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How to deal with manipulation by CPIOs

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Indranil Bhattacharya

Jan 3, 2020, 10:25:56 PM1/3/20
Dear all

Over the years CPIOs have mastered the skill of manipulating information seekers and stone-walling applications through inventive ways. 

An application of mine was forwarded by a CPIO to a second CPIO in the same organization (am calling it organisation A). The second CPIO forwarded the application to a third CPIO (of a second organisation B) stating in the response that organisation B is the custodian of the information.

The information which came from the 3rd CPIO (of organisation B) after 55 days, were actually letters/documents already with the CPIO nos two, as they were official letters written by organisation B to organsaition A. So CPIO nos two already had the info but he/she forwarded it to CPIO three with an intention, prima facie, to delay the matter. Probably they knew that the matter had come up before a court of law and by delaying the info the CPIO was trying to buy some time and save an official.

I think this is a serious matter and I want to submit a second appeal. Or should I submit a direct complaint to CIC explaining this whole manipulation? Any suggestion will be appreciated. 

Dr. Indranil Bhattacharya

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