Free HK Bloggers with Wordpress @ Software Freedom Day 09 HK (19 Sept)

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Sep 8, 2009, 12:28:05 PM9/8/09
to Hong Kong Bloggers Group

今年香港國際軟件自由日安排了一個 wordpress 分享聚會,先邀請了兩位 bloggers - Jay 和 Stone Ip 來分享他們
的 wordpress 使用經驗。

希望繼今年 WordCamp 之後,再一次讓香港 bloggers 一聚。如果你是 wordpress 博客用家,歡迎你們來聚聚,也希望你們
對 wordpress 提提意見,讓有興趣幫手的開發者協助開發有關 wordpress add-ons。

如果你尚未成為 wordpress 用家的 bloggers,更加要來聽聽 wordpress 博客用家的經驗分享,了解 wordpress
和你所使用的 BSP 的分別。

軟件自由日並不是一個技術研討,同時也是一個輕鬆的軟件應用推廣、和用家聚會。自由和開源軟件已滲入我們的生活,除了 wordpress 之外,還
有 Firefox、Linux、OpenOffice、7-zip 等等。

當日除了 wordpress 分享之外,還有一些非技術講座,部份主講也是香港 bloggers。以下是當日部份非技術講座。
- A Startup Case Study of Open Source Software (Leon Ho).
- Uses of OSS in Internet Radio (Jonathan Sin, MobileRadio.HK).
- Free/Open Source in Education (Creative Commons HK, HKU Comp Sci,
EDB, Wikimedia HK).


Software Freedom Day 2009, Hong Kong

Date: 19th September 2009, Saturday.
Time: 2 - 7pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre LT-3, Classroom Y4701, and Classroom Y4702,
4/F City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue,
Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Fee: Free of charge.
Lanaguages: Cantonese or English, with English slides.
Offical Wiki Page:
Offical Page at SFD web site:

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an annual worldwide event to promote
Software Freedom and Free/Open Source Software. SFD 2009 will be held
on 19 September 2009 Saturday.

OAKA will be a organiser in Hong Kong. Some talks are arranged for
users and techies.

Please register at and share SFD on


A. Technology Track (Lecture Theatre LT-3):

- Enterprise-class open source virtualization from the server to the
- Development with Android.
- JavaFX - Free and Open Source RIA for Mobile, TV and Desktop.
- The Apache Way.
- GGG Project.

B. Community Track (Classroom Y4701):
- Open source developers from Hong Kong.
- Incubating Open Source Communities.
- Free HK Bloggers with Wordpress.

C. Application Track (Classroom Y4702):
- A Startup Case Study of Open Source Software.
- Uses of OSS in Internet Radio.
- Free/Open Source in Education.

Organisor: Opensource Application Knowledge Association (OAKA)

Gold Sponsor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Sponsors: CWLinux Limited, HKDay Limited.

Wifi Sponsor: FON Hong Kong.

Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
Creative Commons Hong Kong
Debian HK
Embedded Linux Interest Group
Software Freedom International (SFI)

Supporting Organisations:
Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK)
Hong Kong Linux Industry Association (HKLIA)

Aims of Software Freedom Day 2009, Hong Kong are:

1. Introduction and promotion of local open-source software projects
and developers in Hong Kong.
2. Communication with end-users, and promotion of OSS to end-users.
3. Promotion of Software Freedom and Open Source culture, and
4. Introduction of free-of-charge or open-source software in different
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