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Jul 21, 2013, 8:12:05 PM7/21/13
to rasht...@aol.com

 “I wish to conquer the world like my ancestors.”             CONQUEROR!   (CONDITIONING)

“I wish to convert the world like my ancestors.”               CONVERTER!    (INDOCTRINATION)


No intelligence is needed to guess who says what. And also by elementary observation we can see whether the TERRITORY under their feet is shrinking or increasing.

There is an INVISIBLE FORCE (motivation, or inertia) that moves each one forwards or backwards- slowly, gradually or by leaps & bounds on earth, since nothing is static, nothing stands still, time moves on and so does the story of man.

Now we invite you, esteemed readers, to draw future projections to see as to who will prevail in our shrinking Bharat and who will vanish for ever, after once again (helplessly and passively) going through the process of extreme savagery and brutality of which there is no dearth in Hindusthan, and be dead like dodo- like the BUDDHISTS in Afghanistan, ZOROASTRIANS in Iran, SIKHS in West Punjab and the HINDUS in North Kashmir, East Bengal, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Further, we point out that the former two IDEOLOGICAL “Mass Destruction Weapons” (Conquerors and Converters) are as effective, if not more, as any cluster of nuclear bombs dropped on earth. Only a couple of them exploded on either side of India when “Akhand Bharat” was instantly destroyed, to produce East Pakistan and West Pakistan in 1947. People of Bharat have not recovered from the lethal blow yet since they did not respond or retaliate but went down under, losing consciousness! Who in right senses would call PARTITION “Independence” and go out to embrace the ENEMY?

Our own middle fragment called “Bharat” was immediately occupied by a cunning scoundrel, JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, an expert in deception, who took advantage of the POWER VACCUUM and imposed his own Draconian Dynastic Rule over Hindusthan, calling his colony “Indian Socialist Secular Republic”, or I.S.S.R. We also ought to recall as to how close Nehru was, ideologically, to Marshal Stalin of the USSR.

What an insult to the most revered living Bharat, the younger brother of Sri Rama, since Nehru’s treacherous Constitution bears NO resemblance whatsoever with the qualities of the real Bharat who, if we know our own history, RENOUNCED power and put the wooden sandals of his elder brother Sri Rama on the throne of AYODHYA and waited 14 long years till the return of his brothers Rama and Laxman, with Rama’s faithful spouse Sita (Sita Devi) from exile.

Where do we see the MORALITY, PATRIOTISM and CHARACTER of that Bharat reflected in the life and deeds of the despicable secret agent of Islam, Jawaharlal Nehru, who helped create PAKISTAN, or in his daughter Maimoona Begum (aka “Indira Gandhi”) who rejected the thought of recovering North Kashmir while promptly (and unconditionally!) returning East Pakistan to the MOHAMMED OF MECCA even after its capture by the brave “Jawans” of Indian Army, and where is the comparison of Sri Rama’s brother Bharat with the gallivanting loafer called Rajiv “Gandhi” who turned out to be “Mr. Dirty” when he took the $50 million commission from the Bofors Gun Company of Sweden, earning the abuse of “Bofors Chor”?

MK Gandhi, the greatest appeaser of Islam and a die-hard devotee of his suicidal “Ahimsa”, did show some sense when he noticed Nehru’s open and audacious HIGH TREASON (signing the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of India without any condition or referendum!) and his compelling propensity for dynastic rule and CORRUPTION. Said Gandhi, “Congress should be dissolved.”

That historic legacy (“CONGRESS SHOULD BE DISSOLVED!”) is now for the Indian armed forces to fulfil unless we wish to see the fragment called “Bharat”, now suspended in VACUUM in rigor mortis,  perish like Sindh, East Bengal and North Kashmir in great bloodshed, causing another unprecedented mass migration of history. We must do everything possible NOW to prevent what is foreseeable and imminent.

Given that the Hindu / Sikh MASSES have NOT learnt any lesson from history and are still divided, ignorant, impoverished, scared and intimidated- each one flapping about haphazardly and discordantly for survival in the poisoned Sea of Corruption, we either prolong the agony of the nation or call upon the Army to OUST the Dynasty, dissolve the Congress Party of Crooks, and write up a new CONSTITUTION that fills the alarming power VACUUM by moral and spiritual FORCE (“Shakti”) and utilises the native genius of Hindusthan.

Does anyone still recall the era of two ideological brothers, NEHRU & NASSER?

Well, while India has been stagnating with her brave armed forces watching (and sometimes joining in) the “tamaasha” of treachery, betrayal and corruption, the Egyptian armed forces have acted in a manly manner to remove the so-called “legally elected” government by Muslim Brotherhood and ousted the ruling party for doing exactly what the All India Congress Party has been doing all the time in Bharat- “Ruling by Fooling”.

Egyptians are not born slaves like the suffering, “bashed and battered” Indians. The whole world saw the widespread people’s revolt against the rule of sectarian Muslim Morons on international media, especially television.

At the time of writing (21 July 2013) the deposed President Morsi is in detention. A new Constitution is being written up that will be fair and transparent and ensure that the corrupt are promptly arrested, tried and “executed” in order to inspire the Indians.

The lesson from Egypt, and earlier from Germany, is that apparently “democratically elected governments” too can become rogues, worse than our own ruthless “colonial” masters in the past and at present.

Indian Army could learn from, and be INSPIRED by, the Egyptian army and turn the “S” for “servant and slave” into “M” for “Masters” of our own Destiny and (sacred) “Dharti”.

A new Constitution is the need of the hour and so is the need to notice the majority community (Hindus) in Hindusthan before they become minority and get pulverized!






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