Do we know Hindutva Leaders

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Jan 8, 2008, 2:57:50 AM1/8/08
Jai Bhavani, the greatest problem of hindu is fatal attraction to the hype and orchestrated news and reports which advocate falsehood.  Hindu now uses all foriegn products in place of bharatiya products which are superior and cheaper, similarly when they see all the news reports flashing continuosly people get dis-oriented and try to follow some myth and later the nation pays heavy price for it.
After so many years of sacrifice saffron is flying high again, brave Narendra prooved to the world that if someone dedicates himself to Dharma idiology then people endorse it with everything including vote.
I am now 80 years old and would like to see real hindu leaders coming out of dark gallows holding saffron flag and leading the nation.  You can be a entreprenuer, young student or anything but heart should beat for Saffron.
Neverthless I think that people who are wearing masks of saffron band should be highlighted to the common man because in the long term such people will be the biggest hurdles in creating Hindurashtra.  Please take it with pinch of salt as it will be hard to digest for many people in sangh parivar.  But the truth will prevail and also whenever people defend these kind of people you know what their intentions are.   Hindu Veeron I present in your court with utmost humbleness for rendering justice to Hindu Rashtra.
Mr. Arun Jaitely
People from all the group know it very well that I seldom speak and when I speak it will be sacrosant truth and nothing else.   I was watching gujarat elections this time as Narendra was fighting the battle alone.  Arun was the person who was responsible for Press breifings and media relations.  Over the period of time I have personally with many young people associated with me throughout the world researched on many so called Hindu leaders, the outcome was little scary for me but realised the fact that it was a chain which was continuosly leading me to higher crooks available in the decision making body especially BJP.  Allow me to throw some light on this person in detail.
Arun Jaitely who is spokesperson and one of the most influencial power brokers in BJP has got nothing to do with Hindutva and his roots indicate that his college days were totally involved in socialism and communists.  His college where he completed him graduation in commerce (Xaviers) influenced him more towards socialism and communists rather than hindutva.  He was against every Hindu thought and was/still is a total psedo-secular in thoughts as his main driver is Money and nothing else.
1) He does not have Hindutva Blood (He is a Power Broker and manupulator)
He is from hardcore JP movement which yeilded dumb leaders like lalu, VP Singh, Mulayam and scores of idiots who have raped this motherland by their actions.  Arun was jailed in JP movement and there again his idiology was more moulded by people surrounded by him who were mostly socialists and later they affiliated to communists.  This fact has been given annonymously by many pro-communist leaders who are still his good friends.
2) He is responsible for Sonia Gandhi getting powerful (needs to be hanged)
Provision of "reciprocity" is that a person of foreign origin, who has acquired the citizenship of India through registration by virtue of marrying an Indian national, cannot enjoy more rights (like becoming Prime Minister), if the same opportunity is not available to an Indian-born citizen in that particular country. While it is not known whether the President mentioned this, legal
luminaries pointed out there could be a further lacuna over the issue of her surrendering Italian citizenship.

It may surprise readers to know that despite this public posturing, the BJP-led Government took deliberate steps to clear the way for foreigners. Further, while the people were made to believe that the party was fighting a political battle with Ms Sonia Gandhi and people around her, elements in that Government were shielding some of her friends.

There are three reasons why I say this: (i) The cunningly executed amendment of the Citizenship Act to remove a major obstacle in the path of naturalised citizens seeking political office in India; (ii) the NDA Government's preposterous assertions in an affidavit before the Delhi High Court in a case pertaining to Ms Gandhi's citizenship; and (iii) the NDA Government's refusal to grant permission to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to prosecute Mr Satish Sharma in respect of cases pertaining to petrol pump allotments made by him.

While the world at large believed that the BJP leadership stood committed to barring naturalised citizens from constitutional offices, the Government led by it pushed through the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2003, in the Rajya Sabha on December 18, 2003. It was introduced in the Lok Sabha the very next day and passed by that House on December 22. Thereafter, the Government acted hastily to obtain the President's assent on January 7, 2004.

The Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Bill claimed that it had two main purposes: Creation of a new category of citizens called Overseas Citizens, to grant dual citizenship to the Indian diaspora, and introduction of a scheme for compulsory registration of every citizen of India and issuance of national identity cards. These objectives were indeed laudable, but embedded in these provisions was a politically significant pro-foreigner provision, which the Statement of Objects made no mention of!

The amendment, which had the effect of weakening the case against naturalised citizens like Ms Sonia Gandhi, was that relating to Section 5 of the Act. The section refers to a category of citizens called Citizens by Registration, which includes foreigners who marry Indian citizens. Section 5 said that subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be prescribed, such persons could be granted citizenship. This Section also had a proviso which was most inconvenient for Citizens by Registration. It said: "Provided that in prescribing the conditions and restrictions subject to which persons of any such country may be registered as citizens of India under this clause, the Central Government shall have due regard to the conditions subject to which citizens of India may, by law or practice of that country, become citizens of that country by registration."

Who this friend of Sonia gandhi is who orchestrated dropping the references in the Citizenship act, it was none other than, then Minister Mr. Arun Jaitely.  Whole of the Sangh Parivar was behind his blood then but no one opened their mouth accept for respectable Sarsangachalak.

3) His media affiliations and friends (used mainly for his own purpose)
Will give details as soon as we get more information.
4) Agra Summit and Musharraf & Rajat Sharma
Rajat told Musharraf on during the July 16, 2001, breakfast meeting at Agra: "Jitnee achhee tarah se aapne hamko kashmir issue samjhaya hai, yakeen maniye,  utni achhi tarah se to hamari sarkar ne bhi hamko kabhi nahi bataya".
To this very Rajat Sharma, he gave a daily programme on DD when he was MOS I&B.
5. How can a Go-mans eater can be called hindutva leader
Our people followed his eating habbits and his delicacies to to your surprise His favourite food is rare steak.
6. His best friends are Hindu bashers
Suhel Seth a advertising professional usually received good booty from Arun Jaitley from campaigning fund and during his tenure as Minister.  He is the person every one knows as a communist and hard core psedo secular.  Some circles also say that he is one of the sexual partners of Mr. Jaitley, especially NRI's with close affiliation to BJP know it as a open secret.
Amar Singh - He is the friend of all Hindutva hating people, useless multi-millionare trying to hold is foot using Mulayam. Arun Jaitley and Amar Singh share a long time friendship which is beneficial for both of them.  Sources quote Amar Singh would have convinced his good friend for ammending some citizenship clauses paving way for Sonia.
7. He is the best macauley product
His close people and few of his media links usually speak about him as a person who hates Hindi speaking people.  His love for english is known by everyone.  What can be narrated more if a person does not respect his Rashtra Bhasha.  Hehas utter contempt for Hindi speaking people.
8.  He is friend of all English speaking leftist media.
No I am not mis-quoting him his greatest friends are  Rajdeep Sardesai, Barkha dutt  and the whole gang of Hindu bashers.  Dont even think that this is required for his current job profile it has got history to narrate.  After Gujarat elections he had actually published articles on fake names self-crowning himself for Gujarat Victory.
He could manage zero seats in West Bengal elections with his much hyped 'Chanakya' skills.   THIS KIND OF BULLSHITTING IS DONE BY ARUN JAITLEY WITH HIS FRIENDS IN THE MEDIA.
9. Modi was going to get 150 seats. He got only 117. There was internal sabotage.
You dont have to think about anything here as the party dissidents and the people involved in the dirty game were all from Advani and Jaitley Lobby.  Narendra was fighting his battle alone with support from some self-less activists of Sangh, VHP, Bajrang dal and most importantly organisations which are operating from outside the country for hindu cause.
During the elections Arun Jaitley called few pro-communist writes for a meeting in Ahemdabad.  As we were tracking him because we had already zeroed him by then, we implanted one of our journalist who made friends with the others available then.  The meeting was to project him as a Gujrat prabhari and to defame a dedicated Hindu warrior.
10. He motivated Advani to declare himself as PM-in-waiting.
When Narendra was fighting the most difficult battle alone this rascal orchestrated a biggest surprise of crowning Advani the most guilty person who made Jinnah Yug Purush.  Any close affiliates of BJP top leadership will tell you the same story.  This is the rascal because of which Uma Bharati, Madanlal and many scores of people left with idiology in their heart.  He has played with many good able Hindu Leadership and again Humbly request all of you to give judgement and pass a verdict.
There are scores of Crimes this Rascal has done, there are many more to come as the investigations and research are going on in full swing.  REQUEST SANGH PARIVAR TO TAKE NOTE OF IT CLEARLY OR ELSE WE ALL WILL LOOSE RELEVANCE SOON.
Jai Bhavani
Dont bother much about the name..
thann hindu mann hindu...kan kan hindu mera parichay.
Before even Attacking know what you are fighting join===>
Dharma Raksha
Everyone said he is dead...but is he now BACK FROM THE DEAD
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