Problem with HaxeUI CSS

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Sep 6, 2014, 12:42:04 PM9/6/14
I'm trying to customize the look of a ListView in HaxeUI. However, since I can't find any list of supported css attributes, I'm having some problems. Now I have managed to customize the list mostly how I want except for coloring of the background of the ListView which will show when there isn't enough ListItems to fill the list. Below is and image of my situation:

I want to change that gray area on the left to white. I have no idea how to do that. I tried different attributes, such as addind backgroundColor to the ListView with no avail. Interestingly if I added some padding to the ListView, I get this result:

Notice how the right side of the ListView area is now white with paddingRight: 15; This leads me to think that there is some kind of element inside the ListView which I should manipulate to change the gray color. What is it? I tried to go through HaxeUI's gradient theme to find any css-attributes for that area since in the Layout Builder the Gradient theme paints the gray area to white. However, I didn't find anything which would specify the area from default theme's gray to white.

Finally here is my CSS-definitions for ListView:

Root.popup {
backgroundColor: 0xFFFFFF;
color: #FFFFFF;

ListView {
paddingLeft: 0;
paddingRight: 0;
paddingBottom: 0;
paddingTop: 0;
backgroundColor: 0xFFFFFF;

ListView #content {
color: #FFFFFF;
backgroundColor: #FFFFFF;
paddingLeft: 0;
paddingTop: 0;
paddingBottom: 0;
paddingRight: 0;
spacingX: 0;
spacingY: 0;
cornerRadius: 0;

ListView #nocontent {
backgroundColor: #FFFFFF;

ListView:disabled {
borderColor: 0xFFFFFF;

.even #text, .odd #text {
color: #4180ab;

.even:selected Text, .odd:selected Text, .even:over Text, .odd:over Text {
color: #000000;

//when boxes are not active
.even, .odd {
backgroundColor: #FFFFFF;
fontSize: 16;
fontName: "_sans";
color: #8ab3cf;
paddingLeft: 8;
paddingTop: 8;
paddingRight: 8;
paddingBottom: 8;
borderColor: #8ab3cf;
borderSize: 1;

//change box to orange when hovering it
.even:over, .odd:over {
backgroundColor: #f38630;

.even:selected, .odd:selected {
backgroundColor: #f38630;
color: 0xffffff;

ListViewItem #subtext {
color: 0xffffff;
fontSize: 11;

ListSelector, DateSelector {
fontSize: 13;
fontName: "_sans";
color: 0x000000;
paddingLeft: 5;
paddingTop: 2;
paddingBottom: 2;
paddingRight: 5;
backgroundImageScale9: 5,5,15,15;
backgroundImageRect: 0,0,20,20;
iconPosition: "right";
textAlign: "left";

ListSelector:over, DateSelector:over {
color: 0x000000;
backgroundImageScale9: 5,5,15,15;
backgroundImageRect: 20,0,20,20;

ListSelector:down, DateSelector:down {
backgroundImageScale9: 5,5,15,15;
backgroundImageRect: 40,0,20,20;

Thank you very much of any help. I have banged my head to wall several hours now because of this :(


Sep 8, 2014, 4:56:47 PM9/8/14
I finally managed to solve problem. By going to the HaxeUI library to the toolkit/style/DefaultStyles.hx I found a style definitions for "Container". Apparently this is the
element which was gray on pictures above. So adding the following css-rules solved the problem:
Container {
backgroundColor: 0xFFFFFF;

Ian Harrigan

Sep 9, 2014, 5:31:49 AM9/9/14
Sorry for the late reply, it was my birthday weekend so wasnt about much! Anyways, glad you managed to fix it...

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