasing that hideous ruin called Vulgarity Towers.  

It is dweadful that anyone should bully Mother Tewesa for enriching herself instead of using the money for its intended purpose of helping the poor, evidently.......



Nov 8, 2012, 9:54:42 AM11/8/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com

I was 97.52% sure it was!
You've somehow got 300+ recommends.


Nov 8, 2012, 11:04:51 AM11/8/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Yes!  I'm amazed but very pleased.  I really must remember to consume a bottle of cheap plonk before posting every time - seems that it somehow makes me more lucid and my inpenetrable style more accessible.
Bet the Daily Mail are rueing the day they banned me from their site with threats of reporting me to my ISP and "employer".

Cheers! hic!
Go Gissa! Go Gissa! Go! Go! Go!

Lazy Cow

Nov 8, 2012, 1:27:28 PM11/8/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Hi Gissajob

I've just checked the Guardian again.   Your post at 10pm last night now has 425 recommends (only one of them given by me several hours ago!) 

Kate McCann or one of the others now ought to contact you privately, so that the journos can write an article based around the comments that you made.   Will they have the brains to do that, though, I wonder? 

Very, very well done, Gissa.



Nov 8, 2012, 2:34:27 PM11/8/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for that LC.  It really is quite gratifying to see that sort of response.  The temptation is to prolong the debate by responding to the other side.  I will resist!
Always leave them wanting more! (not a memorandum from my long past romantic life but, I think, a theatrical motto)... and so to bed.


Nov 8, 2012, 2:58:34 PM11/8/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Don't U 2 get 2 excited 4 goodness sake.
'You've somehow got 300+ recommends.:-)'


Nov 9, 2012, 11:31:26 AM11/9/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Don't U 2 get 2 excited 4 goodness sake
Well it had me going for a while but have now taken a cold shower and all is back to normal.
Final total looks like 436 - I'm still amazed, must have touched a chord with lots of people.
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