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Nov 29, 2008, 1:48:33 PM11/29/08
to Hindurakshak
Good article to read

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Dr. Shiv Kumar Poojari" <chanak...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 19:04:46 +0530
Subject: One Week

*.......Dr. Shivkumar Poojari*

*O*ne week thats all it takes for a common hindu to forget atrocities on
him. Past thousand years have been wasted this way and we ourselves are
responsible for this menace becoming so mammoth, only if we would have
fought fiercely we would have biggest chunk of Hindurasthra probably bigger
than the current russia or USA.

More than 150 Dead around 500 injured by only 26 people who are trained
enough to shoot, hide and sieze. This is a example of what we can see a
building of *Nizame Mustafa*, the ultimate aim of the Islam. Media does not
show the reality because they are controlled by their masters and the
government and since the activity started the statements continuously poured
that the encounter is in the last stage. The police which is supposed to be
the number 2 in the world was running here and there like uncontroled mob,
it has attained number 2 position not because of it training or for instance
methods of investigation but merely because of the use of Cane on the common
hindus to keep them under control. It will really pain many people to hear
that the country cannot be safe because it depends on police which is
utterly not trained and 99.99% corrupt (survey by NGO). We really seem to
be very happy to see republic day and independance day parades witnessing
big arcade of armaments but have we ever pondered that all of them are just
good for fighting in the era of second world was and little later. Have you
wondered why the elite commando group has to be called for 26 terrorists,
reason is the Army is not trained Urban warfare and the Police is not at all
trained to be near any standards which can fight terrorism.

Why are we so happy to see chandrayan landing on the moon, why are we so
happy when bobby jindal becomes a governor, why are we so happy to remember
Kalpana Chawla, why are we so happy to see Sunita (williams), Why are we
happy to hear Obama has a hanuman statue etc, etc, etc., just because Hindu
mind is influenced for past thousand years to have a feel good factor so
that they cant retaliate and keep away from the facts of life.

Again stereotypical media and politicians will say we have defeated and hit
a big blow on terrorists to give feel good factor to Hindus and even the
bunch of jokers will take it verbatim and feel good that the government and
the forces have defeated and are victorious. Well the truth is at what cost
near 150 dead and 500 injured around thousands of crores lost as revenue,
thousands of crores which are going to be lost in coming month as the
tourism is hit and extra efforts will be put to atleast have feel good and
feel safe factor in Mumbai. Continuous feeding of the news will start soon
after the incident that we have defeated the evil and India cannot be
dithered by these incidents. Just to talk strategically and pragmatically,
they were only 26 of them but if we had 260, 2600 or maybe 26000....then...

Now we must realise that "*Government is not the solution of this problem,
Government is the problem"*, think about it keeping the history in mind, all
these people are in politics just to get rich and increase swiss bank
accounts and when country is in problems just runaway leaving it behind. It
does not matter what government is in power congress, left or BJP the fate
of the people is decided by the people themselves. In israel the government
can be anything but the process is such where the government has to act
according to the current pragmatic sentiments of the Lower strata of people,
whereas in India everything is discounted when it comes to the majority of
the people.

When people say that we have a glorious past, I feel liking kicking them on
their asses till they are dead, there was glorious past only before Muslim
rule after that it is a chapter of opression by Islamics and the evangelists
and till now our problems are growing not depleting. Why I keep mentioning
Israel? just because of the fact that they are the richest in world and the
most resilient community when attacked upon, they respond with Iron fist and
keep hitting till the whole cult opposing it is wiped out. All these every
after being almost driven to zero by Adolf Hitler, being surrounded by
powerfull oil arabs and not to forget without their own homeland. Isreal
has always been inviting India with open arms but the Indian politics gives
them cold shoulder, just to keep the image of good boy towards Middle-East,
Europe and USA. If you can remember our school days we all might have seen
such good boys who try to become good in front of teachers by complaining
about other students and lots of other stuffs, I leave it for your
imagination and by the time you get all characteristics of good boy, you
will know that you are ultimately characterising our current country and the

I have been closely associated with uniform and the corporate world but have
found out that we are not even 1% of our real potentials. *Israeli
businessmen and others collectively are the richest cult of the world but
also staunch supporters of Israeli existance and cause. Indian businessmen
are mere money minters with desktop patriotism and pen soldiers*. Israeli
businessmen encourage their people to be active part of nation building by
Indian businessment despite knowing the fact that they have to leave Muslims
for friday Namaz, they suck the last drop of strength of majority Hindus and
keep them busy. Indian businessmen will throw the staff member away to
dustbin if they hear that particular staff member is patriotic and
nationalistic, but will promote political brokers to work with them and
flourish them so that their own economic crimes are kept under the carpet.
Friday namaz the business men have to leave a muslim for namaz that too with
official salary but when hindu asks a half day or a leave for some festival
which is not a public holiday, you just have to see their bloody faces. I
am saying all these not to criticise but to highlight pragmatically to all
Hindus who think they are safe. No they are not because refraining from
nationalism will kill all the hindus either by slaughter or by conversion,
there is practically no way out.

One more thing which differentiates Israel and India is they dont speak
language of "Aar Par khi ladayi", they just do it and let the world analyse
and fight amongst themselves over media. The percentage of hindus who
really bother above their basic needs are miniscule and so pathetic that
this will be the reason for their hypnotic involvement only in family
affairs and working 9 AM to 5 PM.

I would like here to share one more information now boldly as the encounters
are at the decisive end that when Israel heard that few jews are captured as
hostages by this terrorists they kept their troops ready to fly to mumbai
and they moved too. What about Indian government if the caputred are
Islamic then they will act if they are Hindus they will adopt all sort of
pseudo secular outbursts.

Hindus have a bigger problem and that is they dont follow principle which I
term as "*AAA" Acknowledge, Accept and Attack*". We donot *Acknowledge* our
faults, current dangers on culture and religion and many more. If we
Acknowledge the facts our mindset does not allow us to *Accept* that there
is something wrong with us or there is a radical decision to be made. Even
if we Accept we do not *Attack* on the problems or try to improve
ourselves. 99.99% of the action of Hindus just end on the first "A" they
dont progress further. One more thing to remember the *"AAA" *batteries
have to be charged whenever it looses the charge and ensure that the charge
is passed on to further generations.

I am hopefull things will change there are many people like me who believe
in constant struggle against the evils of the humanity but it would be
heavenly sight to see the whole country having one voice and one resolute or
else it just takes *ONE WEEK to forget, get defeated or CHANGE*.

My special thanks to all Israelis for what they are, which keep driving
little energy left in us to aspire to be one step better than you. All my
friends in Israel should know that we share lots of things in common and one
day we will get united and the world will shiver to even voice opinions
against us.

Jai Hind
Dr. Shiv Kumar Poojari
this article is for publication to all media, blog spots and email
circulation. Keep the sanctity of this mail Intact.

Before even Attacking know what you are fighting
Dharma Raksha http://www.hindurashtra.org/
Everyone said he is dead...but is he now BACK FROM THE DEAD

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