How to use the Discussion Group and connection to the Community

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Sep 25, 2013, 4:03:15 PM9/25/13
It takes a while to get accustomed to any new collaboration tool.   Here the list of topics is the main way to organize the discussion.  If you want to add a topic similar to another, phrase the title exactly the same, to suggest how it's grouped with others.   

The "Reference Pages" topics are special, not intended for discussion of the subject, but for making up for the "Missing Sidebar" where reference pages links for each general topic might be located.   So update reference pages you find there when possible and only create new ones when needed.   
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Sep 27, 2013, 5:12:13 PM9/27/13
Here is the wording of the invitations that went out at first, that might be useful sometime...

First Invite

Hi!  Come join "Hestia's New World" group *Forum*, versatile group research and discussion site, linked to the social *Community* of the same name on Google+.  We’ll see how our use of both develops.

I personally think that Pat Thompson's invention of “Hestian Home Economics” is a shockingly insightful new way to understand the world of social and economic relationships, the greatest innovation in social thinking in some time...!   It also caught the feminist world quite off guard, and in ten years has stimulated no apparent discussion,... something maybe to discuss and share.  JLH


Hestia's New World concerns the intersection of 3000 years of patriarchal cultures, and the new insights on how that happened and why it won't work.  Bring the forum your explorations, your questions and answers, your recognition of others on the path, your ideas for how to communicate and bridge the perceptual barriers our long "experiment" with looking at the world as an abstraction has given us.

Oh, I forgot to say who I was sending this to.  I went through my good correspondents from the last few years, and picked out the 20 or so really smart feminists and a smaller number of guys with global vision, who I have so enjoyed for thinking beyond roles.

The issue really isn't whether women get equal rewards as "team players" in our culture's rapid squandering of the earth, is it?   Isn't it closer to how desperately we need to restore the severely marginalize archetypes and knowledge of "making homes", allow our species to make its good home on earth?  


Oct 2, 2013, 3:51:08 PM10/2/13
The discussions here are organized as responses to the Main-Topic, and Sub-Topic posts.    
  • It's to make the site more readable, that it's a collection of "short discussions" on individual topic pages someone has started. 
  • To start your own new sub- topic for this page, first click in the box just below the title of the main-topic (here: "How to use the Discussion Group")  where it says "Click here to reply" and introduce the subject or discussion starter you have in mind.
  • To give your sub-topic post it's Own Subject Title, as a new topic or reference page,  you then click on "Edit subject" for your post, clicking on it just above the text editing box that comes up, for introducing the new sub-topic entry you have in mind.    

To respond to someone else's sub-topic, do close to the same thing, 
  • but clicking in the reply arrow at the upper right corner of their post, <~ ).  
  • If you want to give it a title, then "Edit subject". 
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