FW: Master Gardener Coordinator Position, UCCE Santa Clara

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Rob Bennaton

2019年8月26日 13:30:092019/8/26
收件人 Rob Bennaton

Subject: FW: Master Gardener Coordinator Position, UCCE Santa Clara


Please forward this posting to anyone and/or any group

you believe may know someone who is interested in this position.


Thank you,

Rob Bennaton,

University of California Cooperative Extension

Alameda & Contra Costa County Director/

Bay Area Urban Agriculture Advisor

Landline: (510) 670-5621   rben...@ucanr.edu 

Best to Email as well, if URGENT!       


UC ANR is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

UC ANR es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.


Subject: FW: Master Gardener Coordinator Position, UCCE Santa Clara


Now Hiring.

Master Gardener Coordinator Position, UCCE Santa Clara


Coordinate a dynamic program in agricultural and environmental education for Santa Clara County residents.  Work with 300+ Master Gardeners and supervise a motivated team providing educational programs at demonstration gardens and through workshops and an MG Help Desk on a range of topics including integrated pest management, edible gardening, native plants, ornamentals and irrigation management. Cultivate community and county partnerships to promote healthy, sustainable home gardens.


Apply here by September 15, 2019jobs.ucop.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=61965




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