Haxe for developing for Android, Flash and iOS

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Nov 11, 2013, 9:17:04 AM11/11/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
I am about to start doing software design and implementation of a board game, which will feature:
  1. OpenGL ES for drawing 2D graphics, where some graphics will need to be drawn with an alpha channel (as they are semi transparent)
  2. A multiplayer mode where moves will be sent to, and recieved from, a server
  3. Music, it could really be anything from an MP3 or OGG file to a chip tune, depending on what is easily at my desposal
  4. Persistence, for storing games in progress

I started out studying the Android development trail before I was drawn more and more towards using Haxe instead. Being able to release the game for iOS and Flash as well with little extra effort sounds amazing to me and will open up otherwise closed markets (as I am the sole developer of this game and thus have limited time, even though I will be working full time on the game).

Is OpenFL ( http://www.openfl.org ) the library I should use? Are there any real alternatives to it for this case?

Will I be able to implement my game features listed above using Haxe for Android, Flash and iOS?

As I only have Windows, Linux and Android devices I will not be able to test regularly on iOS during development. When the game is more or less finished I will try to get access to a Mac, iPhone and iPad for platform customization, compilation and testing. Are there some common pitfalls I should stay clear from during development to have as few problems as possible when it is time for the iOS part?

And my last question. Is it all right to discuss OpenFL or another library here or is this forum intended for "pure" Haxe stuff?


Nov 15, 2013, 10:52:56 PM11/15/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
I can't answer all of your questions but here's some thoughts.

  1. OpenGL ES for drawing 2D graphics, where some graphics will need to be drawn with an alpha channel (as they are semi transparent)
OpenFL has an OpenGLView available. Documentation is a bit hard to find. 
  1. A multiplayer mode where moves will be sent to, and recieved from, a server
I recently read about how Proletariat chose Haxe for their game because they could run code on server/client simultaneously. Maybe read about Haxe remoting too.
  1. Music, it could really be anything from an MP3 or OGG file to a chip tune, depending on what is easily at my desposal
I did a bit of experimenting with audio in OpenFL/NME. I ended up choosing WAV format with PCM codec for the sake of compatibility across platforms (iOS/HTML5/Flash) but I didn't experiment with long music clips.
  1. Persistence, for storing games in progress
Perhaps SPOD?

Is OpenFL ( http://www.openfl.org ) the library I should use? Are there any real alternatives to it for this case?

Kha was just released and looks to have good cross-platform potential. I personally would stick with OpenFL as it has a pretty strong foothold already.

And my last question. Is it all right to discuss OpenFL or another library here or is this forum intended for "pure" Haxe stuff?

Nobody will complain. :)

Philippe Elsass

Nov 16, 2013, 2:44:36 AM11/16/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
1. you probably don't want to use OpenGLView to display 2D sprites. Look for the drawTiles API for efficient rendering (batching).
2. Haxe can do Http and socket requests, so any multiplayer server could probably be used
4. OpenFL has a SharedObject that can be used to persist local data

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