Why God? Why Now?

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George Schiro

Oct 9, 2020, 6:18:16 PM10/9/20
to gg
President Trump was infected with the COVID-19 virus. He said "I think this
was a blessing from God" and his cure "miracles coming down from God" (MIT
Tech Review, "Trump's antibody treatment ...",
https://tinyurl.com/y42rvh7g ).

There is unprecedented chaos and unrest in our streets (Fox News, "US
protests: More riots and lawlessness in cities across nation",
https://tinyurl.com/y6ewautn ).

Wildfires are burning in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida,
Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah,
Washington and Wyoming (CNN, "Wildfire Safety",
https://tinyurl.com/yyav4bpu ).

Greenland is melting into the sea (The Guardian, "Greenland's melting ice
raised global sea level ...", https://tinyurl.com/vj58tgz ).

We are experiencing another catastrophic hurricane season - and it isn't
over yet (Market Watch, "How the 2020 hurricane season could end up rivaling
the worst on record", https://tinyurl.com/y2kdzxtm ).

We are also experiencing historic floods (US Gov, "Historical Flooding",
https://tinyurl.com/y68r2o9s ).

We are living through a new plague of locusts (NPR, "Locusts Are A Plague Of
Biblical Scope In 2020..." https://tinyurl.com/y965wyhq ).

A global pandemic with more than 200,000 Americans dead - so far - is raging
(Fox News, "Live Updates: Coronavirus deaths surpass 200,000 in the US",
https://tinyurl.com/y6ykyhl6 ).

Is God sending us a message? If so, what could it be?

George Schiro

Oct 18, 2020, 4:39:52 PM10/18/20
to harm...@googlegroups.com
From "The Atlantic" today (see https://tinyurl.com/yyqpq8wz ):

Evangelicals Made a Bad Bargain With Trump
People of faith should embody moral and intellectual integrity.


The conservative evangelical David French has reminded
us that in 1998, during the Bill Clinton-Monica
Lewinsky scandal, the Southern Baptist Convention
passed a "Resolution on Moral Character of Public
Officials," declaring that it was wrong to "excuse or
overlook immoral or illegal conduct by unrepentant
public officials so long as economic prosperity
prevails," because "tolerance of serious wrong by
leaders sears the conscience of the culture, spawns
unrestrained immorality and lawlessness in the society,

and surely results in God's judgment."

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