Perth Volunteer Minutes Nov 28/14

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Tom Clarke

Dec 10, 2014, 7:38:53 PM12/10/14

Thank you Nadar for doing the minutes and Rita for proofreading


Held at Coutts & Company Coffeehouse (Code’s Mill, Perth, Ontario)

Present: Tom Clarke, Rita Redner, Paul Hauraney, Keith Walker, Graeme Fenwick, Liisa Rissanen, Al Teflissi

Regrets: Marcia & Irwin Pencer, Phill Brackenbury, Terri Henderson,

Chair: Rita Redner

Secretary: Al Teflissi

1. Tom welcomed Liisa to GSP meeting. Liisa plans to join the 2015 trip.

2. Oct. 17 minutes were approved. There were no action items.

3. Upcoming Events:

- GSP Volunteer Trip Jan 31-Feb 14, 2015: There will be about 19-20 people going on this trip including one from NYC and two from Pennsylvania. Travelers can choose their own departure airports, routes and arrival dates/times in Guatemala.

However they should be in Antigua before Feb. 1st, if they want to take the Shuttle to Xela, which departs Antigua at 9 am on Feb 1.

As in previous years, GSP plan to take much needed medicine to Guatemala – carried by volunteers – hopefully up to 3 Physician Travel Pack obtained from Health Partners International.

We have since learned that we only have one PTP and are still looking for more. Phill mentioned he could ask Greg Walsh, if anyone else knows a doctor who might sponsor one, let Tom know.

  • Stove Building Workshop: will be held at Tom and Rita’s on Sunday Jan. 4, 2015, starting at 10 am and ending mid-afternoon. It is very important that all volunteers on the upcoming trip be present at this workshop. Lunch will be potluck. Participants should bring trowel and wear warm work clothes (workshop not heated). They should also bring with $225 CND as cheque or cash to pay for travel expenses (ground transportation in Guatemala).

  • Keith is going to have presentations at PDCI (as a part of Link Leadership Program), St Johns HS (Social Action Committee) and Glen Tay School in December.

  • Giving Tuesday on Dec. 2nd: Rita has entered into this partnership – Idea: donating time and/or money – Facebook page –Goal: e.g. 10 stoves

  • LIUNA (Labour Union): Tom will be presented with a $5000 donation cheque from the union on Dec. 4th.

  • Tom informed about $50 Donation we are now listed on their website.

  • Stoves Documentation Checklist: Rita shared the new checklist. This will be further discussed with Steering Committee at their meeting on Monday Dec. 1st.

4. Past Events:

  • Sue Lightford set up a table at Interval House Women’s Fair in Carleton Place Arena on Nov 8th. Raised almost $1000. Thank you Sue!

  • Ottawa Fundraiser held on Nov 8th, Great turn out, great live Latin music, raised substantial amount (no report available), Al and Tom attended from Perth.

  • Presentation to Perth Rotary Club with Paul, Tom and Jose at Codes Mill on Nov 10 at lunch: 20 people were present; Jose made a nice speech that was translated by Tom. Money raised was not significant however it was well received.

  • Perth Fundraiser Dance: raised $6,302 - $600 less than last year mostly due to higher Band and Sound System expenses. Learning: we should aim for less silent auction items. Also higher bidding increments, eg: $5 or $10 vs. $2.

  • St James Anglican Church presentation with Paul, Tom, and Jose on Nov. 16: It was a moving ceremony, the reverend has been very supportive but she is retiring. Over $1000 was raised (mostly cheques). Great support and endorsement from Mike Else (our contact for this church). Thanks Mike.

  • Tom reported on funds transferred for 100 more stoves to Guatemala – to be built by Clara and CEDEC, 50 stoves each. We have built 650 stoves this year. Wow!!

  • Keith Walker’s Trip to Guatemala: Keith reported on his visit with scholarship students. Some students have dropped out due to low grades. Cantel students are doing well and they can get trained as electricians, etc. Keith shared photos of the students. GSP Scholarship fund – 4 out of 5 going from Basico to Majesterio (like: community college), One student Tom and Rita have been supporting from Escuela de Sam has graduated from Teacher’s College. Keith was at the graduation ceremonies both Santa Catarina and Pannamaquim. The Comedor at the Escuela de Sam is transformed into a library.

  • St Paul United Church Presentation with Tom and Terri: Good gathering after the Service in Auditorium.

5. Feb. 2015 Trip Commitment: Tom asked those interested in the trip should commit asap, as we are getting to full capacity. They should attend the Jan 4th workshop as discussed above.

6. Next Volunteer Meeting: Friday Jan 9, at 6:30 pm. at Coutts Coffee (Code’s Mill, Perth, Ontario)

GSP Mtg Nov 28, 2014-1.doc
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