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Know How Talk THU: Greg Maletic, Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball

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Scott Underwood

Jun 9, 2008, 8:53:58 PM6/9/08
to Scott Underwood
IDEO Know How Talk
Thu, 6/12/08 5:00 pm
831 High St, Palo Alto <--please note venue change
Free and open to the public
See bottom for upcoming schedule.

Greg Maletic, director of Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball, a critically acclaimed documentary on the decline of an American pastime and the struggle of a team of passionate designers to bring a new product to market -- and save their industry.

THE SITUATION facing the pinball designers at Williams Electronic Games in 1998: come up with something new, or see the world's largest pinball manufacturer be shut down forever.

And Williams' designers did come up with something amazing: a brand new kind of pinball machine—"Pinball 2000"—that fused video with classic pinball gameplay, preserving what was great about pinball yet opening up all-new possibilities for a product thought to be on its last legs.

Yet soon after its successful and highly-profitable launch, Williams pulled the plug, leaving behind unanswered questions and abandoning one of the world's great design organizations. TILT: The Battle to Save Pinball is a documentary that tells the story behind one of entertainment's most mysterious failures.

Not just for pinball fanatics, TILT tells an account that any follower of technology, design, or business will find fascinating. Seen from the perspective of the designers that created Pinball 2000, TILT is a story about personality and passion, of bold success dizzyingly followed by stunning failure.

Khoi Vinh, noted digital designer and design director for says, "It’s highly entertaining, completely engrossing and beautifully made... it provides a surprising amount of tangible relevance for those of us working in digital design."

Join director Greg Maletic as we discuss and watch Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball (60 minutes long).

You can see clips, read reviews, and order DVDs here:

Khoi Vinh's review:

Upcoming Know How Talks
Tue    6/17/08    5:00    <--please note day change
   Barry Katz & Michael Shanks
   Design historian, CCA professor, and IDEO Fellow Barry Katz in discussion and presentation with
    Michael Shanks, archeologist and director of the Stanford Humanities Lab
Thu    6/26/08    5:00
    Jim Fruchterman     
    President, CEO, and Founder of Benetech, which uses technology innovation and business
    expertise to solve unmet social needs. Jim  will speak on "Raising the Floor: How to Ensure
    Those Who Most Need Technology Get It"
Thu    7/03/08    5:00
    Andrew Hargadon
    Professor at the Graduate School of Management at UC Davis, author, consultant, and ex-IDEOer
    will speak on "Innovation, Green."
Thu    7/10/08    5:00
    Uday Athavankar    
    Professor of Design, Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai, will
    explore the relationship between evolving political thinking in India and its influences on
    design approach, post-"Bottom of the Pyramid"
Thu    7/17/08    5:00
Thu    7/24/08    5:00
Thu    7/31/08    5:00
    Mariana Amatullo, Erica Clark & Richard Koshalek
   Mariana Amatullo, the director of the Designmatters program at Art Center of Design, Designmatters
    cofounder Erica Clark, and president of Art Center Richard Koshalek will show some of the most
    prominent case studies of the Designmatters initiative.

*IDEO's Know How Talks are usually held in our Palo Alto offices on Thursdays at 5:00.
This week, because of construction in our cafe, the venue is about two blocks away at
our workshop facility at 831 High St, between Homer and Channing.

The talks are free and open to the public. No need to RSVP.

To join the announcement list, please add yourself to the IDEO Know How Talks group:

-Scott Underwood
-650-289-3409 |
-100 Forest Ave | Palo Alto CA 94301
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