Back In The Good Old USSA

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9 de des. 2017, 10:51:269/12/17
a Socio-Economics For the Majority

In the United Socialist States of America, both small and large business are being forced out of business in record numbers. Automotive repair shops as an example, are closing in massive numbers is communities throughout the country. Why?


The current recovery, although one of the three longest in U.S. history is also the weakest one ever.  I don’t want to rub it in, but we told you this was going to happen some 35+ years ago. We are the libertarians who may be the most misunderstood ideology of all.


Libertarians believe in less government and we surely don’t believe the things our government text books told us that government is there to do those things we as a society can’t do without government. If private enterprise can build roads, sewage treatment plants, the Panama Canal, bridges, rockets that go into deep space and even private militia groups like the Green Mountain Boys, that without the voluntary associations, the likelihood of America being what it is today, instead of a British colony, would not have occurred. The American Revolution, based on individual liberty, literally changed the world. Sadly, the average American has lost their will to protect our liberties and thus acquiesce to the status quo for fear of upsetting the apple cart.


Government is not a voluntary association. You are forced to be a part of it, and those that challenge the system are often imprisoned or force to flee like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, for doing so. Private enterprise doesn’t kill their potential customers or hold a gun to their heads to buy their products; that would be the government. The entire system of nation-states throughout the world are based on brut and violent force if necessary, and they, according to University of Hawaii Professor Rummel, the governments of the world have killed over 200 million people, he calls Democide “just” in the 20th century alone. Whites in Germany and Russia, blacks in Africa and asians in Cambodia and Laos have all been killed in mass by their own governments, so this is not just human nature, this is directly because of the system of legalized force we call government. Private enterprise doesn’t kill their potential customers or hold a gun to your head to buy their products.  


We have the large amount of chaos, murder and crime today because of government. Just think back on the amount of conflict the various governments have done to the world, and there is overwhelming evidence government is at the very least a major part of the problem. Just 300 years ago, the English and other government were burning people at the stake of being witches. And in the case, the government recruited a church to be a part of the murders.


How about the terrorism so rampant in the world today? As Peter Ustinov stated, “Terrorism is the war of the poor as War is the terrorism of the rich.” The governments do want to acknowledge that these are just poor people fighting back against the atrocities and injustices being committed by the governments of the world. That some of the fighters like ISIS have been financed by the various governments.


We have so many redistribution of wealth schemes instituted at the various levels of government affecting America today, that it requires taxes that are so high, it is forcing people and businesses into bankruptcy and foreclosure at the highest levels in our history, much higher than even the Great Depression.  Small business are dropping like flies and people are investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and other highly risky ventures to try to survive. In Venezuela, Bitcoin is being used as a primary currency because the government money has lost so much of it’s value, no one wants to use it anymore. The most stable money gold and silver are so highly manipulated by the various government central bankers that the prices are extremely low to try to prevent the investment in them like is happening to bitcoin. As the U.S. Dollar continues to lose its value, at some point in the very near future, you will see another rush to the bimetals that we haven’t seen in some years.     


Will this happen in America? Of course, no society in world history has ever escaped the negative influences of government. You think the 2008 crash had a profound influence on our society, just wait till the next one hits and it’s coming very soon, many think it has already started.
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