During the discussion, a newly formed coalition of community members
and vendors was discussed. This group, the Open eHealth
Collaborative, is drafting language that is being used in DC for
upcoming legislation so it is an excellent opportunity to voice your
I've posted information on this Open eHealth Collaborative group here:
Thanks, Ben
There's a couple billion in it for health care IT.
Richard Schilling
> There have been rumbling, for at least a year that I'm aware, that NIST
> should be and has been asking to take over the certification activities.
> They are, after all, the National Institute of *Standards* and Technology.
"The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall invest in the infrastructure
necessary to allow for and promote the electronic exchange and use of health
information for each individual in the United States consistent with the goals
outlined in the Strategic Plan developed by the Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information Technology." p155
... (b) LIMITATION.—None of the funds appropriated to carry out this section may
be used to make significant investments in, or provide significant funds for,
the acquistion of hardware or software or for the use of an electronic health or
medical record, or significant components thereof, unless such investments or
funds are for certified products that would permit the full and accurate
electronic exchange and use of health information in a medical record, including
standards for security, privacy, and quality improvement functions adopted by
the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
> There have been rumbling, for at least a year that I'm aware, that
> NIST should be and has been asking to take over the certification
> activities. They are, after all, the National Institute of
> *Standards* and Technology.
> .a