R2K Gauteng calls for a people’s vaccine!

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Busi Mtabane

Feb 16, 2021, 10:23:18 AM2/16/21

16 February 2021

R2K Gauteng calls for a people’s vaccine!

On Wednesday, 17 February 2021, members of R2K in Gauteng will be picketing outside the department of health calling for vaccinations for all. In short maximum coverage in the minimum time. We have yet to see any detailed plans or any real transparency related to the vaccine rollout. As R2K we hold the view that without transparency government cannot be held to account.    

We understand and accept plans have been delayed by the emergence of a new variant and that more studies need to be conducted to see whether AstraZeneca is effective against the ‘South African’ new variant. We also note that new mutations of the virus have a stronger chance to emerge unless we act with all possible speed with vaccination rollouts across the country. 

We note that the third wave will arrive in the next two to three months with the onset of Winter. We demand complete transparency regarding why our hospitals were not as fully prepared as possible for the second wave. Lives were lost because preparation was not as good as it should have been.  We want to know why recruitment into posts for the health care sector remains frozen.

In light of the above R2K demands clear and regular communication and transparency from the following :

  • The Vaccination Acquisition Task Team – what price are we paying, what quantity and when will stock arrive?  

  • From the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccine chaired by Prof Barry Schoub – we require details of all sites of vaccination and hours of operation?

  • The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority– what vaccines have been registered and what are the issues with those registered if any?

  • From the Minister of Health:

  1. What is the progress regarding the studies around the efficacy of AstraZeneca?

  2. What are the updated plans to protect the high-risk groups through a vaccination drive?

  3. What are the plans to ensure the lessons around the second wave surge are applied to the third wave so that we can stop the unnecessary loss of life?  

  • From the President of South Africa:

  1. What is the plan of action to ensure that all possible support and solidarity is provided to neighbouring countries to help them obtain the vaccines they require?  No one is safe until everyone is vaccinated.

  2. What are the plans to move beyond platitudes about civil society involvement, what oversight mechanism is to be put in place so we can feel confident that corruption will be rooted out?

While the rich countries are moving faster to loot all the vaccines for the benefit of their people, we are in the dark about how or what strategy from the SA government to get more vaccines for all.  We still yet to understand the plans of its distribution, how will the government protect citizens.

In the process of the distribution, are we going to see any measures to prevent corruption?  We are angry by how some politicians especially in the health department continue to loot funds that are meant to save lives. This is why we want transparency and accountability so that our participatory democracy can be a reality.

Our lives matter, we are not going to sit and wait to die, while rich countries are taking all the vaccines.

Picket Details:

Venue: 45 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg

Time: 10am to 12pm 

Date: 17 February 2021


For further information contact: 

Bongani Xezwi, R2K Gauteng Organiser: 067 724 4651

Bongani ka Mthembu, R2K Gauteng Coordinator: 071 702 0427


ONLINE VERSION: https://bit.ly/3jRqHFM 

NB: Please attribute all contents of this statement to the Right2Know, not to any individual unless you contact a spokesperson for specific comments.   

Sent on behalf of R2K Gauteng by: Busi Mtabane
Right2Know Communicator 
083 329 7844
Right2Know Campaign

More about the 
Right2Know Campaign:
www.r2k.org.za | @r2kcampaign | @r2kcampaign @r2kcampaign 

R2K Gauteng calls for a people’s vaccine!.docx
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