2nd Annual TGTA catalouge Round up

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2006年8月4日 下午5:59:442006/8/4
收件者:Horticulture Online
2nd Annual TGTA catalouge Round up

Hi group, well it's catalogue time again and soon they will be
showing up in the mail box so that we can spend the winter flipping
though the pages wishing about what we could get for next years

So I would like to start the second annual catalogue round up.

simply reply to this post with the name of the catalogues you get ,
how much it costs and the addy to send to get one for are self's
(and weather they mail to u.s.a , Canada or over seas. and a web
addy if they got one

(should all be listed in their catalogue you have on your shelf)

And what you think of the company
have you ordered from them before?
any good?

And if each member just posts about one catalogue soon we will have
a giant list that we can send away for and enjoy.

And remember it's not just seed cat's we want but greenhouse,
planting equipment and live plants are welcome as well.

So in closing thank you for your help with this and watch this post
because it's going to start growing.


Updated Catalouge List

For a full up to date list check out the TGTA message board
in the ** More Plant Rellated Info **section of the board

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