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Dec 28, 2008, 1:50:10 PM12/28/08
*Congress never demanded freedom*, documents proves it, hence, It will be a
surprise for many who would go through this article to assess themselves
that *whether there was a sincere struggle for Independence by the Congress
till 1942 or it was only for getting the status of British Dominion Rule? If
there would have been no Struggle by Nationalists, we would have been still
under the control of British Domain.* . Their definitions were all as
suiting to them as per the situation arise. They have define* **Swaraj as
self-rule under British, Congressmen supporting British ideology as
Moderates, where as other Nationalists demanding complete independence as

* *

* *We have examples from the history that British Government had framed well
thought objectives for India, which were carried out promptly by Congress. Sh.
A.O. Hume advocated that *"the Government of India will be precisely similar
to that of Dominion of Canada, when, as there, each province and presidency
will have a local Parliament for Provincial affairs, and the whole country
will have its 'Dominion Parliament for national affairs, and when the only
officials sent out be the Viceroy and the Governor-General of India'. *(Morning
Post dated 17-5-1888, The India and the Commonwealth London 1965-page 33).

In this process a Draft or Declaration would appear from His Majesty
Government, the Crown and the Congress would start the process of
negotiations. The Congress would discuss it, and it is certain that there
will be opposition from some quarter within congress and it would end with
no decision in favor or against. *This was what the British Government
desired and an impression would be given that "Indians are yet to be
educated to handle the administration of the Country, and have to prove
their credentials"*. It is therefore essential for them to work under the
guidance of British Rulers. This objective was faithfully followed by *Sh.
Gokhale and who said in his Presidential address in 1905 that India requires
a "Colonial form of self-government".* Again this notion was repeated by Sh.
Dadabhai Naraoji, The Congress President in 1906, who went a step further
and defined that the "*self-government or Swaraj like that of the United
Kingdom or the Colonies"* and it shall be our goal. This was not accepted by
Nationalists and their definition and objectives were for the attainment of
complete Independence. *The Nationalists were defining it as a complete
autonomy free from alien rule*. Sh. Aruobindo stated it as "*Political
freedom is the life breath of the Nation*". The Congress Congresses
Moderates totally disagreed and they viewed these ideas as harmful and
impractical. *The Moderate Mr. Gokhale went so far as to say that "only mad
men outside lunatic asylums could think or talk of Independence".*

It was in Surat Session of 1907, the breach between Congresses Moderates and
Nationalists came in open on the issue of Self-Government, boycott and
National Education. Nationalists preferred Sh. Lala Lajpat Rai to preside
over the session, but Sh. Ras Behari was chosen to preside over the
session. *The Congresses Moderate pinned their hope on British Rule "which
alone could secure to the country the peace and order, which were necessary
…………"* not only that President emphasized and said clearly "*if the
did not approve the Constitutional methods of agitation and were unable to
work harmoniously with the leadership, they had no place in the Congress"
and " succession was the only course open to them "*, continuance of British
Rule according to Moderates was necessary for the best interest of the
people. This session ended in pandemonium with Congress Organization in the
hands of the Moderates. Sh. Ras Behari Bose has was a revolutionary and
have planned assassination of Viceroy Harding on 23-12-1912 and escaped to
Japan. He handed over the President ship of Indian National Army to Sh.
Subhash Chander Bose in Singapore on 4-7-1943.

* *


* *

Congress gave a call of boycott to Simon Commission on its arrival in
February 1928, on the ground that there could be no question of "an enquiry
into our fitness for Swaraj or any other measure of responsible
Government". Due to this anti-Simon agitation, in which Sh. Lala Lajpat Rai
was seriously injured and died shortly in wanton police assault, and also
Pandit Govinda Ballabh Pant was never recovered after receiving police
Lathies. There was a complete breakdown of communication for further
discussion with British. In view to reconcile with British Government a
meeting was called by all recognized parties at Lucknow in August, 1928 to
prepare a draft Constitution for India. A Committee was formed and headed
by Sh Moti Lal Nehru. His report was called '*Nehru Report or Nehru
Constitution'*. In his report *"Dominion Status was stated to be the goal of
all the recognized parties of India*". This report also included various
social, political, freedoms of expression, religious freedom, civil rights,
separate electorates etc. This report was later rejected by Muslim League
and also by All India Muslim Conference.


* *

Congress in *its Madras Annual Session 1927* declared
'complete*independence as its goal'
* but later congress accepted Nehru Report which defined *"Dominion Status
as the goal to be achieved". It was a step backward in fight for
Independence*, which created a clear divide between Moderates and
Nationalists and there was clear possibility of clash in Calcutta session of
1928. The negotiations to enter a compromise within the Congress started and
it was agreed to accept "Dominion Status if it was granted by British
Government within a year" failing that the Congress would revert to its goal
of Independence and will organize a campaign of Non-violent non-co-operation
movement". It was nothing more then a skillful compromise which Gandhiji
worked. It was followed by *a strong statement by Gandhiji* "*I must declare
my self an Independence-Wala". *It is becoming difficult to understand
before this statement whether Gandhiji was not for Independence.* *

* *

* It was in Lahore Session of December, 1929,* the name of Sh Vallabhbhai
Patel was proposed, because of his success in Basdoli Peasants Movement and
was by now projected as a National Leader. But Sh. Maulana Azad and Sh.
Gandhiji made Sh. Jawaharlal Nehru to preside over the session. It was
declared that the '*word' Swaraj should mean 'complete independence'*. It
was further decided Gandhiji was to start Civil Disobedience Movement, as
and when, he thought it proper and suitable. *The entire process of Puran
Swaraj was turned to Civil Disobedience agitation and from here it was
turned to a Satyagraha Campaign by writing a letter to Lord Irwin on
2ndMarch, 1930 conveying him, his decision to launch the Satyagraha by
manufacturing salt at Dandi,* unless civil enumerated by him in his letter
were immediately removed and also listed various other demands which were
not connected to Independence of India. *Gandhiji also "expressed his
apprehension that British really had no intension of granting Dominion
Status to India in near future".* The Viceroy sent a curt reply and even
refused to see Gandhiji and regretting that letter should contemplate 'a
course of action which was clearly bound to involve violation of the law and
danger to public peace. *The objective of complete independence as desired
in the resolution of 1929 was turned to a request for a Dominion Status and
movement for attainment of repeal of a Salt law. The masses responded to the
call and movement remained generally non-violent and full of heroism of the
Satyagrahies. It was handled by British with brutality of Police force. *

* *

During this Disobedience Movement, the Viceroy Lord Irwin declare that it
is implicit in the declaration of 1917, that not usual issue of Indian
Constitution progress, as there contemplated in the attainment of Dominion
Status. He also announced that the Round Table Conference would be summoned
soon. Congress accepted the invitation, but also wanted to call all other
parties also. It was rejected by British Authorities out rightly. To sort
out the issue a meeting was arranged between Gandhiji and Viceroy. *Gandhiji
wanted a commitment from Viceroy that he should promise that "Dominion
Status was immediately forthcoming". But Lord Irwin was unable to give any
assurance and the meeting was proved futile. *Congress refused to
participate in the first Round Table Conference held from 12-11-1930 to
19-1-1931. It ended with an appeal by Prime Minister for the people of India
to co-operate with British and end agitations. * *

* *

* *To end the deadlock Gandhiji decided to withdraw Salt Agitation 5-3-1931
under Gandhi-Erwin Pack for pave way *for IInd Round Table Conference in
September, 1931 in London*. It was attended by Sh. Gandhiji. In this meeting
Congress expressed it is not interested in petty details of the future
constitution and it is only concerned with the fundamentals i.e. "granting
of Dominion Status in full and at once". The conference failed and also
broke down on Communal question. IIIrd Round Table Conference met in
London in November,1932. The outcome and after subsequent discussions, the
bill of Government of India was passed and it became Act in 1935. This was
totally disapproved by Congress as disappointing and pledged to
non-co-operation with any thing short of Dominion Status. We should under
stand all discussions under Nehru Resolutions. * *

* *

Sh. Maulana Azad proposed to get freedom as soon as the "Japanese reaches
Bengal, and when the British army will withdraw towards Bihar, at this point
the Congress should step in with the aid of our volunteers…… and gain our
freedom. I was surprise to find that Gandhiji did not agree with me". But in
the meeting of the Working Committee* at Wardha on 5th July 1942,** **Gandhiji
spoke to me for the first time about the Quit India Movement. *I could not
easily adjust my mind to this new idea*. I felt that we were facing an
extraordinary dilemma." *(India Wins Freedom page 74). Sh. Maulana Abul
Kalam Azad in favor of organized opposition to the British, but Gandhiji had
not then agreed with him. *But now he is changed and Gandhiji held that the
British would allow him to develop his movement in his own way*. When
Maulana Azad pressed him to tell what exactly would be the program of
resistance, he had no idea. As Maulana Azad It was "On 14 July 1942, the
Working Committee passed a resolution …………… *I need not quote it as the **first
draft of the Quit India Resolution"** *(India Wins Freedom page 78). It is
surprise for me to read "*first draft of QUIT INDIA RESOLUTION'* and also
*This statement which I read first and has compelled me to find some more
details on Struggle of Independence.

This type of discussion for attainment of Dominion Status continued with
Lord Mountbatten during last months of Independence. To quote few "Pandit
Nehru Plan" 31st May.1947 was* "transfer of power on Dominion Status Basis
and they should have almost full control of Army expect on very limited
subjects for which joint Defense Council would be in control". This was
unacceptable to Mr. Jinnah. These types of discussions continued. On this
subject let us not open more pages to provide more details here**, **we can
very well understand that we would have been in the process of another
struggle of Independence to get freedom from British Dominion Rule. It was
the foresightedness of Sh. Sardar Patel and other Nationalist Leaders who
remained in entire discussions and simultaneously prepared to handle the
consequences and kept the Nation United. *

* *

anil bali

Before even Attacking know what you are fighting
Dharma Raksha http://www.hindurashtra.org/
Everyone said he is dead...but is he now BACK FROM THE DEAD

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