This can happen only in India, a Hindu majority land: Minority Rule in Andhra Pradesh

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Nov 28, 2008, 4:29:54 AM11/28/08
to Hindurakshak

*There are six important articles below*

*Minority rule in Andhra Pradesh*

Dr T.H.Chowdary*

On the 18th of Oct a number of Christian organizations under the
leadership of Archbishop Rev. Joji of Andhra Pradesh met the Chief
Minister and thanked him for conceding their demand and creating a
separate department for Christian welfare and a separate Christian Finance
Corporation in the government of Andhra Pradesh. So far the welfare and
financing of Christians was part of the department of Minority Welfare and
the Minority Finance Corporation respectively. The Christian Chief
Minister had created special institutions for the welfare of Christians.
According to the census 2001, Christians constitute 1.44% of the people
of Andhra Pradesh .

2. It is becoming clearer by the day that the Chief Minister is doing
what he has said namely that *his is a government of minorities* ( a news
report to this effect reporting the speech of Chief Minister appeared in
Eenadu, the Telugu daily dated 21/02/2008 in its Hyderabad edition).

3. Some actions of the government of the Andhra Pradesh for minorities are
the following:

Ø Waiver of Rs. 500 cr of debt owed by minorities to the government
Minority Finance Corporation.

Ø Using government funds to subsidize the pilgrimage of Christians
from Andhra Pradesh to Jerusalem/Bethlehem in Israel / Palestine.

Ø Spending government money for performing the marriage of Muslim &
Christian couples at the rate of 15000 per couple. The marriages
themselves will be under the auspices of the government 's minority
welfare departments [ The first such group marriages was conducted in the
State on 22/10/2008. The Chief Minister told this crowd that congress has
unbound love and care and regard for Moslems and in proof of it he
mentioned his giving 4% reservation for Moslems in spit of obstructions
(from the High Court and Supreme Court)]

Ø Government of Andhra Pradesh pays 100% of the tuition fees for
Muslims in professional colleges for engineering, medicine, MBA, MCA, B.Ed,
dental etc. the Colleges had been ordered not to charge Muslims but get
reimbursement from the government.

Ø Although Muslims (& Christians) have innumerable minority
professional colleges, GOAP has been giving 5% reservation for Muslims in
the non-minority colleges. Although the matter is being litigated in the
High Court of Andhra Pradesh and in the Supreme Court, by various devices
for two consecutive years this reservation has been implemented.

Ø It is only a matter of time before some reservation will be
extended to Christians .just like for Muslims. Also, just like for Muslims
the government would defray all the fees to Christians in professional

Ø The grants to the AP Urdu Academy* are being continuously increased
since the last 4 years and for the current year it is about Rs. 14.0 cr.* !
The Sanskrit Academy gets only a fraction of what is given to the Urdu
Academy, just Rs. 5 lakhs ! from the Government of India. The Potti
Sriramulu *Telugu** University** gets about Rs. 7.0cr* .

Ø The Chief Minister has ordered that adequate spaces must be provided
both for Muslims and Christians for their cemeteries, even as the church
happens to be the largest owner of urban lands in the state and there are
tens of thousands of acres of wakf land for Muslims.

Ø Day in and day out, the All India Radio in its Telugu bulletins
is calling upon Muslims to fully avail of all the benefits and subsidies
and loans that GOAP is giving under the UPA governments 14 -Point
Development Program for minorities that is, Muslims .

Ø Christian associations and their Bishops and their churches are
demanding that the GOAP enact a law – Prevention of Atrocities Against
Christians just like the law for Prevention Atrocities Against SCs. We
may be certain that if the Sonia –directed, Rajasekhara Reddy- led
Congress gets into power again, this law will be passed as continuation
of acts of the self -proclaimed government of minorities of Andhra Pradesh.

Ø There are about 200 castes among Hindus in the State each of which
has less than 5% to 6% of the State's population . Why not declare all of
them minorities and create for each a Welfare Department; Finance
corporation; subsidise their pilgrimages etc - No, this won't be done
because they are known as Hindus. If they convert they would benefit; that
is the message that the AP government, the "government of minorities" is
giving to non-Christians & non-Moslems.

4. The "secular" casteist and regional parties in their competitive bid to
get "minority" votes are doing immense harm to Hindus. They are dividing
Hindus by caste and region and or exhorting, encouraging and inciting
minorities to unite, to ultimately rule over Hindus. Sri Ram Vilas Paswan
while addressing an organisation of Moslems of Indian origin in Chicago
called for a Dalit-Moslem alliance which would rule the politics and people
of India. Now Christians would gladly join that alliance.

5. Will Hindus resign themselves to ruled by revived Moslem and Christian
rule of over them of Moghuls and British?


*Hanuman Chowdhary*

Director : Center for Telecom Management & Studies

Chairman : Pragna Bharati, Andhra Pradesh

Fellow: Tata Consultancy Services & Satyam Computer Services

Former: Information Technology Advisor: Government of Andhra Pradesh

Chairman & Managing Director, Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd

Plot No. 8, P&T Colony, Karkhana (Secunderabad), Hyderabad - 500 009.

Phone : +91 (40) 2784-6137, 6667-1191 (Off) & 2784-3121 (Res)

Fax : +91 (40) 6667-1111, 2789-6104 (Off)

E-Mail: &


Kali Puja Procession attacked in Uluberia, Howrah

On 31st October, evening, an immersion procession of Kalipuja, organized by
several local clubs of Uluberia, subdivisional town of Howrah district, was
proceeding with drums and music. At Bhakta crossing near Uluberia railway
station local Muslims objected to the procession saying they will not allow
it to pass by their mosque. As Hindus in the procession protested and
resisted, there was scuffle. The Muslim goons demolished the Hindu shops on
the station road. 4 Hindus were severely injured and admitted to Uluberia
General Hospital. One of them, Sri Debashish Das, is fighting for his life.
When the agitated Hindus started a peaceful demonstration the police came
and arrested 3 Hindus and 2 Muslims. A case was registered against 61
Hindus. All of them will have to surrender before the district Court and
take bail. The very next day on 1st November morning, Muslims gathered in a
large number and blocked the road for 4 hours. The police, RAF, the
Inspector in charge of Uluberia police station, the SDO, all stood
helplessly and took no action to lift the roadblock. The Muslims threatened
that next time they will not allow any immersion procession with Hindu idols
to pass by their masjid. Duly alarmed, the Hindus attempted to submit a
memorandum to the SDO and IC but they sternly refused to accept. Being
turned away by the forces of Law, 22 local Hindu clubs held a joint meeting
and discussed for their next course of action. Today again members of 30
Hindu clubs gathered and resolved that they will take the immersion
procession of Jagaddhatri Puja through the same route on 8th November. The
situation is very tense. The administration is trying to suppress the Hindu
outrage simply because they are absolutely unable to contain Muslim
reaction. Maybe it's the Lok Sabha Elections in the first half of 2009 that
is the cause for this administrative paralysis. Now as the Parliamentary
elections are near the Muslims can clearly bargain their votes against
mayhem and disorder.

It must be mentioned here that this is the place/town where local left front
MLA, now a minister, Robin Ghosh, a few years back led thousands of local
armed Muslims and snatched 100 Bangladeshi infiltrators from Mumbai Howrah
train who were being escorted by the Maharashtra Police to be handed over to
the BSF for pushing back into Bangladesh. The infiltrators were then allowed
to melt into the local Muslim population. The Left Front made him a

On 19th October, 2008, in this very Uluberia town, Puja ghosh (16) was
molested by the Muslim goons led by one antisocial Ala Sheikh, when she was
going home after attending a VHP camp at nearby Sarada Shishu Mandir. In
fact the whole of Howrah district is now a disturbed zone for the Hindus.
Countless incidents are taking place every day in both rural and urban areas
of this district.

Posted by Hindu Samhati


*10 blasts in Guwahati, the capital of Assam*

More than 50 persons are feared to have died and more than a hundred
injured in over 10 blasts that were simultaneously orchestrated in Guwahati,
the capital of Assam, and in the Districts of Barpeta and Kokrajhar on the
night of October 29,2008. The picture regarding the exact number of
explosions and the places where they took place is still confusing. Some
reports put the number of explosions as high as 18. At least four of the
blasts took place in Guwahati.

2. The people of Assam are not strangers to serial blasts carried out from
time to time by the ULFA and jihadi organisations of Pakistani and
Bangladeshi vintage, which have made inroads into the State by taking
advantage of the uncontrolled illegal immigration of Muslims into the State
from Bangladesh They have been operating separately of each other when
possible and in co-ordination with each other, when necessary.

3. Assam has been the nerve-centre of a cocktail of terrorist
organisations----ethnic and jihadi--- who have been systematically eating at
the vitals of this State, which is key for protecting the integrity of
India from the designs of Pakistan, Bangladesh and China.But nobody has had
the time to pay attention to the alarming ground situation in this key
State----neither the Congress (I) nor the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) nor
any other party. Taking advantage of the lack of serious attention from the
Government of India and the mainstream political parties, this cocktail of
terrorists has been spreading havoc in the State.

4. "My heart goes out to the people of Assam," said Jawaharlal Nehru in a
broadcast to the people of Assam as the Chinese troops were marching in in
1962. He did nothing to protect them before the Chinese invaded. His
Government and its successors did precious little to protect this right arm
of India and its people either from the Chinese in the event of another war
or from the terrorist organisations of various hues which have come up in
the State since the 1980s. Who is whose surrogate? Who is the surrogate of
Pakistan? Who is the surrogate of Bangladesh? Who is the surrogate of China?
Is there a joint co-ordination by Pakistan, Bangladesh and China to
undermine the control of the Indian State? Nobody knows the answer.

5. Everyone is clueless---- the intelligence agencies, the police, the
security forces, the political class. There is hardly any realisation of the
seriousnress of the situation in Assam. One can even understand inadequacies
and even incompetence, but one is alarmed by the total disinterest in Delhi
in what is going on in Assam.

6. It is too early to say who was involved in the explosions of October
29---- the ULFA only or ULFA plus? One has to wait for the results of the
investigation, but from the large number of casualties and the widespread
nature of the attacks, one thing is already clear----there has been a
worrisome increase in the lethality of the explosives available to the
terrorists and their ability to use them effectively.

7. Public opinion has to force the Governments at the Centre and in the
State and the political class as a whole to act before it is too late.

(The writer is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of
India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For Topical Studies,
Chennai. He is also associated with the Chennai Centre For China Studies.
E-mail: )

ULFA denies hand in blasts, offers solace to aggrieved

Karnataka CM blames Christist groups for violence<>

PTI - October 13, 2008 | 16:06 IST

With his government facing flak over recent attacks against churches,
Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa on Monday blamed certain Christain
organisations for flaring up "disharmony and social tension" in the state.

"While Christians and Hindus have co-existed peacefully in the state, there
have been unconstitutional and illegal efforts by some Christian
organisations such as New Life to forcibly convert or to induce conversion
to Christianity," he said, addressing National Integration Council meeting
in Delhi.

"Efforts of such organisation include publishing booklets like Satya
Darshini in which Hindu gods and goddesses were denigrated. Our Constitution
provides for freedom of religion, but does not permit forcible or induced
conversion," he said.

He also criticised some Union ministers and alleged political vendetta. "It
was very unfortunate that our state was targeted for political vendetta by
ministers and officials of the government of India," he said.

Yeddyurappa stressed that there was no need to send Central advisories or
rush a team to Karnataka in the aftermath of attacks on minorities.

"There have been serious communal and terrorists activities in other states
such as Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Tripura, Delhi and Andhra Pradesh. The
Union government was not so active in sending advisory notes, at times
touted as notices (under Article 355) to the states," he added.

*What made Hindus angry in Karnataka by Francois Gautier
by: ""
yashwini1 <> Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:41 pm

What made Hindus angry in Karnataka
Francois Gautier, expressbuzz

WAS born in a Catholic family. My uncle was a priest, a wonderful man of
warmth and compassion and I spent most my early years in Catholic boarding
schools. When I was young I wanted to become a missionary and to 'convert'
pagans in Asia.

What I was taught by priests was that Hindus worship false gods and they
needed to be brought back to the True Word by Jesus Christ.

Then of course, I came to India and discovered that actually Hindus, far
from being the heathens, as had been portrayed in Europe, not only believed
God's diversity, the wonderful concept of avatar, but had given refuge to
all persecuted minorities of the world, whether the Syrian Christians, the
Parsis, the Jews (India is the only country in the world where Jews were not
persecuted), the Armenians, or today the Tibetans.

I am also aghast at the one-sided coverage by the Indian media of the
Christian- Hindu problem: blasts after blasts have killed hundreds of
innocent Hindus in Varanasi, Delhi, Mumbai train blasts, Jaipur, etc. Yet,
neither Manmohan Singh nor Sonia Gandhi have pronounced once the word
'Islamic terrorism.'

But when furious Hindus, tired of being made fun of, of witnessing their
brothers and sisters converted by financials traps, of seeing a 84-year-old
swami and his Mataji brutally murdered, of reading blasphemy about their
Gods, vent their anger against churches, many of them makeshifts, the Indian
government goes after the soft target which the Hindus are.

The same thing applies to the United States: they never warned Muslim
organisations in India about the killing of Hindus, but when dollars are
used to buy new converts and it angers the majority community of
India,Washington has the arrogance to issue a warning, and Manmohan Singh
does not have the pride to tell the US to mind its own business.

Neither the Indian press nor the western correspondents bothered to write
about what made Hindus angry in Karnataka: Newlife, one important
westernfunded missionary centre (, began making
conversions in and around Mangalore by accosting poor people in market
areas, or in bus stands, befriending them and then taking them to churches
to introduce them to the father.

Upon introduction they were paid Rs 2,500 per person and then taken to the
Velankanni shrine, in Tamil Nadu, where they would get another Rs. 3,000.

When they finally converted to Christianity by changing the name, they got
an incentive of Rs 10,000 onwards.

Newlife would then give them instructions to abandon wearing tilak on
forehead, not to visit and offer prayers at the Hindu temples, replacing the
photos and idols of Hindu gods and goddesses with a Cross, etc.

But what really angered local Hindus was when Newlife went one step further
and published a book in Kannada — Satya Darshini — which was widely
distributed by its missionaries.

Here below is the translation of some of the most abusive passages:

"Urvashi — the daughter of Lord Vishnu — is a prostitute.
Vashistha is the son of this prostitute.
He in turn married his own Mother. Such a degraded person is the Guru of the
Hindu God Rama. (page 48).

When Krishna himself is wallowing in darkness of hell, how can he enlighten
others? Since Krishna himself is a shady character, there is a need for us
to liberate his misled followers (page 50).

It was Brahma himself who kidnapped Sita.
"Since Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were themselves victims of lust, it is a sin
to consider them as Gods. (page 39).

When the Trinity of Hinduism (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) are consumed by lust
and anger, how can they liberate others? The projection of them as Gods is
nothing but a joke. (page 39).

God, please liberate the sinful people of India who are worshipping False
Gods. (Page 39)."

When blasphemy and much worse is brought against the most sacred Hindu Gods,
Hindus are supposed to take it meekly as sheep and let themselves be
converted to a foreign religion!

There are more than 4,000 foreign Christian missionaries involved in
conversion activities across different states.

In Tripura, there were no Christians at the time of independence. There are
1,20,000 today, a 90 per cent increase since 1991.

The figures are even more striking in Arunachal Pradesh, where there were
only 1,710 Christians in 1961, but 1.2 million today, as well as 780

In Andhra Pradesh, churches are coming up every day in far-flung villages
and there was even an attempt to set up one near Tirupati.

Christians throughout the ages have strived on the concept of persecution
and as a brought up Catholic, I remember feeling bad about all those
martyred saints of Christianity.

Christians in India like to say that they are only two per cent and can do
no harm. But it is a sham: in the Tamil Nadu coastal belt from Chennai to
Kanyakumari, there must be now 10 per cent Christians posttsunami and the
same may be true in other parts of south India.

My heart goes out to Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yeddyurappa who took a
courageous stand against unethical Christian conversions, but is now under
pressure from the Centre.

The BJP, having learnt from bitter experience that the Congress has no qualm
in invoking President's rule under fallacious pretexts in states which are
ruled by non-Congress governments is in a quandary: it must show some action
against militant Hindu groups while remaining true to itself.

This is why Yeddyurappa took some action against Hindu groups while saying
that his government will not tolerate forcible conversions and will take
stringent action against missionaries involved in conversions.

And ultimately, the blame must fall on Hindus: they are 800 million in
India, the overwhelming majority; they have the brains, they have the money
and they have the power. But either their intellectual and political class
sides with the minorities, out of fear, inferiority complex imbedded by the
British or just sheer crass political opportunism, or the bigger mass is
indifferent inert, selfish, un-civic conscious.

Every Hindu is the inheritor of the only surviving spiritual knowledge which
at the moment is under a concerted attack by Christian missionaries,
Americanisation, Marxism and Islamic fundamentalism.<>


Provocative pamphlets @

Media's Handshake @

Truth about Media @

Murder of a Saint @

Inducements to lure….@

End fraudulent conversions of Dalits and Tribals @

R L Francis

*Conquering India by conversions*

By J.G. Arora
Organiser, New Delhi: November 2, 2008

Since Bharat has forgotten its ancient Sanskrit adage, *"Shathe shaathyam
samaacharet" *(treat the wicked in his own wicked way), its tormentors are
having a free run.

Expansionist forces are waging a relentless war to demolish Hinduism and
Hindu civilization the way they have already wiped out many native religions
and cultures from Europe, Americas, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, numerous
Islands and parts of Asia.

On August 23, 2008, just before Krishna Ashtami, an important Hindu
festival, 84 years old Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and four other Hindu
sages were gunned down in Kanya Ashram in Kandhamal in Orissa. Their only
crime was that they were resisting fraudulent conversions by foreign-funded
Christian missionaries.

At present, the worst problems faced by India are the demographic invasion
by crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators, and conversion of Hindus to
Christianity through fraud and charade of charity by missionaries.

If Pak-Bangla combine wants to Islamise India through countless terrorists
and infiltrators, missionaries want to Christianise India through unlimited
foreign funds.

*Unilateral war*

Though religious freedom can never mean the freedom to convert; and though
in 1977 vide its judgement reported as *Rev. Stainislaus v. State of Madhya
Pradesh (AIR 1977 SC 908),* the Supreme Court has held that Article 25 (1)
of Indian Constitution does not grant any right to convert any person to
one's own religion, there is no halt to aggressive evangelization.

While addressing missionaries in New Delhi on 7th November, 1999, late Pope
John Paul II gave a call to convert Asia to Christianity as follows:-* *

*"Just as the first millennium saw the Cross firmly planted in the soil of
Europe, and the second in that of America and Africa, so may the Third
Christian Millennium witness a great harvest of faith on this vast and vital

And his successor and present Pope Benedict XVI reiterated conversion agenda
with the words, *"The Church is by its very nature missionary; its first
task is evangelization."*

Hindus in India and Nepal are prime targets for this harvest of faith. Even
if old horrors like Goa Inquisition (1560 to 1812) heaped on Hindus by the
Church are kept aside, what is happening now is equally horrible.

Having already conquered North-East India, many global missionary
organisations are sending enormous funds to non-government organizations
(NGOs) in India for converting Hindus to Christianity through fraud,
allurement and coercion.

Reinhard Bonnke, the global evangelist famous for his crusades in Africa,
has diverted his attention to India. Pat Robertson, the American founder of
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), also wants aggressive evangelization
of India.

Missionaries are far superior in marketing than any MBA. Within a few
decades, they converted Buddhist South Korea into a Christian majority
country. And they want to repeat that success in India.

*Conversion blitzkrieg*

Missionary activity in India is aimed at destroying Hindu religion and
culture; and has nothing to do with spirituality. While many Hindu religious
leaders are parroting the dangerous falsity that all religions are the same
*(sarva Dharma sambhav), *missionaries are demolishing Hinduism by
converting Hindus*. *

Several global missionary organisations were running a co-ordinated
conversion campaign in India known as AD2000. These activities were later
brought under the Joshua Project.

Joshua Project is a war-like project to invade and Christianise India. It
has collected the necessary population data about each village and town in
India, and has prepared the area specific strategy to bring maximum

All over India, Churches are being built even in remote
villages (with no Christian population) to Christianise the local
populations. Entire India is facing a blitzkrieg of missionary aggression.

As reported in a section of media, D. Ron Watts, a Canadian missionary and
Dorothy Watts, his American wife, and their cohorts have converted several
lacs of vulnerable Hindus to Christianity in Andhra Pradesh during the last
few years. Though they came to India on Business visas, they were engaged in
conversions violating their visa terms.

Tamil Nadu government's revocation of anti-conversion law has further
boosted conversions in Tamil Nadu.

Missionaries are targetting Sikhs too; and after converting 56 Sikhs to
Christianity at Goindwal Sahib, a Sikh holy place in Punjab in 2005, they
have stepped up such activities.

*Fraudulent exploitation *

Conversion of vulnerable Hindus through fraud and inducement is a big
industry in India employing hundreds of thousands of missionaries wearing
the mask of social service. More Hindus they convert, more money they get.

In his write-up, "The war against Hinduism", Stephen Knapp has described
various subterfuges employed to get converts to Christianity in India.
Missionaries give loans to vulnerable Hindus who cannot repay. The said
loans stand waived the moment the debtors become Christian. And more rewards
await those who bring more Hindus to the Church. He has also described
stage-managed mass healings for mass conversions.* *And then there are
"miracle boxes" kept in churches where the poor can write their wishes which
are fulfilled to bring them to Christianity.

To induce conversions, some missionaries bear Hindu
names, dress like Hindu Sanyasis, and call their organizations

Evangelists treat natural calamities as opportunities to purchase new
converts. They offer relief to helpless victims of tragedy in exchange of
their religion. Tsunami that struck Tamil Nadu in 2004 saw mass
proselytization of vulnerable Hindus. At some places hit by Tsunami,
Christian groups refused to give relief supplies when the victims refused to
change their faith.

*Predators or 'victims'? *

Missionaries pretend to be 'victims' if their predatory attempts at
proselytization are resisted.

Recent circulation of a number of contrived stories about the alleged
attacks on Christians in mainstream anti-Hindu media suppresses the fact
that Hindu reaction in Orissa was triggered by the murder of Swami
Lakshmanananda Saraswati, and in Karnataka by denigration of Hindu gods in
the book, 'Satya Darshini' - distributed by some missionaries.

Unfortunately, most of the main stream media in India is anti-Hindu, and
hides missionary aggression. But it dubs those resenting this aggression as
'communal'. While the said media ignored the outrageous murder of Swami
Lakshmanananda Saraswati, as also the denigration of Hinduism in 'Satya
Darshini', it over-blew the natural Hindu reaction following these appalling
attacks on Hindus and Hindu faith.

*Way out *

Since those who behave like sheep, are eaten by the wolves, much of the
injury suffered by Hindus is self-inflicted by their capitulation before
their tormentors.

Ever since 1947, Indian government's policy of perverse secularism (which in
reality means anti-Hinduism) has been leading to gradual liquidation of
Hindu Bharat.

The so-called 'secular' India* *has proved to be a disaster for Hindus. To
prevent the creation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Bharat's soil by
countless Pak-Bangla terrorists and infiltrators, and to prevent more Hindu
lands (like North-East India) going to missionaries, 'secular India' has to
be transformed into 'Hindu Bharat'.

Logically, in 1947, on India's partition on religious basis and creation of
Pakistan as demanded by Muslims, Bharat should have been declared a Hindu
nation. But the problem can be solved even now by declaring Bharat a Hindu
country. No one can object to Bharat being declared a Hindu nation when all
the 57 Muslim-majority countries are declared as Islamic countries, and many
Christian majority countries are Christian countries.

Hindu Bharat will give justice to all and appease none. In Hindu Bharat,
there will be one law and one nation; no distinction of majority and
minority; and no discrimination, whatsoever, against any community.

Apart from protecting Bharat's Hindu identity, Hindu Bharat will crush the
daily Pak-Bangla terrorist attacks and demographic invasion, as also
foreign-funded missionaries' conversion menace. Hindu Bharat will ban the
inflow of foreign funds meant for subversion and conversion, and will also
ban conversions effected by fraud, allurement or coercion. Hindu Bharat will
also remove laws which discriminate against Hindus.

Accordingly, for the very survival of Hindus and Hinduism, all pro-Hindu
individuals and organizations must unite to transform India into a Hindu
nation by all peaceful, constitutional and lawful means.

Hindu Bharat will ensure that Hinduism survives and prevails. And that will
be the apt tribute to Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and his associates who
sacrificed their lives while defending Hinduism.


Before even Attacking know what you are fighting
Dharma Raksha
Everyone said he is dead...but is he now BACK FROM THE DEAD

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