Call for Participation and Registration: HoTT/UF 2024

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Jonathan Weinberger

Feb 21, 2024, 9:45:34 AMFeb 21
Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
(HoTT/UF 2024, co-located with WG6 meeting of the EuroProofNet COST action)


Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
April 2 - 3, 2024, Leuven, Belgium

Co-located with the WG6 meeting of the EuroProofNet COST action
April 4 - 5, 2024


Homotopy Type Theory is a young area of logic, combining ideas from several established fields: the use of dependent type theory as a foundation for mathematics, inspired by ideas and tools from abstract homotopy theory. Univalent Foundations are foundations of mathematics based on the homotopical interpretation of type theory.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in all aspects of Homotopy Type Theory/Univalent Foundations: from the study of syntax and semantics of type theory to practical formalization in proof assistants based on univalent type theory.

The workshop will be held in person with support for remote participation. We encourage online participation for those who do not wish to or cannot travel.

# Registration

Please register by filling out this form:

Registration is mandatory (also if you're attending online only).

Registration deadline: March 8, 2024

# Invited speakers

* Mathieu Anel (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
* Rafaël Bocquet (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
* Matthias Hutzler (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

# Contributed talks

Authors and titles of contributed talks are listed on the website.

# Program committee

* Pierre Cagne (Applachian State University)
* Evan Cavallo (University of Gothenburg)
* Felix Cherubini (Chalmers University of Technology/University of Gothenburg)
* Tom de Jong (University of Nottingham)
* Eric Finster (University of Birmingham)
* Daniel Gratzer (Aarhus University)
* Mitchell Riley (NYU Abu Dhabi)
* Michael Shulman (University of San Diego)
* Kristina Sojakova (INRIA Paris)
* Jon Sterling (University of Cambridge)
* Andrew Swan (University of Ljubljana)
* Jonathan Weinberger (Johns Hopkins University)

# Organizers

* Evan Cavallo, (University of Gothenburg)
* Tom de Jong, (University of Nottingham)
* Mitchell Riley, (NYU Abu Dhabi)
* Jonathan Weinberger, (Johns Hopkins University)
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