More AI News - This time from Politico

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Nancy Anthracite

Apr 29, 2024, 10:26:38 PMApr 29

"RADAR SWEEP FORAGE AT YOUR PERIL — Expert mushroom foragers are noticing a concerning trend: A number of ebooks popping up online about guides to finding mushrooms in the wild that are plain incorrect. As in — follow their advice, and you might end up poisoning yourself. After doing a little bit of digging, the trend appears to stem from companies that are using artificial intelligence to create these cheap books about mushrooms. The problem is, AI isn’t advanced or careful enough yet to not make some basic mistakes. This issue, which we’re seeing in all kinds of industries and places, is particularly bad when one of these mistakes could kill you. Constance Grady reports for Vox."


Nancy Anthracite

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