Re: My comments on Maharashtra madarsa dole plan - Pioneer English Daily

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Manoj Padhi

Sep 7, 2013, 3:45:50 PM9/7/13
to Ghulam Muhammed, OTN, bihartoday, hindtoday, ipta
If madarsa system is at par with main stream education system, why we see disproportionate number of backward and conspiracy theory believers among educated Musims.

Please see the above link to know what they study and what you have studied in main stream.

Even Allah can't help a community who is bent on axing all reform efforts.

Baba Ramdev didn't study mainstream but he is not complaining -  he became a Guru. What would happen, if millions of Hindu will study in Gurukul and demand recognition as graduate and post graduate .

Who will hire them for a job ? 

Now, liberal justice Rajinder  Sachar and Ranganath Mishra won't read such comments. They don't try to understand what a community , which had better social status during Islamic rule , now suffering and demanding reservation .

Manoj Padhi

On Saturday, September 7, 2013, Ghulam Muhammed wrote:
My comments posted on Pioneer article:

Ghulam Muhammed

Saturday, September 07, 2013

With a piddling sum of announced 10 Crores, Maharashtra's Congress and NCP government is laying a trap to subvert Muslim community's widespread Madarsa system, funded by communities' own Zakat and donation funding. The rash attempt to control and subvert Muslim Madarsas, with the pretext of introducing modern secular subjects into their syllabus, to enable the Madarsa graduates to fit into service modules of modern economy, is fraught with deception and bureaucratic gerrymandering. In Maharashtra, Ulamas seems to hold considerable influence with their flock and politicians are seen
regularly hobnobbing with the clerics. However, the audacity to trap the poorly paid Madarsa teaching staff and imposing government registration and other formalities on the hither-to-free Madarsa system, is a very clever as well as non-secular move by the Congress-NCP politicians and would be treated by the people as a very crude attempt to garner votes from Muslims. Under no circumstance, Muslim Madarsa education, which is already geared to take up secular subjects in view of new thinking, should come under Government control.

It is an indirect attack on the Muslim community's constitutional right of freedom of religion. The trap however should be exposed to warn the humble clerics of the devious nature of Congress-NCP's offer of help to Muslim community, which has always suffered at the hands of both Congress and NCP. Already BJP has called that all religious education in these madrasas should be stopped if the government is funding them. That should open the eyes of the greedy and untutored Madarsa trustees to what they can expect in future, if they bite into Congress-NCP bait.

Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai

The Pioneer

Maha madarsa dole plan draws flak

Thursday, 05 September 2013 | TN RAGHUNATHA | Mumbai

With an eye to the 2014 Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Maharashtra, the Congress-led DF Government on Wednesday approved a proposal to modernise 1,889 madarsas across the State and set aside `10 crore for refurbishing 200 such Islamic seminaries during the current year.  

At its weekly Cabinet meeting, the State Government decided to moderinise all the 1,889 Islamic seminaries in the State during the next three years. Briefing mediapersons on the State Government’s decision on the fund allocation made for modernisation of madarsas in the State, Minorities Development Minister Naseem Khan said: “We will soon identify first 200 madarsas to be modernised during the current year. The State Government has set aside `10 crore for the purpose. All the madarsas will be identified within next three years”.

Khan said the decision to modernise madarsas was in line with the recommendation made by the Justice Sachar Committee that the students enrolled in madarsas across the State be brought into mainstream of the society, by imparting modern education to them.  

The funds set aside by the State Government would be used for improving the infrastructural facilities at the madarsas like the refurbishment of the structure and improvement of facilities like drinking water, toilet and laboratory in these religious institutions. “For this purchase, each madarsa would be given a grant of `2 lakh. In addition, each madarsa would be given `50,000 as one-time library grant,” Khan said.

“DEd and BEd teachers, teaching in these madarsas, will get `6,000 and `8,000 respectively per month as honorarium.  All teachers, including those teaching traditional subjects as also subjects like science, mathematics, history, Hindi, Marathi or English, will be eligible for receiving honorarium from the State Government,” Khan said. “Similarly, nearly 600 madarsa students, who are studying in IXth or Xth standards in nearby schools, will get annual scholarship of `4,000, while each of nearly 400 in XIth and XIIth standards will get `5,000 annually as scholarship,” the Minister said.

Meanwhile, the Opposition parties in the State hit out at the DF Government for trying to appease the Muslim community ahead of the Lok Sabha and Assembly polls, through its decision to modernise madarsas in the State.

Dubbing Chief Minister Prithiviraj Chavan as a “baba miya”, Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Raut said that the State Government had taken the decision to modernise the Islamic seminaries in the State with the sole objective of appeasing the Muslims in the run-up to next year’s Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in the State.

“The State Government’s policy is not to lend any assistance to any religion institution or organisation. Everybody knows as to what goes on in madarsas and what kind of students they produce. Even a country like Pakistan does not lend assistance to a madarsa.  Similarly madarsa students do not get any scholarships even in Pakistan. Prithiviraj Chavan —whom we call baba miya — has taken this decision, keeping an eye on the elections,” Raut said.

Expressing confidence that the madarsa modernisation move would not have any bearing on the 2014 elections in the State, MNS chief Raj Thackeray said: “There is nothing new in all this. We have all along known the Congress taking such decisions in the run-up to elections. Let us face it, the days of appeasing the Muslim community are now.  Muslim voters are mature enough to know as to whom they should vote. They will not fall for this kind of traps”.

Shiv Sena President Uddhav Thackeray was, however, more critical of the DF government for its modernise madrassas. “Tell me, who are religious fanatics now? On one hand, they do not lose any opportunity to defame Hindu organisations and those parties championing the Hindutva cause. But, the same people - in their effort to garner Muslim votes - are now lending assistance to madrassas. This is not done. Per se we are not against the government lending assistance to anyone. But, when we do something like that, we become religious bigots. When the Congress and NCP do the same, they are called secular parties”.       

Contesting the Opposition leaders’ criticism, Minorities Development Minister Khan said: “The state Assembly elections are due only in the later part of next year. That’s why the decision has nothing to do with elections. My ministry was considering this proposal for the past one year. It has become a habit with the Opposition leaders that whenever we take decisions aimed at benefitting the minorities, backward classes and other backward classes, they make baseless allegations against us”.


Manoj Padhi
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