DWP “Workfare does not exist”

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Aug 11, 2012, 9:31:54 AM8/11/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
FROM: “Helen” DWP Press Office
TO: Annie Makoff
Date: 9 August 2012

Workfare does not exist. There is a scheme called Mandatory Work Activity which people can be asked to undertake at the discretion of their Jobcentre Personal Adviser. Only people on JSA would be asked to undertake this scheme and it is certainly not for everyone.

Lazy Cow

Aug 11, 2012, 10:11:55 AM8/11/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Why is a woman from the DWP trying to spread political propaganda?


Aug 11, 2012, 10:33:55 AM8/11/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Why is a woman from the DWP trying to spread political propaganda?

I think she's probably. just trying to do what she thinks is right and proper, ie clueless.

I don't think of the word(s) I think of the economics of it, as someone's has written here:

Dear Workfare supporter,

To be blunt, you are an economically illiterate moron. Your vindictive attitudes against the unemployed make you think that forcing them to work for their benefits is fair, but it is not. If the job is worth doing it is worth paying somebody to do.


Aug 13, 2012, 5:12:29 AM8/13/12
to InsideTh...@googlegroups.com
Did I read that right?  "ASKED to undertake"?.  I don't wish to be too picky but "asked" implies a degree of volunteering - or at least being able to decline the "offer".  On the other hand "mandatory" is exactly the opposite.
More "newspeak" from the increasingly Kafkaesque world of the DWP.
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