hxcpp static library hxRunLibrary issue.

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Mar 15, 2016, 10:56:11 AM3/15/16
to Haxe
Hello guys,

New to Haxe and hxccp and unsure what the problem is.

I compiled a bunch of Haxe utility classes (logger, config, io etc) to a static library and call it from a Visual Studio 2013 C++ test application.

1. First I had some invalid cast runtime errors in the cpp-generated Haxe Main() itself triggered by some multi-inherited Interface

The error is always in Object.h in CastPtr dynamic_cast:

   inline void CastPtr(hx::Object *inPtr,bool inThrowOnInvalid)
      if (inPtr)
         mPtr = dynamic_cast<OBJ_ *>(inPtr->__GetRealObject()); //ERROR: Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call.

I could apparently get rid of the issue by either using @:unreflective or by transforming the Interface into an 'Abstract' class.
Also tried /vmg and /vmm msvc options and -D dynamic_interface_closures without success.

2. Now I'm having a weird issue in the C++ app main():

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

const char *err = hxRunLibrary();
if (err) {
// Unhandled exceptions ...
fprintf(stderr, "Error %s\n", err);
return -1;

If no more code in the main() I have no crash.

If I add some code dealing with some ::haxe interface class also used in one of my haxe library classes for a cast operation then I get a invalid cast crash in hxRunLibrary's __boot_all()


After the hxRunLibrary() line in the main() I create and use a cpp Logger object from my static library, this Logger uses a ::haxe::IMap internally

Then  when hxRunLibrary is called:

void Logger_obj::__boot()
::haxe::IMap tmp1 = ((::haxe::IMap)(tmp)); HX_STACK_VAR(tmp1,"tmp1");   // => BOOM, INVALID CAST

BTW I've tested this Haxe Logger class in the Haxe Main() of the static library and it seems to work when called from the C++ app via hxRunLibrary()).

What am I doing wrong ? 
Is there any hxcpp sample project that does this kind of thing (using a Haxe cpp static library from a VS console application) ?

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