Source "Out" the Std classes as Haxelib?

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Jörg Wasmeier

Aug 15, 2015, 6:08:49 AM8/15/15
to Haxe
Hi there,

i have just an idea and perhapse we can discuss it. I work a lot with the great IntelliJ plugin in and with it you get this awesome code-compeltion and every time is use it i see so many std classes for languages like C# and Java and the other stuff that i do not need because i use haxe "only" for javascript. So what i do is go to the std folder an delete the unnecessary classes and that its all good. When the next version of haxe would arrive a will do the same stuff again, and thats perhapses not the best workflow.

So i wonder if it would make sense to move parts oft std libs to haxelib so you can "install" the languages that you want and need with haxelib and updated it with haxelib. Perhapses there is an benefit in keep the std classes more updated because or prevent breaking changes (the JS externes classes had a lot changes in the past). 

In example the nodeJS are also in an extern repository and are not delivered in the std folder so this it is a little bit inconsequent too.

Anyway its just an idea and a question and not so important, I love haxe and the community and I can only resist thank for the great work of all of you.

Nicolas Cannasse

Aug 15, 2015, 6:25:09 AM8/15/15
Seems like an IDE job to filter out the classes based on your project
settings and target platform. Haxe makes it easy by having one package
per platform. Regarding distribution, it's easier for us to ensure that
the std library is in sync with the compiler.


Philippe Elsass

Aug 15, 2015, 5:53:49 PM8/15/15
to Haxe
You should report that to IntelliJ Haxe plugin's maintainers to look into a solution.
That's a bit annoying to implement but we did it for FlashDevelop.

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Jörg Wasmeier

Aug 16, 2015, 3:11:08 AM8/16/15
to Haxe
Yeah thanks i did for some months but i thinks the have more important stuff to work on.

I just want to discuss it in general if it not make sense to make languages installable wit haxelib like "nodejs" (okay its not an language but there is a nodejs logo on the haxe website that you can target it, what you not can do with the std lib). But as Nicolas say when it is easier to keep the compiler sync with the std library when you distribution all together than this is a point.

have a nice day
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