The Violence in Finfinne and the Lessons Learned

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Nov 8, 2005, 5:13:30 PM11/8/05
to Gumii- Dagaagina-Afaan-Oromoo
Dear friends and all,

Please allow me to go out of topic and share my views with you. I am
doing this not because I have absolute power in the room or anything
else just to clarify what kept as silent for over a week now with no
activity both in this group and the translation page.
With that said, it is undeniable that "All eyes were on Ethiopia"
last week. Not only Oromians and the nations and nationalist in the
empire but also the world at large. Well it is so sad personally to
hear those young kids whom parents were shot to death; however the
chauvinist did all that just to satisfy their ambition of "Greater
Ethiopia" that ceased long ago. On the other side the Wayyane's
once again told the world that they will never give up their hard
gained power through a democratic means whatsoever. They even went on
saying the international communities should not interfere in their
internal affairs. So many statements were issued but not had changed.

When we look closely at what is happening as far as the protests and
killings go, unusually it spread north this time. It is wise to note
what had happened in the last decade in the empire. When Oromo students
in Finfine and other Universities voiced their questions asking for
their basic rights and academic freedom the Amhara's and other
nationalist turned deaf ear. At times when Oromo students were in
prison camps the Amhara kids took final exam. Hundreds of Oromo
students were dismissed, many left their countries and still suffering
in border countries others are incarcerated to date.
Oromo Diaspora did its part and held worldwide demonstrations
condemning the tyrant Zenawi at different times. The Amhara's teased
as saying that "going to state department or united nations and
throwing slogans doesn't change a thing!" but because nothing is is just the students fault. Now it seems they changed
their mind since the aftermath of the election there is a demonstration
somewhere everyday. Is it changing anything? Time will tell.......
The sad part is then, the news that I heard from SBO that goes
"Oromians back home are ready to march against the dictators" sad
indeed. My question is why now and for whose benefit?

As I tried to mention here above, the world is paying attention to the
chauvinist Amhara Yeyyi's who are crying to takeover the empire and
get rid of the article 39 of the constitution. The nation wide
demonstration in Oromia that is underway is for totally different
motive---and of course the slogans would not be "Birtukan is our
heroine" however, to demand immediate releases of Oromo detainees
including the Maca Tulama leaders but not limited to. And to demand for
OLF to join Oromians in their struggle to self-determination from
within the country. My point here is that our question will be
mis-understood and the Cud's will take the opportunity to tell their
allies that it is a nation wide opposition in regard to the so called
"Third-Multi party election".

Kanaf, our brother's back home who are on our mailing list should
collaborate with us what is being happening inside Oromia. Why the
organizers decided or choose this time and so on.
Looking at the current upheaval from the other angle I do share the
views of many that it will terrorize the already shaken tyrant regime
of Zenawi.
Last but no least; allow me to tell you what I learned from the
Amhara's on the ongoing. They have denied for long the fact that
Oromians are the majority and deserve Billisummaa but as you can see
now they are saying that "Oromos are the majority" I believe they
just woke up! The worst enemies of CUD were OLF, Zenawi and the then
Junedi Sado of OPDO....they even made cartoons that show Junedi and
Meles as the worst enemies of Ethiopia. But now they kept on
interviewing the OLF leaders...they seem to ask them to join hands we
them for the liberation of Ethiopia, as they finally come to call it
pre and post election time.

Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you all, most importantly
from our brothers in Oromia.
We should get started with our project soon,

Nov 8, 2005, 6:10:36 PM11/8/05
Dear respected Oromians,
I here with send you brotherly greetings and thank obbol Damee to keep us connected and awake.

It is also true that the current political tumoil within the disintergrating empire has divided our attention.
Concerning the said Oromian demonstration, I would also like to adda some questions (in addition to that
of obbol Damee). Here follow my additional questions.

1) Do you think that the western countries shall reinforce the TPLF government to dissolve the standing
(the current) parliamnet, even if Oromians demonstrate through out its legislative period (i.e the whole
of the following five years)?

2) If the west shall not reinforce the TPLF government to dissolve the standing (the current) parliament,
who shall benefit from Oromian blood (demonstrations)? I believe that it is only the strongest opposition
within the current parliamnet which shall benefit. And that is the CUD (yeyyii Amahaaraa). Then, why
should Oromians bleed (demonstrate) for the benefit of the CUD ? I would like to hear and learn from
all of you.

Than you very much.

T. Ganamoo Caamsaa

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von: Damee <>
An: Gumii- Dagaagina-Afaan-Oromoo <>
Datum: 08.11.2005 23:13
Betreff: The Violence in Finfinne and the Lessons Learned
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